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Posts posted by tonyshelton

  1. I think guys who haven't taken the time to read through this entire thread should know the following two opposite reactions to this:

    1) The PWNA not only embraced what was going on in SPITE of the negative reaction coming from it's members (I did not renew my membership) but they spit in the contractors faces by bringing on Jim Gamble as the western environmental chair as a further show of disdain for the will of many of their members.

    2) The ***** "accepted the resignation" of Robert Hinderliter. (wink wink) And this was the previous board coming through with a decision that was loyal to the members' wishes. This was a courageous decision because Robert and Michael have ridden on the coattails of "longevity" of being involved in the industry and seem to think that gives them an unwritten permission to do as they please, members be damned.

    Congratulations *****, you seem to get it. An org isn't about putting forth your own agenda, it's about representing the members.

    I subsequently rejoined the ***** and am proud of the decision I made.

    And Douglas, we're not just complaining. We are building a case that will expose motivation behind this push to government entities. By the time we are done every entity will be afraid to talk to them for fear of being caught up in a Dateline style scandal that shows them making laws to funnel money to a few manufacturers and distributors. Government officials like to be re-elected and re-appointed. They don't like scandals.

  2. Extra change of clothes, (sweats) toilet paper, food, water purifier, medicine and first aid kit, a couple of tarps, hand sanitizer, leatherman, wind up flash lights and wind up radio, stuff to trade. No guns or ammo.

    We put one together after 9/11 because of all the rumors that were happening, and we are down wind of a nuke plant. Since that time, we have just rotated the food, and from time to time fire up the flash lights and radios. Once you have it, it is simple to maintain. We have had to put larger clothes in as our kids got bigger.

    The only problem with that, Scott, is that historically the guy who bugged out with only a gun in his bag is likely to offer to trade your life for your bag. Bug out times change people.

  3. John, again you only heard what you wanted to hear. I said child molesters should be dead. But if we want to pussyfoot around about giving the proper justice to them, then we have to give them the same rights as any FREE citizen in this country as per our constitution and the 14th amendment.

    Stop publishing Cliffs Notes of my position if you don't comprehend it.

    Many people kill themselves each year by slicing their wrists with razor blades. Should we have a three day cooling off period for purchasing them? Or should we ban them altogether?

    How about sugar and trans fats?

    Where does it stop?

    It stops with the government excising itself from our personal lives so family and churches can do what they do best without interference. That goes for crack, heroin, pot, booze, cigarettes and fast food too.

    Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

  4. John, Whitney Houston killed herself. Just like those walking skeletons you were talking about were killing themselves. There are plenty of guys even in this industry and especially in the religious occupations that are killing themselves by eating everything in sight and dying of heart attacks and other illnesses brought on by their addiction.

    The fact is, none of them, not Whitney Houston, not the walking Skeleton, not the fat man, are any of our business as a society.

    If you want to take one of those skeletons under your wing and bring them into your household and show them a better way, then by all means do it. Personally I think it is our responsibility as humans to do things like that. Opening your home to someone with a problem like that will open you up to all kinds of theft, deceit and other such headaches, and sometimes it is futile. But when it works it is awesome. Rarely does the law work at all. We can't do that now that Fayth is in the house, but when she is gone, after a little time alone I'm sure we will resume where we left off.

    But it's so much easier to "help" people by pushing that help off on lawmakers and law enforcement, while ceremoniously washing our individual hands of the responsibility to look out for our fellow man at the signing of such unconstitutional laws.

    It's time for America to allow individuals to help each other on a personal level and stop making excuses for them by trying to make everything that affects lives negatively illegal.

    Some will be saved ty this. Others, like Whitney Houston will just die anyway because they don't want to live.

    We were wrong about prohibition. We're wrong about drugs.


  5. Someone doing outstanding work at an above average price just got turned in by a competitor in Florida for not being "licensed" to do the work.

    See, this has nothing to do with protecting the customers. That's a big line of BS.

    It has everything to do with protecting the contractors who want to do shoddy work at a high price and don't want anybody else figuring out a more economical or better way to do it and dig into their profits.

    Everyone here knows it.

    In the future can we at least stop pretending that this has anything to do with protecting the poor customer (because it does zero to protect the customer anyway) and at least be honest.

    Here, I'll start a licensing argument for the side that wants licensing that's based on honesty:

    We, in the pressure washing community need licensing and/or regulations.

    We need it because we, who have been in business for a while are grandfathered in and will be able to get a license without really proving that we know anything.

    Further, because we've been around a long time we can get in with the local government and participate in making up all the requirements for the new, incoming guys to make it really hard for them to start a pressure washing business at all. (EPA - here we come with our self-imposed rules - IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN!!!)

    Most potential new contractors will just give up.

    That way we can keep our prices high because we are the only option out there for the customer. We don't even have to do a good job anymore because the customer has FEW choices!

    BRING ON THE LICENSING - We don't want to have to improve our methods and services. We like keeping our industry right where it is.

    It worked for the HVAC companies! Prices high as h#ll and sometimes you have to wait over a week to get you an appointment, But HEY, they are making BANK!!! Right?

    It worked for the Auto Mechanics! Everybody knows that since they all have to be licensed now we can all rest assured that every thing they do is on the up and up. RIGHT?


    There aren't too many things in this world that are so obviously wrong. Asking for more licensing or regulations is a no brainer. It's just bad news all the way around.

    I'm wasting my breath. The ones who need to hear this are the very one's who won't.

  6. The market corrects itself. Government involvement of any kind in private business skews the market from good dedicated entrepreneurs to those who are willing to jump through hoops and "play ball".

    It happens everytime the government gets involved.

    The answer to shoddy work is word of mouth. If a contractor causes real damage THEN is the time for the government to step in and execute justice and make him repay for the damages. A few times of that and the bad contractors will fade away anyway.

    Like the hvac companies in that video. They should have been required to return thousands to their former customers after being caught lying like that.

    That is the proper place of the government.

    Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

  7. I don't know what planet you are on, but we charge along the same lines as the HVAC companies.

    We had a dry clean delivery business with 8 trucks on the road and maxed out at $48/hr.

    Shelly's DMV business made about the same.

    I don't know if they have some kind of janitor owner's union in San Francisco, or if they get paid extra just to venture into a same-*** bathroom there, but a good friend of ours owns a very large janitorial business. We have bid jobs TOGETHER and he is Happy to get in the mid 20's!

    My son, doing flatwork more than doubles all of those on a regular basis hourly.

    The only lowballing I've seen is your buddy advertising $25 per hour work in Arizona on Craigslist. Most of the guys, even in Florida make much more than janitorial services do.

    The result of your much awaited licensing will be more difficult entry into the business. That will mean the "gene" pool will be stuck with the good and crappy contractors that are already here. The good will not do any better and the crappy will hide behind the fact that they are licensed, so they must be good.

    Like these guys:


  8. Hey Tony it all sounded good until you got exposed for not reading it..:rotfl:

    No one has exposed anything John. You have no idea what you are talking about. I know all about the bill. This bill has the ability to allow your competitor to make one claim against your website and have you shut down without due process OR even any evidence. Then you will have to wait your turn till they can "get around" to investigating the claim. There's a LOT more to it than that, but that is just ONE of the aspects.

    Obama made a PROMISE to the industry that he would UPHOLD the passing, BUT, as usual he is following the sway of the wind and is now all the sudden acting like he's opposed to it.

    We'll have to see how he slithers his way out of this one and still keeps the support of both sides. All he really has to do is side with the people. Because the moguls would cut their wrists before they would lobby for any republican.

    Do some research John before you make claims of zingers. I know it must hurt to WANT to prove me wrong on something but be so woefully unread about the subject that you can't. Keep trying.

    Beth made a statement that is true - dependent upon the timing of the statement. At the moment, Obama is "acting" like he is against them because he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. Months ago that statement would not have been true. But most people haven't been following it closely for months to know that.

  9. The best way to combat this is to stop paying for the junk. The movie and music moguls announced yesterday that they are withholding contributions to Obama because he has failed to give them 100% support in killing our freedom of speech on the internet.

    No, Obama couldn't care less about our freedoms, but he never give anything 100% because that would mean he would lose the votes of the feeble minded who just want to agree with him on something so their conscious will allow them to cast a ballot for him.

    The answer is to not give them any more money to lobby Obama and the other traitors to this country with and quit purchasing their junk.

    Imagine if you cleaned a sidewalk once and were forever allowed to charge everyone who not only walks on it, but looks at it a fee. For Life. And if they took a picture with it in the background you could sue them and further rape them.

    Poor industry. We are stealing from them. They can't even afford to put real gold trim on their Bentleys anymore. It's gold plated now. We are such bad people.

    That is what is happening here. The entire structure needs to be changed. The old method of extortion ($25.00 for a record album specifically designed to have ONE hit song so they could charge another $25 for another album with ONE MORE hit song!!!!!!) is over. They are extinct.

    They are like the old bullwhip makers throwing a fit because these new "car" drivers won't buy their product anymore! They are extinct. It's time to make them work like the rest of humanity.

  10. I like the pre 1998 F series trucks, gas.

    They turn on a dime, parts are cheaper than dirt and most parts can be picked up at autozone even on Sunday.

    Gas mileage is only 2mpg less than the diesels loaded up and pulling the trailers.

    And you can find them all over the place owned by old guys who babied them for less than $5k in most cases. All you need to do is slap on a flatbed and you're in business. Reliability and NO payments and insurance is cheap.

    I think they brought the turning circle radius back down in 2007 or so for the newer ones. Can anybody confirm that?

  11. Am I correct in the conclusion that the oversight committee (consisting of contractor members appointed by the BOD) have the right and duty to sit in silently and observe BOD meetings and discussions?

    Also, the executive committee consists of the 4 executive Bod's PLUS three members of the oversight committee to observe silently.

    If that is the case the days of private BOD meetings should come to an end. Or am I misreading this?

  12. I glanced through your EPA regs John. They look similar to ours. It was interesting to note that they did have a clause that states that only storm water should enter the drains "to the best extent possible" or some other similar wording.

    Interestingly it also gives sample ways to filter storm drain inlets with pictures without any advertisements from companies that sell such equipment, and none of them require power equipment.

    Your setup looks great. Did you embark on this because of regulation enforcement or of your own accord?
