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Posts posted by Don EMS

  1. Jeff, when we get some time we'll grab that beer. I try not to spray upwards under the seams and into the weep holes. I spray my wash on and then spray down over the siding. This has worked for me and keeps anything from getting behind the siding. With all the mold issues I think its a good idea to try to keep as much water out from underneath the siding as possable

  2. Just wondering how many of you do some sort of post construction cleanup.

    From construction debris removal ( roll offs, trash bins, using skid steers and dump trucks ) exterior cleaning ( power washing, garage floors, driveways, walks, siding, windows) picking up left over trash around the property, interior cleaning, street sweeping. We are finding this to be very profitable do to the fact that the GCs in our area are finding it hard to get good dependable help.

    I hear the same story about how thay can never get this type of work done on time and the quality of work being performed is below standards. I think most company think of this as unskilled laber so thay hire from the bottom of the list and bounce from GC to GC. We do all of the above except the sweeping which we contract out to a buddy and have no problem finding work. If your not doing this type of service it might be something to look into.
