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Posts posted by Outlaw

  1. I almost don't want to say anything in case i'm tempting fate, but my HD unit is 3 years old and has been worked Hard and is still running like a champ, however, i don't feel like pushing my luck anymore, so I will be semi retiring her to a back up roll.

    When I got this one, it only carried (I think) a 3 month warranty for commercial use, the one at Lowes carries (I think) a 2 year warranty for commercial use.

  2. I'm not sure, the machine I have now has an AR, if i'm not mistaken, I thought all the HD and Lowes machines had either General, cat or AR, I could be wrong on that, I will check on the pump make this weekend.

    The reason I figured it was cheaper is because it is put together by Delta, most their tools are cheaper than their rivals, not sure why, I have had a Delta chop saw for a few years now and never have had any problems, however, I'm always kind of wary about bargains.


  3. Mostly residential housewashes, I have a cold water 3600 psi 4 GPM machin with an 11 HP honda engine, it's still going good but I want a second machine, they are aprox $1000 at HD and Lowes for the same, Sams has theirs price at $800, Honda engine, the main difference I see is the GPM, I was just wondering if I would regret "saving" the $200 or so.


  4. Thanks Ryan, I've been around these boards long enough to know I should have done a search first, but sometimes my memeory needs jogging. This is 20 year old sideing that has never been cleaned and i did indeed get too close from underneath in order to get all the cacoons off, well I guess I will be returning and cleaning from a distance.

    Thanks Gav
