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Posts posted by mackb

  1. Ok, makes sense.

    I'm doing some testing on my own roof this week with a few chems to see which gives me the best cleaning with a low-pressure rinse (like what I'd get with the XJet from 20 feet away). I have a roof job coming up that will be impossible to get close to without a lift, and the owner isn't paying that much...

    Chlorine did a nice job today on one section of my roof...We'll see what the SH products do this week.


    I am a homeowner who is confused about what the best chemical for asphalt washing/moss/lichen killing is. I have seen several web sites for 'Spray & Forget', 'New Again', 'Roof Raider', etc. I have read bleach is bad along with Sodium Hydroxide. What do you recommend? Thanks
