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Everything posted by PLD

  1. Who Profits Most From Gas Prices?

    Have you seen the new Lexus hybrid? Very slick car. Apparently, hybrids can be designed for fuel economy or performance. Lexus designed for performance, and apparently was quite sucesssful at it. Anyway, many Lexus owners who bought the new "hybrid" for fuel economy were quite unhappy (did they not READ the brochure/mpg label before spending 40k?). Now for the good part; Apparently, in a hybrid the difference between performance and economy is all in the computer. So, in response to angry customers Lexus offered a free retrofit. The result? The Lexus hybrids (incl retrofits) now have a button to select performance or economy. "268-hp [15:1 weight to HP ratio] Total Output - The RX 400h possesses exceptional power—not just for a hybrid vehicle, but for an SUV as well. That’s because the RX 400h is powered by both the V6 engine and electric-drive motor(s). As a result, the AWD enjoys a robust acceleration from 0 to 60 in 7.3 [1][2] seconds, outperforming many of its V8-equipped competitors. " - Lexus
  2. 12.5% sh vs. bleach

    Yes, neat means without water. As in "Scotch. Neat please." Houseways is around 1-2% dilution with 1% being more common. 12.5% is much too strong for most uses. 6-8% for roofs, 2% for mildewed concrete, 3% for tannin stains. As for the 1x12% = 2x6%, you are correct. And just yesterday, we had a big day and one house much larger than plan. We ran out of 12% half way through the last house and ran to Kroger for 6% to finish. After re-adjusting our mix for 6%, we completed the job without incident.
  3. Got Carpal Tunnel?

    I haven't seen your machine, but more than likely the hose from the pump to the unloader is you ez-start valve. A bypass can only go one of three places. Fresh water inlet, supply tank, or spoil to ground. For the latter two, you can run all day w/o fear. If you unload to the fresh water inlet, you must release water every 60sec or risk cooking your pump seals. You must unload somewhere. If you stop up the unloader bypass, you are not bypassing at all. If you do not overpressure and blow seals, you are more than likely forcing water through your ez-start which is not what it is designed for. Also, the only way to get soap in you tank is to upstream (soap injection before pump). I can't imagine why you would do that, since it will shorten pump life and there are many ways to mix chems post-unloader.
  4. Who Profits Most From Gas Prices?

    Just their 10-Q's. You didn't think I made those stats up, did you? As for washing things, "we" have been busy all day. Right now, I'm exploiting some poor laborer who's out washing houses while I eat lunch and talk on TGS. And since it's three pm, my work calendar says that we are currently exploiting a senior citizen for the outrageous sum of $125/hr. #2 of the day, IIRC. P.S. My desk is also a disaster...
  5. Who Profits Most From Gas Prices?

    Moderator!!! Van is saying very nasty things about me! ;) My 2nd love is computer engineering, my first is my family. When one (work) did not accomodate the other any longer, it had to go. Since I had build my home and lifestyle around a rather substantial income, I needed something that I could develop quickly. Other requirements were: No travel, flexible hours (for kids activities), and close to home. PW fit all of that. As for law, it does interest me a great deal. I love a good debate, and will even take sides that I do not agree with for the sake of exploring the issue. But I'm not sure if it's somthing that I could do every day for 10 years, or would simply tire of it in a year. Hence, I have not been able to convince myself that going back to law school would be a wise investment of my time or money.
  6. You are too funny! No rocket science here. Cleaning efficency is the (grossly) the product of pressure and volume. If you increase the pressure beyond the capability of the substrate to resist it, damage occurs. In wood, this is pretty low. So, you must reduce the pressure to clean wood. Now, let's say the max pressure you need to properly clean wood is 200 psi at the surface. If you use a full pressure tip and stand back 12" to accomplish that, your fan is 9" wide. At 5.5gpm, each square inch sees .61gpm. If you use a tip that provides only 800psi at the tip, you will probably only stand back 4" and your fan will be 2.9" wide. In this case, the wood will see 1.88gpm. This amounts to a 309% increase in volume. Obviously, you can take this to an extreme and get 300psi at the tip and work in a 1/2 inch path at 11gpm/in. But who wants to clean a deck 1/2" at a time? So, ~800psi at the tip has generally be accepted as the best compromise of width and volume.
  7. Got Carpal Tunnel?

    My elbow feels like someone whacked it on the bone with a pipe. Not always sore, but certain motions or touches light it up. If you place a heavy book on the floor with the spine facing up, I can barely lift it by gripping it like a clamp. But I can "curl" full weight. Does that sound like TE or something else?
  8. Who Profits Most From Gas Prices?

    All except army, police, fire, & judicial. Keep no service that does not exist to ensure my right to life, liberty, an property.
  9. Who Profits Most From Gas Prices?

    Just a few points that have been overlooked. First, that payout was an obligation made in his employment contract 13 years ago. Taking it back is NOT an option unless they want to be sued for breach of contract (and risk paying even more). The retirement package was based on performance, and he performed well enough under the terms to earn 356 mil. Second, that 350 million is paid out over 12 years IIRC. That's 29.5mil or about 60% of his last years salary. For the rank and file employee who has a pension plan (rare nowadays), 50% of their last years salary is not unheard of. Third, Exxons net profit for 2005 (yes, the whole year) was 36.13 billion. If Lee Raymond disavows his entire retirement it would affect profits by a miniscule 0.082%. Fourth, in 2005 Exxon sold an estimated 1.58 billion gallons of gas. Assuming exxon sold only gasoline and made no money from other petro products, rebating Raymonds entire retirement to the consumer would 1.9c/gallon. At present levels of $3.00/gallon, that works out to 0.63% Fifth, under Lee Raymonds leadership shareholders have experienced a 274 BILLION dollar increase in the value of their stock over the past 10 years. His retirement package amounts to just 0.13% of that amount. Even so, that 274 billion growth has benefitted sharholders in Vanguard, Fidelity, Spartan, Washington Mutual. These funds are part of employee 401k packages nationwide, teachers retirement funds, insurance porfolios, etc. Bottom line, Lee Raymond's leadership has enabled MANY people to retire, or proceed toward retirement, etc with greater success. Sixth, at todays prices ($3/gal) Exxon made 20.7c/gallon. Government made 45c/gallon (on average, NY = 65c). At 2004 prices, exxon made 0.13c/gal while government made about 40c/gallon. If prices fall dramatically in 2006, and exxon loses money, the govt will STILL get it's huge cut. That said, WHO is doing the gouging ? Finally, study their CASH FLOW statements for a long period of time. Exxon deals in a highly volitile commodity product. If the price falls next qtr and they are still using this qtrs inventory they LOSE money. In fact during a steady decline, they lose money repeatedly until prices again begin to rise. During this period they must live off the outrageous 8% profits they made during good times. And yes, gas prices do fall and they fall dramatically. Look at the gas price chart I posted in a seperate thread and pay special attention to the years Reagan and Clinton were in office. No cash reserves during a downturn like those = bankruptcy.
  10. Got Carpal Tunnel?

    Carpal Tunnel. I my case more from gripping than squeezing, I believe. 4 Advil daily for relief. In later stages, hands go to sleep gripping anything like the cell phone. And also tennis elbow (or a cracked elbow bone). Can't make this better, and it seems to be escalating. From jerking hoses and trigger blast. Anyone else deal with this?
  11. Am I the only one who sees a problem with this scenario? Not the supposed infraction itself, but the protocol of who watches who. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 (UPI) -- A former NSA employee said Tuesday there is another ongoing top-secret surveillance program that might have violated millions of Americans' Constitutional rights. Russell D. Tice told the House Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations he has concerns about a "special access" electronic surveillance program that he characterized as far more wide-ranging than the warrentless wiretapping recently exposed by the New York Times but he is forbidden from discussing the program with Congress. Tice said he believes it violates the Constitution's protection against unlawful search and seizures but has no way of sharing the information without breaking classification laws. He is not even allowed to tell the congressional intelligence committees - members or their staff - because they lack high enough clearance. Neither could he brief the inspector general of the NSA because that office is not cleared to hear the information, he said.
  12. I pumped for a long time, then made my own shurflo cart setup. It worked ok and I was actually very pleased with it until I bought a Deckster. One of the best purchases I have made for my business. I'll never pump or home engineer again. Not that you can't home engineer a proper unit, it's just that by the time you get all the parts together, I've saved maybe $200. And considering the time involved in gathering and assembling the parts, $200 is a cheap investment.
  13. Hot water issues

    Yep, and top it off just to be sure. Mine craps out when there is 2" of fuel in an 10" deep tank.
  14. Gas prices

    One more thing for Jeff. Please read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand and give me your take on it. That should be very interesting. Perhaps then you can answer the question; Who is John Galt?
  15. Gas prices

    The way he's headed, Jeff will make it big and powerful long before I will. And once he gets really rich I'll bet the farm he'll change his perspective on big government... Jeff, I'd LOVE to see the look your face when you get hit with a windfall profits tax because you made too much money last year. I'll even do your taxes for free that year just to hear you rant and rave about it...
  16. Yes, that is the pressure at the tip. But done properly, the pressure at the tip should be about 800-1000. Obviously you have made up your mind that your methods are fine. Not having seen your work it may very well be. Going only from your own descriptions posted in this thread, you are the person I use as an example of why a customer should pay me more money to have the job done right. Why? From your posts you are; - washing with 3000 psi. - gauging success based on how much softwood is removed. - Consider "pretty flat" as a good benchmark. As I said before, people here are trying to help you improve your speed and results so you can earn more money, retain more customers, and get more referral business. If you wish to disregard that advice, it is certainly your perogative to do so.
  17. Dan, if you're getting fuzzies with percarb you're over pressuring. I'll bet you lunch I can tell you the pressure without ever seeing your rig. And my guess is: 2900psi. Get a gauge and then let me know where you're taking me to lunch. Oh, and if you want to double or nothing for dessert, your "car wash" tip is probably black. That is a soap tip. Your "45" tip is white and is actually a 40deg tip. Your "5" degree is yellow, and is 15 degrees. Do you know what "size" tip you should use for wood cleaning? Or what size you are using? If not, call me. Or anyone else here. They'll be happy to show you better, faster, and more profitable ways to achieve top shelf results.
  18. "Chemicals do all the work" is a metaphor to illustrate that with proper chemicals physical pressure can be kept to a minimum. That does not mean that you can just spray soap on a house and leave. If it did, no one would need water, just a deckster and a big bag of chems. Agitation is required and that's what a pressure washer does. Your experiment just proved that agitation increases cleaning efficency. Research this here on TGS - Time, Temperature, Chem Strength, Agitation. Hint: pressure washing = agitation. Plain, despite how you may feel about this thread no one here is bashing you for your methods. What you are hearing is a whole bunch of people who want you to be successful saying "Dude, you're doing what? Let me show you how to do that much faster and easier." Now, some people have more grace than others at conveying that, but the message is the same. For example, my helper and I can do a quality wash on a 2000sq.ft house in 30 minutes. We can prep a 12x12 ground level deck for stain in less than an hour. If you can do that with a brush, you are the man! If not, there are people here who can show you how to do that with quality and without damage.
  19. Politics still, but not gas prices

    I'm not the black helicoper type, but as a rule I NEVER trust anyone who's life's ambition is to have authority over mass numbers of people. Why not listen? Let me count the ways 1. Because I am an American Citizen and the Constitution protects me from warrantless searches. 2. Because every two bit tyrant on the planet uses the argument that "if you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear..." (See Pascal's Gambit) 3. Because the conversations my mother and I have are private and personal. 4. Because the fear of being overheard is the first step in implementing an authoritarian governement where neighbors rat out neighbors for to avoid disfavors on themselves (Russia up to 1989, Germany - WWII, USA - McCarthy era) Finally, read very carefully what you said. - IF my call is innocent <- What leads you to believe it is not? Do you have any evidence to support your theory? Or are you just going to allow a witch hunt to proceed because you are a member of the "in" crowd? - I DOUBT they'll be knocking at your door. <-- You doubt. But you don't know that for certain. If it were you, you MIGHT be concerned about the tiny possibility of being throw in jail w/o a lawyer, but it's not your door. I'm pretty right wing, but stuff like this makes me want to go join the ACLU....
  20. Am I breaking the law?

    Technically yes. What that means is that if you get busted for hauling 2 tons of hazmat, you'll likely also get that charge added on if they really want to stick it to you. The beauty of our legal system is that our legislators pass so much crap that you violate at least 100 each and every day. And when you **** the wrong person off, you will see your name on the front page facing 12 counts of this and 5 counts of that. And as you are trying to digest the charges against you, the DA will gladly explain that "ignorance of the law is no excuse"
  21. Gas prices

    I don't. Besides, you didn't call me an AH. You said I was being an AH. That's not at all unreasonable in a heated personal debate. And given your take on what I said, it's wouldn't have been out of line to outright call me an AH. Furthermore, I can respect a man that says what he means and means what he says. We can debate, argue, and agree or disagree. What I cannot stand are people who talk out both sides of their mouth or won't speak their piece.
  22. Gas prices

    Damn man, even I didn't go there...
  23. Gas prices

    Waste vegtable oil (yes, the bins we clean around). Generally free. + Methyl Alcohol & Sodium Hydroxide + Heat (Water heater) = Biodiesel ($0.70-$1.00/gallon). Bio-diesel burns in conventional diesel engines w/o modifications. I am gathering parts for a waterheater reactor to make biodiesel for my burner. I would already be done if I knew we were headed to $3 this fast. That and my storage shed lacks electricity for the water heater. If I can find a reliable 18hp diesel engine, my pump engine will convert as well. At that point, only the truck will be gas.
  24. Gas prices

    I think a whole lot of people are interested, and a good many have strong opinions on both sides. Some of those people don't want the heat/flames associated with having an opinion, and others are afraid that if they speak their mind, they will incur the ire of the moderators. That leaves the few of us who are not smart enough to keep out mouthes shut.
  25. Gas prices

    Actually, the Nazi's were the "National socialist" party. The fit the present day websters dictionary def, but at the time the only Fascists were the Mussolini crowd who coined the term.