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Everything posted by PLD

  1. Gas prices

    Smokey, you are right. Personally, I like Jeff and aspire to have the success he has. Jeff, the "fascist" label was not an attack. It was merely a statement fact. By your own statements, you believe in government control (but not ownership) of the means of production. That is the textbook definition (economically speaking) of fascism. And one who promotes fascism is a fascist. If being called a fascist offends you, then I would suggest that some introspection is in order. FWIW, most people who label themselves as liberals are truly fascists or socialists. But, since they know that socialism and fascism are extremely unpopular positions (rightly so), they label themselves as liberals or "progressives". I do not subscribe to this type of wishy-washy politics. Be a man. If you don't like being called a socialist, fascist, etc then do not behave like one. Stand up for what you believe and and be held accountable for your actions. In my case, that means that I am an Ayn Rand (hard core) capitalist, and generaly vote libertarian. I believe that price controls are wrong, welfare is thievery, and the war on drugs (and more recently terror) are being used to move this country much closer to a totalitarian state.
  2. Shurflo

    Buy a deckster.... Seriously though, it sounds like you need a bypass pump and an unloader, not a pressure activated pump.
  3. Gas prices

    Since when is it the governments job to promote alternative fuels? And exactly what are YOU doing to promote alternative fuels? Are you an early adopter? Do you own even ONE alternative fuel appliance? I can answer all off these. 1. It's not. 2. Nothing. 3. No. 4. No. Let me follow your logic here: Gas companies are screwing me because they charge way too much. I would dump them and switch to another source, but they are much more expensive... As I said before, this makes no sense at all. You are pissed at the gas companies for their prices, yet they are the CHEAPEST option available. Pure BS. If you are getting screwed as badly as you profess, you can not afford NOT to find an alternative. The reality is that you are not that bad off. You do not LIKE gas prices, but have no intention of putting up your own money to help fix it. And if I was dirt poor, I could get a free bus voucher. This is an ad hominem statement that you cannot back with anything besides anecdotal evidence. Just so I can be clear about what you are saying, please tell me specifically who "they" are? And what "it" is? And can you list some of the "corruption", "unethical", and "illegal" practices "they" have done? Of course not. This is a poor attempt to create a boogey man that all the little guys can rally behind and hate. A bogey man who is responsibel for them being poor. That way, they don't have to face up to the fact that the person who made them poor stares back at them from the mirror each morning. No, it is a decision. You CHOOSE not to afford all that alternative fuel equipment. And the difference is? In one case, you get $200 and must give $100 back. In the other case, you only get $100. Either way, the corporation is forced (at the point of a gun) to give up a percentage of their WHOPPING 9% margins. And BTW, I gotta give you credit "tell" is such a nice way to say "force". Of course you think I'm misguided. We come from very different perspectives. I am a hard core capitalist and you are a fascist. Really? Someone came to you door with a gun and dragged you kicking and screaming to the local Chevron? Or did you make a choice to get in your car on your own volition and go buy gasoline. And then you chose to use that gasoline to make 25-50% profit margins. 25-50%?!? You greedy rotten thief. Your profit margins last year were nearly 3-5x what the gas companies were. You should give all your customers a break AND call congress and ask them to start enforcing price controls on YOU. Oh wait, 25-50% margins are ok for you, but if Chevron makes 9% margins they are evil, greedy monsters.
  4. Citracleen users

    SunBrite's stuff works great.
  5. John, Sub it out to me. I'll pay you a nice commission, and you can get paid for doing nothing! Philip
  6. Gas prices

    No, now it is both. When the republicans were a much smaller minority, they had to run on morla high ground to get a shot at office. Now the republicans have control, and they are abusing it also. Never trust a man who's ambition is to be control other men.
  7. Gas prices

    Let's role play for a second. Mr. Future CEO calls you up and says; "Mike, I'm going to triple the price of your ABCD stock over the next 10 years. But, in return for my efforts I want 1% of the total growth. Are you on board, Mike?" H**L Yes, I am. And I'll bet you are to. And that's why CEO's get paid tens of millions.
  8. Gas prices

    Amen! Preach on, brother! Preach on!
  9. Gas prices

    Obviously that's a no-go, but you have to look a little more globally. How do you think the electric companies power most of those giant turbines that light your house? Good old fossil fuels. You switch to solar at home, and you have just reduced the consumption of fossil fuels. Less demand = lower prices. Jeff, the different between good margins and price gouging is in the eye of the beholder. No one FORCES you to buy oil. And no one forces them to sell it to you for $2.59/gallon. Every time you buy gas, you and the oil companies have agreed to do business at a given price level. I'm a capitalist pig and a libertarian. IMNSHO, only two people can set the price of an item. The buyer, and the seller. As for corporate welfare, I am against it. As much as I detest price controls, I also detest corporate subisdies, life support, welfare, whatever. If you cannot survive in the business world, so be it. Die off and your remains become food for the next generation of entrepeneurs. I'm apologize for the coarse nature of following response, but the truth is sometimes harsh and ugly; You can have a 100% biodiesel unit operating this week. The fuel will cost you about $1.00/gallon and you can run the same fuel in the truck, burner, and pump engine. If you are seriously concerned about doing what it takes to lower your energy costs, you will build one together asap and start saving the outrageous amounts of money currently being taken away from you by the big oil companies. On the other hand, if you just think the oil companies make too much money and you have a God given right to some of it, you will continue to seek out your elected officials and convince them to use the power of government to take some of the oil companies money and give it to you. By definition, the latter is the action of a fascist...
  10. First official post from my mobile office!

    You may also find this of interest: WiFi Internet Access Everywhere http://en.fon.com/
  11. First official post from my mobile office!

    Pic's please! This has been a todo item for me for years and logistics/layout has been the holdup. If you've got it working, I'd love to steal your efforts. You should download "Net Stumbler" and use it when you drive. You will be amazed at the number of open wifi spots that there are around you. Take my small neighborhood for example. 32 homes and 3 identifed wifi hot spots. All unsecure. In one trip through downtown Atlanta I found nearly a hundred in a 2 mile stretch. Why so many? Mostly lazyness or ignorance. But also because all the encryption algos slow communications. Despite years in data security, I secure my home network devices but not my wifi. I know that sounds odd, but while I am concerned about my neighbor Mr. Jones browsing into my file spaces, I am not at all concerned about someone parking a van in front of my house and stealing bandwidth or capturing my packets and reassembling my data. It's just not a real threat (or a very inconspicuous one).
  12. 8gpm XJET

    As you can see from my previous post, you and I agree. But, I do want to clarify somthing AND disagree with Xterior. First, the clarification: a 5.5 machine using a #13 orifice will not be running 3500 PSI. It will be running at about 500psi. In fact, a 5.5/2000 and a 5.5/3500 will both operate identically with a #13 orifice. Now for the disagreement: Xterior, PLEASE stop marketing the xjet based on PSI. Anyone who understands positive displacement pumps and changing pressure with tip sizes knows the PSI rating of your pump means NOTHING. What?!? That's blasphemy!!! No, it's not. Here's why: The PSI rating of a pump is only significant as an upper boundary of the pump's capability. As long as the orifice is not so small as to over-restrict the flow, for any given flow (X gpm), the line pressure will is dependent only on the orifice size. i.e. a #9 orifice would perform IDENTICALLY in a 4gpm/10k PSI machine and in a 4gpm/2k PSI machine. They would both be moving 4gpm with a line pressure of about 500psi. As you can tell, I am pretty confident in my assessment of the situation. However, I was not involved in the design nor have I made any attempts to reverse engineer the unit. Hence, my observations are somewhat anecdotal. That said, if anyone from xterior wishes to correct me, I would love to hear what you have to offer regarding the subject.
  13. M$ Windows - shocking revelation

    Not any more. Apple rolled out an Intel machine last year, and an Apple version of windows is in development for release early 07 IIRC. So, it appears that even Apple has gone WinTel.
  14. Mike, for the non-fla folks you might add that pool chlorine is not the powdered stuff you get at WalMart. One you get up past the Ga. line, liquid pool chlorine is pretty hard to find anymore...
  15. Gas prices

    Jeff, you and I are normally on the same page but I could not disagree with you more. Greed is in the eye of the beholder. There are plenty of guys working for $100/day who cannot understand why you are so "greedy" trying to get $100/hr. My I suggest a book? Read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand and then call me back on this subject. Blame excessive taxation and government waste. I work to keep up our families standard of living. My wife works to pay our taxes... That would be inflationary. And gas prices would RISE as a result. They middle east: yes. Those capitalist hating countries are exploiting capitalism to it's fullest. The oil companies are just making a buck like you and I. And because you, I, and everyone else on this board buys machinery that runs on petroleum products, they have us by the shorts. WE have given them a guaranteed demand that far outstrips supply. And they are getting wealthy because of it. I think it's brilliant business if you ask me. If you want gas prices to fall, lower demand. Find and use alternative sources of energy. i.e. Set yourself up to be able to take advantage of their competition. Which is a great segue to your next question. Biodiesel, alcohol, hydrogen, electric. And electric can be made from wind, water, solar, or nuclear. You have options, they are all just less convienent to use (biodiesel, alcohol), more expensive than gas (solar, hydrogen), or they come in a form that you do not own the means to utilize (electric, hydrogen). In any case, their are viable alternatives. As I said before, YOU have chosen to purchase equipment that cannot take advantage of them. Hence, YOU have given the gas companies the gun they rob you with. One last noteL In the case of alternative fuels that are more expensive than gas (i.e. solar, alcohol), think about this: You are pissed at the gas company for their outrageous prices, yet they are providing one of the cheapest product available.
  16. Artillery Virus

    I think this is one to keep in the toolbag. I doubt that anyone will actually want to pay me to do it, but who knows. I have a neighbor with white vinyl and free dump mulch. The front of his house is covered with spheroboles. I can see him (well not him, but someone) paying big bucks to get that gone if the house was going up for sale.
  17. M$ Windows - shocking revelation

    I was in computers for 15 years before PW'ing. And those exact thoughts crossed my mind hundreds of times. I can remember installing Windows 2.0 from 5 floppies and later 3.0 into a ridiculous 30Mb. Now we can barely install it in a gig or so... And if you wondering what that bloat is, just consider EVERY printer/modem/soundcard/etc driver for every piece of hardware ever made is hiding in there. All that fat just so you won't have to actually use the driver disk that came with your new scanner... Cmon, do we REALLY need 45 full color wallpapers, only one of which we will ever use. Or can we just pick one at install time and keep the rest on the disc?
  18. 8gpm XJET

    Alan, et.al; I just spoke with xterior about this last week. The recommended nozzle for a 3000/8.5gpm is a #20. Orifice selection is pressure and flow dependent. Call xterior for specifics about your hardware. The whole PSI scale is an oversimplified guide they publish for mass market retailers like Northern Tool. According to xterior a #9 is recommended for my 3500psi/4gpm machine and a #13 is recommended for my 5.5/3000 machine. I have that setup and it works well. I do not like the #13 on the 4.0gpm (too weak) or the #9 on my 5.5 (overspray). As far as your pump is concerned, it's just another tip/orifice. When in doubt, break out the pressure gauge. IMHO, it appears that 500psi is about where you want the immediately pre-gun pressure to be for an x-jet. One last thing, when I mated my 4.0 & my 5.5 machines (~8.5gpm) and used the #13 orifice I was seeing 2500psi. The stream length was not noticibly longer, but the "core" stream was about 1/4" in diameter and the overspray was immense. I'd LOVE to see this thing with a #20 orifice.
  19. X-Jet Proportioners

    I buy them from sunbrite 20 at the time ($1/ea IIRC). I keep black and beige in stock.
  20. Don, Having not built a Phelps wand for roofs, but having several other "piping" type devices for other stuff, do you not think that aluminum would be a more ergonomic (albiet shorter lived) material? You can get obscene lengths and a tubing bender eliminates the need for heavy fittings. If life span is a major issue, you could trade alum for titanum and get light and corr resistant. One last comment/question: I agree that a 12ft wand would be a backbreaker to work with for any length of time at 90^ from your body. Why not toss a shoulder strap on it and hang 2ft of pipe and a counter weight out behind you? The net to your shoulder would only be about 5-8 lbs and all the load would be vertical so your back wouldn't even know it was there. Much like those perpendicular counterweighted cranes used to build high rises. Philip
  21. I concur. I'm 95% resi and I have a 5x14 with a 275 tote tank and it works great. I have a 5.5 skid, a 4gpm roll around (tied down), a 2x4 tool box, and roof for lances, buckets, 3 hose reels, etc. I had a 525 (still for sale - bargain basement), but it had too much of a foot print. I may yet go down to a 125'er for a float, but no smaller as I often run 2 guns (9gpm).
  22. service magic

    Investigate away! They need not look any further than the previous thread I started on Service Magic. And IIRC, it would be "libel" since I put it into print. In either case, they'll have to prove that what I said was false (and known to be at the time I said it). Since what I said was a) factual or b) opinion, they don't have a prayer. Finally, if they would spend more time worrying about WHY their customers are quitting them, and less time trying to bury the bodies, they would be in alot better shape. And I might still be on board.
  23. I would argue that you can't properly make that determination. I personally walk or ladder 'em and use an xjet or a 15080 tip. And even looking, there are corners that must be hand picked, jam ups, etc. that you wouldn't be able to determine without a visual.
  24. I went from 4gpm portable in a truck to a 5.5 skid on a trailer. Ocassionally, I have need to use the 4gpm machine still. The difference in ease and speed is phenomenal. I would NEVER go back willingly. Never. FWIW, I do 100% residential with about 20% driveways.
  25. I do see that, and I too wondered if it should be there. Imho, it leaves VERY little room for air passage. But, that could be how they accomplish such an obscene heat transfer rate.