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About Outlaw

  • Rank
    TGS Member
  • Birthday 06/13/1965

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  • City & State
    Magnolia, Tx
  • Occupation
  1. Todays Deck

    Yeah, and i didn't skimp, two coats, like i said, the customer was estatic, I'll be in tomball at some point today, so I'll just drop it off, I need to make me a sample board like that, I'll have to get with you and see if i can scrounge a couple of brush fulls of each color Gav
  2. Todays Deck

    I used about 8 gallons, very easy to spray and very little back brushing, that old wood was just soaking it in. Gav
  3. Todays Deck

    That was Gold, maybe it was the sunlight, but we have plenty of that around here, it did look wonderfull though
  4. Todays Deck

    "So i take it you liked the Gray Away ?" Loved it and whats more important is, my customer was over the moon, good stuff
  5. Mostly testing my camera and a shout out to Shane, good stuff, oh yeah, I'll return your sample board tomorro, my bad.
  6. Deer Hunting FL Style!

    I don't care where he came from, he's one bad mofo!!! Gav
  7. house wash pics

    it never ceases to amaze me how people let their homes get in such a state, I noticed the Christmas lights and the Easter decorations, were The 4th of July decorations in the back? Gav
  8. Thats cold dude, even from you I would expect a little bit better! Gav
  9. Well, I just called Sherwinn williams and it appears that it does need to be stripped, they got the bid at just under $2500, so we'll see, around here most my $1 sq ft bids get low balled by about half and I can't make no money doing decks at that price. Gav
  10. This is a big deck with a couple hundred ft of spindle railing, a spa, a gazebo, tri level, lots of lights , I won't turn it down, but I will price it so that if I get it, I wont regret it. Gav
  11. Thanks Andy, I got to tell you, if this deck needs stripping, I don't want it and I will price it accordinly. Gav
  12. Does anyone know, I went to the Cuprinol website, but it's down for reconstruction and the Shewin Williams website isn't worth doodly squat. Gav
  13. Has anyone dealt with this before, does it absolutley need to be stripped if I'm reapplying the same thing? Gav

    In other words Don't feed the trolls
  15. April Fool Check

    So I get through cleaning windows at my customers house last friday and ring the doorbell to collect my check, the husband comes to the door and writes the check while engadging me in conversation, I put the check in my clipboard thank him and leave. The next morning my wife gets ready to go to the bank to deposit the check when she notices that the guy had written $394 in the small space, but then had written out Three hundred and 00/94 c The bank will go with whats actually written out, so i call the customer and the wife answers, shes the one who actually hired me and I knew the husband was peed off about it, I explain to her what happened and then drive over to exchange checks. You could tell she was embarrassed and he of course didn't come to the door, I have no doubt that he tried on purpose to rip me off. Moral of the story, read dem checks. Gav