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Everything posted by PLD

  1. Electrical in-line dangers

    In reality the risk of fire is far greater than that of electrocution. But as mentioned, the real risk is from contacting the line with a ladder/wand. As for water, The stream you see is not a continuous stream, but rather a collection of discrete droplets a very short distance after the tip. Since they lack continuity, they cannot conduct electricity (at residential voltages). For a good graphic/video, Tivo the MythBusters episode about pee'ing on the third rail.
  2. $299! I paid $425 to a local dealer this summer when I was in a bind....
  3. Jarrod, It may be of no value at the time, but you can give it value. If the test poses any significant difficulty at all, then you can sell the time and dedication to your task required to pass it. When I was in the computer biz I sold the heck out of my CNE certification (quite profitably I might add). The test's weren't hard but they covered ALOT of material. Yes, you could pass one without ever touching the system, but few people were willing to put in the 2-4 weeks of study to do so. In fact, few real engineers were willing to put in the 1-2 weeks review neccessary to pass. The end result was that one possessing the certification has shown a comittment above and beyond what most people were willing to do. And that yielded better performers. Hence, CERT = better engineer. All that said, Joe low baller won't have PWNA wood, Wolman, WRAPI, et.al. because that takes more than the minimum effort. You and I will have them because we take every opportunity to challenge ourselves and allow our skills to be tested/evaluated by others. And that is the selling point of certfication. That you are willing to go the extra mile to be better AND you are willing put your skills on the table for examination to prove you are better. As a part of my marketing plan, I have a goal to increase certification this year and create material that plays to those certifications in an "us vs. them" style. Included that plan are memberships in PWNA, WRAPI, BBB, Ch of Comm., NAHB.
  4. The debate rages and rages, but one thing is certain; Low Ballers are making an impact here in Fayetteville. This guy is established and was running head-to-head with me price wise this time last year. [AD IMAGE REMOVED TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT] Trailer $49 1 Story $ 89 2 Story $119
  5. Concrete Chems

    I use SunBrites conc cleaner. We need to get together and do a face-off.
  6. Low ballers making an impact.

    Ok. Well, as long as we are helping each other out let me be of assistance in return. If you want to engauge in a meaningful dialog you should choose your words more selectively because you have a nasty habit of inserting derogatory phrases in otherwise innocuous comments. You may not agree, but each and every one of the phrases below was posted by you in this rather short exchange. And each one is a direct attack on the person the message is addressed to. Since that was me, I took it rather personally. just ridiculous to post. Common sense, guys. Let's all be mature here to post his info is just as creative as his [the low ballers] ability Unless I missed a lecture somewhere there is nothing constructive to be said that requires the following adjectives. "ridiculous", "no common sense", "immature", "uncreative". All that said, if you didn't actually intend to come across as offensive then I hope my comments have had some value.
  7. Low ballers making an impact.

    Got no beef with disagreement. If we all agreed then this would be a pretty dull board. I do, however, take great umbrage when the responses are derogatory and insulting. The spelling correction and the references were just a sarcastic illustration that ALL of us mere mortals do actually make mistakes, and perhaps a public flaming might not be the best way to approach the offending party. Actually, I'm split on this one. Posting his ad: No remorse. Engaging in a debate of his business practrices w/o him present: Not so good. As for the other foot: My internet business gets 15k visitors/day. And I can tell you there is no such thing as bad publicity. So, if you wish to post my ads anywhere, anytime, please let me know and I'll send you the images. And feel free to discuss me however you like. Just talk about me. Please, talk about me. I have considered that. Actually, the only reason I haven't yet contacted him (and another that comes to mind) is concerns about price fixing. But, I'm glad you brought us back there. That was the point of this whole thread. Not to dicuss a low baller, but rather to discuss how low balling has affected decisions in a business that is already established (pre-dates mine). I'm far more concerned about discussing strategy than having yet another gripe fest about low ballers.
  8. Low ballers making an impact.

    Ok, ok. I get the point. I am unprofessional, lack good judgement, am ridiculous (with an "i"), have no common sense, complain too much, don't work hard enough, etc. Since I'm such a complete waste of skin and bones, would you please do me a favor. The next time you, Don, and Jesus Christ are having a pleasant stroll across the water discussing the difficulties of being perfect would you please mention my name and let JC know that I could use a little polishing?
  9. Yes. Cleaning chems can be very harsh on your pump. Downstreaming will increase pump life. A lance is just an extension pipe. What Alan is saying is to put a quick connect at every joint and switch from rinse tip to foam/soap tip as needed.
  10. National Management Company

    Good info. I have a PM now requesting "additional named"
  11. Low ballers making an impact.

    At the risk of getting flamed again, I'll elaborate a bit. My concern about the low ballers here is not that they are taking my work. That I have. My concern is that they are lowering customers expectations on price, quality, etc. They are selling Yugo's. Take the ad that was up for example, that's not a flyer being distributed by a fly-by-nighter. That is one of 5 established regular advertisers in the largest circ newspaper on the south side (4 county area). Of the 5, 2 advertise "one size fits all" prices that are well below par. And one of 2 (the other being me) that pays a premium to advertise 4 color in the Home and garden section. Anyway, my point is that our customers are being bombarded by Wal-Mart and McDonalds advertising. The message is clear; Cheap, mediocre, disposable is better for your wallet than expensive, premium, top shelf, etc.
  12. Low ballers making an impact.

    Sadly, no. It's just a blow and go. The lowball game is here is sell dirt cheap, use nothing but bleach or water, do as many as possible in a day.
  13. Low ballers making an impact.

    I'm not complaining, just pointing out that it does have an impact. In this case, an established competitor has cut his prices nearly 50% in less than a year.
  14. Low ballers making an impact.

    Well, it certainly wasn't my intent to bash openly. I just pulled his JPG file that sits alongside my own ad online. In fact, I did consider twice, but not for that reason. I thought again about posting it because of the attention this forum gets. As far as 'unprofessional', 'lacks good judgement', etc. you are certainly welcome to your opinion. Personally, I would have done so in a PM
  15. This is an old thread, but I found it in a search and was thinking the same thing about price. $250 w/ gutters, $160 w/o 1.5 hrs w/o gutters, 3 hrs with. And as far as the xjet not reaching, this would be done with an old xjet and a wand no longer than 6ft on the high side, none elsewhere.
  16. Drive Way Cleaning

    Could be. In the big scheme, 2" doesn't matter. The BG is sturdy, ergonomic, and cleans well.
  17. Drive Way Cleaning

    30" BigGuy for me. I have a Hydrotech that just catches dust....
  18. Yes. Tan jacket, arrived about 15min late, stood in back until Tracy located a chair. Here's an older pic in same jacket and some very out of style shorts. And you?
  19. Thought you might find this of interest. http://www.ntea.com/im/wts/2006/attendee_faq.asp
  20. No. Naval Jelly is a rust converter. Use appropriate PAINT before rust.
  21. I ditto that sentiment. It was good to meet with Russell, great info, and good to get some face time with my compadres here in Atlanta. Many thanks to Russell, Pete, and the others who made it happen. Pete, you should plan a regular monthly at your place with various vendors, products, etc. Demo at least one product each month. I know that the impulse sales alone should be worth the time/effort.
  22. At 35+ft of height? If so, please share details.
  23. Salesman

    OMG!! If I ever give consideration to living (or staying more than a day or two) in the Peoples Republik of Maryland, PLEASE kick me in the head until I lose all recollection of the idea...
  24. My first experiences with DSers were similar. I switched to xjet and never looked back. Several iterations later, I am using an xjet with 15:1 proportioner. And, just reading your post it occurred to me that 14:1 isn't so bad (for me) after all.
  25. Stupid Computers

    Unless you have something specific in mind like DVD creation, graphics, design, etc most any computer sold today will meet your needs. Wait till Sam's club has a sale and buy what fits your budget.