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Everything posted by PLD

  1. I have one of those. He gets his house, a small driveway, and gutters done for $100 every year. If he is not home, he drives to my house and pays me same day. A few referrals, but no matter. He'll get the $100 special as long as he keeps calling.
  2. Jarrod, Some people are just oblivious about reasonable expectations or obvious causes. Others are jyst looking to take advantage of any perceived benefit, freebie, etc. Just today I had two of these types. One in my online business that wanted a return auth for products purchased 6 months ago. No problem with the products, they just haven't used them and wanted a full refund. The other was a PW customer that had us out about 6mo ago. Some mildew has recurred and they feel it has recurred too soon. They feel that we didn't do it well enough the first time or it would not have grown back so fast and want us back to touch up for free...
  3. I was a shoulder guy until I gut the Just takes a few weeks. Once you get used to mirrors, you'll never go back to the old way...
  4. stank garbage cans

    I agree. But FWIW, I think we are talking about $100 90gal "curbies". I have two, and wash them about once a year to get rid of the mildew layer ooze on the inside. Done house-to-house, no way. Done 200 at a time for a garbage company, perhaps. I can see $2000/day for a once a month visit to the local garbage company.
  5. I agree. If you do a one sider, get a waiver releasing you from the UGLY side #2. If the fence is is "co-owned", get a waiver or a job consent from each.
  6. I just got this in my inbox from QuitNet: Your Quit Date is:Friday, October 21, 2005 at 11:59:59 PM Time Smoke-Free:202 days, 5 hours, 31 seconds Cigarettes NOT smoked:4044 Lifetime Saved:1 month, 21 hours Money Saved:$710.50 Hurrah for me! Unfortunately, you poor ba****rds will have to listen to me ramble on for 1 month, 21 hours longer than you would have otherwise. ;)
  7. You didn't fall off the wagon, every time you stub one out you have just quit smoking again. How long you stay quit each time is up to you.
  8. I did it largely for my kids. Tobacco is one of the great pleasures of life. If it would not carve years off my life, I would never have quit...
  9. Don't kick yourself. I quit for 5 years, fell off for 2, and now have made it back to 6 months. And you're right. There is nothing in my life that is as difficult and mind consuming as nicotine. It's OCD for those without OCD.
  10. I smoked with a patch too. Finally settled on Wellbutrin (Zyban). Worked very well for me. All said and done, the most important thing is the desire and comittment to be a non-smoker. Read that carefully. It's not the decision to quit that is important, it's the comittment to be a non-smoker. Kind of like deciding to be an astronaut at 16 knowing full well that you will not see it come to fruition for 20 years. But you go at it hard and fast today for the payoff in 20 years. Tips for family: Nagging is useless. A smoker nags himself more than you could, and that doesn't help. Support their efforts to become a non-smoker and understand that slip-ups are just temporary setbacks and not failures.
  11. Is he a real knowledgeable guy about flow/nozzles/etc? I ask because I want to know if he said that just because that's the conventional wisdom about 4 nozzles, or if it's real world experience that 4x1.5 is less effective than 2x2.5. Anyone tried a 4 nozzle on a 5.5? If someone wants to lend me a 4 nozzle bar, I'll buy the tips and let everyone know how it works out.
  12. Respirators ???

    I use a cartridge respirator from Lowes. About $30-35. I voted sometimes because I do make an concerted effort to use it, but that does not always happen. As for "only with bleach": Bleach may burn more, but it's probably one of the less carcinogenic compounds we use. Bleach is actually used by doctors to treat flesh eating virus inside the body cavity. Butyls, oxalic, VOC's, etc are all nasty little buggers. Don't be fooled by chemicals that do not hurt when you get them on you, inhaled over long perods of time that can cause very serious medical problems.
  13. pressure washer outputs?

    on a 2.7? I wouldn't go larger than a 125.
  14. new guy with ??

    Yes. But learn to read a nozzle chart and take some time to understand how volume, orifice size, and pressure are related. In most cases, sizing items for a certain psi is a way of dumbing down the decision process for average consumers. The reality of the situation is that most accesories should be purchased based on your machines volume. For example: A 2.5gpm/3500 psi machine, a 4.0/3500, and a 5.5/3500 machine will all operate *very* differently and require totally different accessories. On the other hand a 5.5/3500 and a 5.5/2500 will use the same accessories and for most purposes will operate identically.
  15. Yep. And with that much power, you could run two 25^ 2.5 tips at an angle (for rotation) and two 1.5's straight down for maximum cleaning power.
  16. This is educated speculation and would require real world testing. That said... With the nozzles located at different radii, they are cleaning two seperate areas. With 4 nozzles/bars at the extreme each nozzle follows the previous VERY closely. The net effect is that nozzle #2 is cleaning behind #1, #4 behind #3. For ideal cleaning, the nozzles all be on seperate radii. This would cause them to act like seperate blades on a carbide tipped wood planer. Of course, unless you had 6 arms this would be one horribly unbalanced machine. The 4 nozzle two bar is the closest you can approximate this with less than 10-12gpm.
  17. Striping occurs when the operator moves the surfacer forward the width of one cleaning "cut" faster than the bar can make 1/2 revolution. This causes the cleaning pattern not to overlap and creates the familiar stripes. A 4 nozzle crossbar would drop that angular time to 1/4 revolution thus permitting faster forward motion. For example here are the maximum walk speeds assuming a 1" cut: 2 bar = 1.73 ft/sec (1.18mph) 4 bar = 3.47 ft/sec (2.36mph) As you can see, the latter much approximates the normal walking speed of 3mph. You can also walk faster if you widen the cut by replacing 15^ tips with 25^ tips. This however, will weaken cleaning power. Depending on the substrate and pump used to drive the surfacer, this may increase or decrease cleaning speed. As long as the 25^ tips and water flow are sufficient to remove all the dirt, cleaning speed with increase. If not, you will increase the walk speed, but decrease it again with a second pass. All that said, has anyone ever used a 2 bar (straight), 4 nozzle surfacer?
  18. Not very expensive? That bar is $125.00 No need for titanium. A 3/8 steel line would be more than enough as many other cleaners have proven.
  19. For a balanced spray bar, the weight of the spray arm is irrelevant once it has achieved steady state rotation. For any given surface cleaner, the rotational speed of the spray arm is a balance between the slowing forces of spinner drag and fluid (air/water) drag on the bar, and the accellerating force (thrust) provided by the water/tips. Assuming 3500psi operation and the same surface cleaner for both machines, the only variables are nozzle size and mass flow. Both are linearly correlated to thrust. Hence, a smaller gpm machine will always have a slower rotational speed that a larger gpm machine for any given SC. And pressure cleaning is all about energy/(sq.ft *minute). Increase the numerator or decrease the denominator, and the cleaning improves. Decrease the numerator or increase the denominator and the cleaning suffers.
  20. down streaming

    9gpm is impressive for a factory downstreamer. I expected 20:1 1 gal, 5 gal, 15 gal, etc. doesn't matter. Just compute your chems as you want them to hit the surface. If you were putting 1cup/5 gal before, and you will be downstreaming at 9:1 then put in 10 cups. Be aware that 10 cups may hypersaturate the solution and fail to dissolve or fall out of solution. That's one reason why most of us do not use powdered house wash soaps. Trade the ladder in on a xjet.
  21. Just plain poed #2

    Mine has no miminum, but a 90 day max. As for procedure: Fill out a form, swear to the clerk, hand her $5, and mail a copy of the form (certified) to the prop owner. But, unless they are selling/re-fi'ing a lien will get you little unless you paln to renew it every year. Hiring a collections agent to harrass them, and filing in small claims court are your best bet
  22. pressure washer outputs?

    Anthony is right. If nothing more, get a 15 gal chem drum and plumb it in. It'll give you about 5 min buffer for the dips, and you can pipe the unloader into it giving youself the ability to idle for qute awhile w/o damage. FWIW, redirecting unloader output is about 90% of the reason I use a tank.
  23. pressure washer outputs?

    Sorry to jump in on you, but that reminds me! It probably won't for Dan (much too big, killer freight costs) that I've still got a 525gal for sale in the bargain basement.
  24. pressure washer outputs?

    Barring mechanical failure, that's either air in the lines or supply problems. At 2.7gpm, you should just about be able to run that puppy off a sink faucet. I run 4x that with no problems. Call me if want and we can work it out.
  25. Yea! Another geek to play with!