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Posts posted by Outlaw

  1. The house I did yesterday had vynal sideing on the garage, I have never had trouble with vynal sideing till yesterday, well, whilst the outside came clean as expected, dirt kept seeping out from behind and leaving brown streaky trails. I rinsed and rinsed to no avail, so then I decided to do the house and let the garage dry out some and then rinse briefly at the end, still no good.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks Gav

  2. Thanks for all the help on this one guy's, the job went great (though I did spend more time on it than I figured), the husband wasn't home when I left after staining it, so the wife paid me.

    But he did call later that evening to thank me and tell me how wonderfull the deck looked, that dark red Ready seal does look good and I have enough left over to do one of my decks:~)

    once again thanks


  3. Thanks Reed

    My main problem is time does seem to be one of the larger factors, I would have quite happily put it off till after Xmas and i knew I was taking a chance getting shelf bought goods, i have enough Wolmans wood brightener for about two gallons, do you think the oxy clean would mix with that, or would that be chancey.

    Also, I'm worried about the cirlcles of new looking wood where the plant pots are/were, how bad do you think they would show up through the Dark Red?

    Thanks Gav

  4. I just got a bid to clean and seal a deck with Dark red Ready Seal, and I have a few questions, actually getting this deck job this close to Xmas suprised me, but anyhow, they want it done in time for the holidays and I want the cash in time for the holidays:~)

    well to start off with I didn't have any cleaner or brightener so i went to lowes and got some Flood Deskwood, its an oxcillic based cleaner and I wasn't terribly impressed, yes it took it from black to light grey, but it still looks like dodo, so any suggestions on a store bought cleaner that I can get quick?

    Secondly, the plantpots that were sitting on the deck must have been there since it was new, because I've now got circles that look like new wood, should I try and feather them out with a sander or what, anywway I'm going back tommorro and hopefully the weather will hold and I'll be staining next week.



  5. Ron on high 2nd story houses I do just that, but it does tend to be somewhat messy, on houses where its low enough, I simply walk along spraying the gutter, then go back to the beginning and walk along brushing ( it doesn't take much) and then I rinse it all down, it actually doesn't take as long as it sounds and rather than a sponge I use a vehicle brush.


  6. I know exactly what your saying Morgan, but there's 2 factors come into play for me.

    1) My bussines hasn't progressed to the point where I am working 5 full days a week ( I wish it would), if that were the case, then "time is money" would certainly mean much more to me.

    2) The cost of GZ is just to high for me to x-jet, with shipping i is costing me nearly $20 dollars a gallon, perhaps if I could find a local supplier where I could pick it up myself it would be different.

    Though saying that, I am going to try Pauls suggestion and try the All-Brite, at that price I could afford to apply with the X-Jet, but I need to try it for myself to make sure I am happy with the results.


  7. I use The X Jet to apply my house wash, the trouble I have is with the Gutter Zap, it wouldn't be economical to apply it the same way, I've been using a pump up sprayer and a vehicle brush on an extension pole to work it, which has worked fine except those darn pump ups don't last worth a dodo and they ain't cheap.

    I was wondering how yall go about applying it.

