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Everything posted by CompletelyClean

  1. Insurance Cancelled

    I'm paying $1500/yr for 1 mil liability, 2 mil ag, and 20k in equip. This was the cheapest I could find 1 year ago. I was planning on doing some shopping, however maybe it's not worth it after reading the horror stories in this thread? I know one common denominator with some people paying really low insurance and others paying really high is the state in which they live. Mike Cappa has the best rate I've heard so far, however his company will not/cannot insure folks in MI.
  2. What chat topics do YOU want to see scheduled?

    Beth, I don't suppose these chat logs are saved and available for viewingat a later date? I just now "Discovered" this board and have missed A LOT. Is there a chat session every Thursday? If so, when and where is the topic announced for each week?
  3. Gutter Zap

    I can honestly say that what Badger said, is and has been THE most frustrating part of this businss for me...chemicals and advice on what, when, and where to use them. "Mix your own", "Use HF acid on EVERYTHING", "Use bleach on wood", "NEVER use bleach on wood!" AAACCKKKKK!!!!!! I love the sales. I love the work. I hate trying to figure out what chems to use!!! That is a HUGE cost factor when starting up...all the money spent on different chems, and Tony, I have yet to receive any free samples, from other than Beth, and have always requested them.
  4. Extend a wand

    I just found out from Extend-A-Wand that the difference in weight from the 18' to the 24' is only 2 lbs. In my book, for an extra 6' at only 2 lbs, that is well worth getting the 24'.
  5. Does anyone have a breakdown of their chem costs for restoring a deck? I wonder what the cheapest chems are to use for stripping, neutralizing, and sealing wood per s.f. without faltering on quality? Anyone want to share their preferences and material costs? I hope these questions aren't out of line on this board as I know they would be on other boards. Are we allowed to mention other products which are not offered here? If not, I apologize in advance.
  6. Chems cost?

    Beth, do you have a breakdown per s.f. of these items (efc38, HD80, and Citralic)? How about when used in conjunction with Wood Tux? Thanks. When I first started doing wood restoration last year, I tried a lot of different products, including the efc, HD80, and Citralic. I think they worked PERFECT. Then I tried the Timberstrip products and found them to be as comparable as can be, yet they were priced lower, thus increasing my margins. Also, the sealer I used exclusively last year was Ready Seal. I would REALLY like to explore the possibility of increasing my margins on the wood side of my business. I enjoy the work (and results) more than house washing, however the margins are very small in comparison because of the chems (and time).
  7. Gutter Zap

    Which is exactly why I have a water softener on my rig. Tony, what is your opinion on gutter cleaning? Do you have a chem that takes streaks off white gutters w/o brushing?
  8. Extend a wand

    What is the length of both, the 24' and 18' when not extended or "closed"? Also, does anyone know what the weight difference is between these two wands? Beth, do the wands you sell come completely assembled with all fittings, hoses, etc?
  9. Gutter Zap

    Not sure why that little sad/angry emoticon popped up at the top of my previous post. Sorry.
  10. Gutter Zap

    I have NEVER been able to get white gutters clean w/o scrubbing! I'm beginning to think it's a myth to get those black streaks off by spraying with chem and rinsing (without taking the paint off, mind you). I have a Sodium Hydroxide based degreaser that will do just that...take streaks off, along with paint. I discovered this on a small area of gutter and had to come back with a can of white semi-gloss spray paint I have tried All Brite (phhbbbttt), I have tried diluted HF acid (phhbbbttt AND dangerous), and I have tried COUNTLESS other recipes from other boards. So, PLEASE tell me what to use to spray on, let dwell, and rinse off that will SATISFACTORILY get those streaks off. Also, what's your favorite house mix for vinyl siding? I've used Emulsifier Plus/bleach mix with so-so results.
  11. Sodium Percarb

    Hey James, I've heard you're definitely one of the woodcare pro's. I would like to discuss the details of how to use bleach to wash a previously sealed deck for regular maintenance schedules. Could you either, A) post your method and measurements here on this thread, B) call me or e mail me with the information, or C) give me your number and the best time(s) to call you? I would GREATLY appreciate it, being that I have several customers that will fall into the maintenance category this year (my 2nd year doing decks). P.S. The "Bleach Blanket Bingo" comment was a quote from you from another board a loooong time ago. It stuck with me as something funny that you said to the anti-bleach folks back then. Thanks again!
  12. PT and Cedar are about the only ones used in the Detroit area. Cedar is a pain, but, boy oh boy, does it look good when it's done! Haven't had an unhappy customer yet (knock on wood).
  13. Sodium Percarb

    Here we go with another Bleach Bingo Party!!!!!! "To use or not to use....THAT is THE question!"