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Everything posted by LNEMUP1

  1. Beth, Thanks a million. Please keep me posted. Even though everything I have read on this board came across a guy close to that I have been in contact with that is willing to help me out. Really nice guy that answer a bunch of my questions and said when I get to the point of equiptment purchase he would do what he could to help me out new or used. Any help I can get though is much appreciated. Thanks again Just really bummed I at this point still have no idea whats going on with this guy John.
  2. Andrew thanks that is actually the number I called. Apparently he can no longer be reached at that number according to the lady that answers the phone. Have to admit I am looking to get into the business and thought I was getting a jump, sucks to have this being my first experience. On a positive note though things have to get better lol.
  3. Nope no money spent yet.Contacted him immediatly after auction ended, told him wanted to pay on pickup. He is only an hour from me. Looking more and more like John may not be a standup guy. At a minimum I would have expected him to call me back.
  4. Pete,

    Thanks fo your reply. My contact # is 571-259-0171 and my email Rvonherb@comcast.net.

  5. Well I hope this is something that can still be worked out, but after winning this auction 2 days ago, John refuses to return any of my emails. After contacting the phone number for the company a very nice lady answered informed me that John can no lnger be reached at that number. When I explained to her that I won to the action for the company and was trying to get ahold of him for payment and pick she told me that she would have someone call me back, which has not happened yet. Will update when I have more info. Chris