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Everything posted by tonyshelton

  1. Vinyl Lettering

    And was "Ron Gamble" a freudian slip? Or are you really that out of the loop?
  2. Vinyl Lettering

    Tom, I'm sorry I haven't lived up to your expectations. I've spent my entire life trying to please you, yet somehow I've failed. I may as well jump off a bridge now. Maybe you should consider the fact that if there were just a few others who were willing to stand up against those who have made it their goal to reduce the number of competitive contractors through government regulations I wouldn't have to dedicate so much of my own time on it and the burden could be shared. Jim should have been shut down months ago but few have the guts to take a chance on offending anybody by calling a spade a spade. As a result, he now represents our industry by way of being appointed by a few who couldn't give a crap about what the industry at large wants or needs. Because guys like yourself let it happen and just want to come on for information and not take the time or the heat for standing up for capitalism over regulatory monopolization. Nevermind, I just noticed where you live. You probably don't understand the fact that government regulation destroys the free market. When in the city buy a couple of 16 oz cokes for me. Signed JO #1
  3. Vinyl Lettering

    Call Jim and invite him to speak to the regulators in Indiana. Then I can get back to work. lol.
  4. Vinyl Lettering

    Jim has the option of returning to his own profitable? business, in his own section of the country without involving the rest of us in his quest to force mandatory filtration on the industry. Or he can keep his current course. If he keeps his course, I will keep mine. What Jim is apparently in denial of is the fact that, when motivated enough any regulator can find something wrong with anyone's operation, including Jim's, whether they are right or wrong doesn't matter. They can litigate you right out of business just trying to fight it. Jim is in a vulnerable position in that the work he does disturbs far more contaminants than the average cleaner. That makes him a juicy target for them. Sometimes it's best to just go about your business minding your own business. If Jim had done that, and kept to his own area, there would be no reason for me to go to absurd lengths to protect my son's business. I love this kind of stuff. I get a vacation in San Francisco and get some sweet justice at the same time.
  5. Vinyl Lettering

    This is no threat. I have been working on this for months locally in preparation for your invasion of my region which currently has bmps less restrictive than Robert's and no intention of changing them. Your visit here will be documented by the officials who I am in contact with and subpoenas will be requested for your material if you come here lobbying for restrictions that are not currently in place. I will be taking a trip to San Francisco. We had planned on five to six weeks from Washington to LA this summer sightseeing but Shelly agrees that shutting down your deceptive influence right there at the source would be worth sacrificing the entire 6 weeks if that is what it takes. Your crusade to require filtration for everything is about to come to a screeching halt when I begin asking the officials in your area which of them gave you permission to quote them to make the dozens of false claims I have screenshot of yours for the past 4 years and printed. Since taking on the representative position with the PWNA you have opened yourself up to legal territory that was unavailable before. I represent no one but myself and my son. You had a good thing going. With your regional garage cleaning at near criminal profit margins (if any of that is to be believed) but your desire to be recognized as some kind of expert or leader when you clearly don't possess the character for it will be your undoing. You wood guys can thank me later. He and Robert have already been working on getting the exemption for runoff into grassy areas removed. You were next on the target list after concrete cleaners. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  6. Copying content from another site??

    Guess what..Ron is noting in person like you keyboard cowboys descrube him either Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  7. The $50 Lesson

    Bingo! Good assessment! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  8. Copying content from another site??

    John, you have to be one if the most easily confused people I have ever met. Ron did nothing wrong here, Again. Please stop trying to be his friend or mine and regretably take your place on the other aide of the aisle. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  9. Vinyl Lettering

    The EPA has no idea who you are. No one here in Las Vegas has ever heard of you Jim. You are a legend in your own mind. Go ahead, name one compliance person in the state of Nevada who even knows your name or your company. It's all grandios talk bordering on some kind of neurosis. I'm following you because you are going down as a fraud. Your online claims have always been in contradiction to what I witnessed with my own eyes. You are perpetrating fraud on this industry by publicly presenting false contaminate information to government authorities in an effort to benefit your own ailing business at the detriment of others. Now that I no longer have to be physically present to run my business I have the free time to take this on full time. I am shoring up Nevada now and will be working Northern California by the middle of this summer if things go as planned. You are going to regret having ever messed with this industry when the mere mention of your name to any authority has them running the other way for fear of litigation. I have documented every ridiculous and uneducated EPA claim you have ever made on the boards in it's full misspelled glory and will be taking it around for the amusement and study of all the real people behind the fake and anonymous phantom enforcers you frequently quote. I will find if there is prosecutable fraudulent statements and if so, I will file a complaint myself personally with great satisfaction. Pray for my success Jim. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  10. The $50 Lesson

    I had an interesting conversation with my brother this week. As background he is an atheist and a lifelong democrat. He made the comment that we can't just take away welfare benefits and some of these other things that certain groups have come to expect. The result would be robbery and theft like we've never seen before. Shelly and I discussed that in light of the police statistics that keep declaring that crime is down quarter after quarter. There are a few reasons we determined it's down: 1) people are afraid to go to the police to report crimes for fear of being harassed or arrested themselves. 2) those who would normally steal need only go to their mailbox each month to get their loot. Shelly and I determined that there would NOT be too big of a crime spree of benefits were eliminated because those people have now become too lazy to steal. What a strange generation we are in.
  11. Copying content from another site??

    I've found my videos on foreign blogs that tell basic information about coil cleaning. So what? They link back to my youtube account and my site. If anything they raise awareness of the need for my services. This thread has nothing to do with SEO. It's just stirring up crap where it otherwise wouldn't exist. Suddenly everybody is an SEO expert. Here's a thought, how about all the experts quit pretending that make money powerwashing and pursue your true calling as SEO experts. ADDED: I'm not talking about John or Chris, I'm talking about the "experts" who keep trying to stir up trouble with lies.
  12. The $50 Lesson

  13. Vinyl Lettering

    When he was here by my side for almost a week he didn't get more than 2 calls a day and those were from his family. But amazingly before that week and after that week, contractors were "blowing up his phone". lol. No real person is going to post here Scott. There are no calls. And there are no subcontractors making "7 figures" from his tutelage. Must be interesting to live in that fantasy world.
  14. Vinyl Lettering

    If your prayers are like your posts you can keep 'em. Luke 18:10-14 Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  15. Vinyl Lettering

    You are coming to my state uninvited and I'm causing drama? Who's house are you going to stay in this time because you "don't have enough money to pay for a hotel room? Is Ron going to have to pay to fly someone to your place to help you drive your rig down because you "don't have any employees to help you drive and barely even have enough money for fuel"? Who is going to feed you this time around and not only make you homecooked meals, but also pay for your restaurant meals so you don't look broke? And who is providing classes for free this time because you should "not have to pay because you are spending money on fuel to get there"? Who are you going to make sleep on the floor after they help you drive the 12hr trip back? I will say, however, that after the entire ordeal I am thankful that after an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas you did dig deep into your shallow pocketbook and buy me breakfast at some Denny's type of establishment. You must have come a long way in the past three years to go from an old 99 diesel and not even enough guys working for you to help you drive to dozens of employees and fleets of trucks. But then again, you were bragging about how much money you made back then too. I don't create drama. I report facts. And for every statement above except for the Denny's and floor sleeping (of which only You, I, and your family were witnesses) I will gladly ask the witnesses to post here and back me up. Drama? Lol. One can't make up drama or fiction to compare with the stuff you put out in public. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  16. Vinyl Lettering

    We put signage on so people know what we are doing. We got a 50 pc gas station chain from the owner driving past the lift while we were working and calling from his cell phone Exited about the event Jim. I will introduce you to the policy makers here in Las Vegas. We started interacting with them on a social level last year in preparation for any moves you might make this way. Our casino HVAC customers are particularly interested in your event since they clean their own garages and enjoy a good , low restriction, working relationship ($$) with the authorities. Now that we know the event is in March, they can help me prepare the policymakers for your uninvited out of state invasion into our place of business. I am sure they are anxious for you and Robert to show them how much more equipment they need to buy to be compliant with the law. Lol. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  17. My Favorite Round Table Video!!!

    It's hard to believe that was three years ago. Seems like yesterday. I don't think I've ever been so tired in my life as I was after all that was over.
  18. Types of Powerwashing you haven't done?

    I have never pressure washed a kid. At least not that I remember.
  19. Sounds like a good idea. Why don't you work on that with the PWNA? looks like after 20 years all the kinks would be worked out. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  20. Sorry Ron. I was just joking. I didn't even notice who had made the jab. Now I see who the source was I realize it was just another serious disrespectful jab. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  21. I know those guys can still get commercial and roof contracts but can they still get wood? Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  22. We started with r2 but now just use the 1 wire. It gets run over by semis at the petroleum station we clean up and still lasts a year. The skin usually comes off before it pops. We buy it in 475 ft rolls. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  23. Sounds like you've got some debris stuck in it.
  24. Poll: What type of pressure washing rig do you use?

    When God can't do it, there's always jim.