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New meat

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Posts posted by New meat

  1. Thanks guys. I have been to sunbrite supply a few years ago. I purchased my x-jet and x-jet pale there. I did not know they had 12.5 sh. I have been lurking here for a while reading as much as I can. I have a note book filled with notes. You are right there is a boat load of good information here.

    I would like to get into pressure washing to add to my business. I don't want to be a hack. That is why I'm here. I see enough of that around here the way it is. As far as the user name, I was just trying to be funny. I like to joke around and have a good time. Life is serious enough the way it is.

    I just didn't want to come on here and start asking a bunch of newbie questions and have a potential customer(down the road) question my knowledge or ability to complete the work professionally. I don't plan on doing anything for money until I feel confident in what I'm doing. Just trying to learn from you pro's so that I can do a good, professional job.

    Thanks again, Dave...

  2. I would like to find it in small quantities. I want to practice on my own home and some friends of mine houses. I have pressure washed my own home in the past, but I used regular bleach and Jo Max house wash from Home Depot. I would like to try some simple cherry and some 12.5% Sh.

    This is a great site and I have spent hours reading to the point that my wife is getting upset with me.

