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Everything posted by PLD

  1. Hey, Ryan, you ok?

    I think he just figured that out the hard way. Definitely! We have limited our time out in the water to no more than about 4 hours a day :)
  2. Taking Private Land for Private Businesses

    And we have a winner!
  3. Taking Private Land for Private Businesses

    BZZZZT. Strike one for the Scott family. Two more and the Smith family gets a chance to steal. Hint: It was written the last time the American people got pissed off enough to "throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
  4. Hey, Ryan, you ok?

    Speaking of cleanup, look over the stands at the road behind the track.
  5. Hey, Ryan, you ok?

    Thanks! He'll live, but fall basketball season is shot and band is iffy at best. Two pins and a plate in it for now... Skimboarding fall for those who are curious.
  6. Hey, Ryan, you ok?

    Police barracades for one thing. All roads blocked about 1/4 mile out. They are terrified of looters and trophy seekers.
  7. I need to add a 2nd PW pretty quickly and definitely want it to be 5+gal and hot water. As of today, a 2nd cold unit would hold me for awhile but my gut says why spend $1500 for another cold/4gpm when $5k for hot/5gpm will grown with me longer. I have no issues droping the bucks if neccessary, but I'm kind of at that 125% stage. i.e. More than enough for 1man/unit but not enough for 2 consistently. My catch 22 is expanding without overspending vs underbuying now and spending again in 12 months. In either case, a new trailer is on the menu as neither will fit on my 10ft'er unless I ditch the tote tank. Anyway, I've been looking at/calling about 2nd hand units and need some advice. Any comments you have to offer would be great. The 1st unit I looked at was unknown brand, looks well used, unknown age. Owner is at least the 2nd owner and is selling because of a failed startup. 18hp vanguard (replacement) motor runs smooth, t2021 pump that shows 4500psi (?!?) on the gauge, 120v hot water boiler gets water hot pretty quickly, K7 fades in nicely, ac generator in skid appears to work as water gets hot. Includes 6x12 single axle trailer, well used Big Guy 24" (or knockoff - no labels) and some hoses, reels, tote tank, etc. Asking $2500 could probably buy it for $2000-2250. Not a spectacular specimen but it would fill the need fast and cheap. Unit #2 (not yet seen) is an off brand/unfamiliar name skid but locally sold and serviced by a dealer that I do business with regularly. The entire trailer is approx 1 year old (failed startup). 5.5gal/3500psi pump assumed to be a t2021 based on the dealers other offerings. 16/18hp vanguard motor. 525 gallon tank, 350ft of hose with reels. 24" big guy. Tandem axle trailer with ladder racks welded on. Tool box mounted on trailer. Ladders pictured (may or may not be included) Based on the pic, this is a well thought out rig. Seller claims over 11k invested. Asking $7500 firm but I sense willingness to bend. Might be able to get for $7k. Comments?
  8. I love red tips and turbo tips. Ditto for Home Depot pressure washers. They get me more calls from DIY'ers than a thousand postcards. I would estimate that 30-40% of my customers have a less than one year old PW in their garage. No better sales tool for me than a tracered driveway and a tired homeowner. I just did a 7500sq/ft driveway that the homeowner had done themself 12mo ago with a 5.5hp unit. They did not even flinch when I quoted them 10c/sq.ft.
  9. Company Shirts

    Hey guys, how about some shirt pics! Rod & Beth, Consider adding a vendors directory. That way we can know who is good and keep the business with those vendors doing us right.
  10. Taking Private Land for Private Businesses

    This from a Kalifornian? Bet you aren't too popular in your neck of the woods. Nahhh. Just 65 years or so. Different continent, differenet language, same end result.
  11. Taking Private Land for Private Businesses

    Our second amendments rights were written when the people had access to the same weapons as the government. It's purpose was to ensure the ability of the people to defend themselves from the government. That ended with the development of WMD's (which can't practically be privately owned) and since then has been slowly perverted to mean that the people may not own weapons capable of more than hunting and self defense. And before the arguments about the 2nd amendments original purpose start, let me offer a little remembered quote from our forefathers own pen(s). "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another [snip] all men are created [snip] are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. [snip] But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." Anyone care to guess where that came from?
  12. If you had a 10ft single axle trailer, a 275 gal tote tank, and a 550# skid unit which would you put over the axle; The skid or the tank? Logic tells me the tank, but 550# load with it's CG halfway between the axle and the tongue is going to make for a pretty substantial tongue load. Right now I have a 30gal tank and a 220# PW forward of the tank and the tongue weight is pretty beefy. Total space behind the tank is about 18in. Space forward of the tank is about 5ft. Space on either side of the tank is just big enough for a 5 gallon bucket. Philip
  13. Be my guest, I stole it from someone else. I think it was in reply to me saying, "I'm not trying to be an a**hole or anything..."
  14. Hey, Ryan, you ok?

    PTC has two old dams here. One about 6ft high, the other about 10ft high. Both 50ft+ wide The smaller one is just a ripple in a huge river, and the higher one is only about a 2ft drop. Many bridges wit 8ft clearance have water at the bottom of the girders.
  15. Hey, Ryan, you ok?

    He was good when I spoke with him this afternoon. They were at the new house. My buddy's sister lives in those hi-rise condo's. She was in the tub when it hit, but it took out the windows and tossed all the furniture out the openings. Had she been elsewhere, it likely would have been a bad outcome. I live about 5 miles the other side of the speedway and we had some down limbs, etc. but nothing serious. Ryan, my son broke his wrist this afternoon and had to have surgery. We were/are dealing with that now. So, no tank pickup today and tomorrow is iffy. I'll do my best to go get it, but I can't make any promises. Sorry.
  16. Thanks! FWIW, the exact skid is pictured in your avitar.
  17. Company Shirts

    Dickies dark blue hold us better than anything I have found. Oddly, dark blue bleaches less than their khakis...
  18. Isn't it great to succeed at something without even trying! :lgbounces
  19. Taking Private Land for Private Businesses

    Michael, No offense intended but that specific response REALLY gets my dander up everytime I hear it. First, let me play devils advocate for a moment... How about we legalize rape? Outside of that small thing, we're still better than anywhere else. How about we legalize torture for interrogation purposes so long as your lawyer is present? Outside of that small thing, we're still better than anywhere else. How about we trash that pesky first amendment? Outside of that small thing, we're still better than anywhere else. Just because we are better than anywhere else doesn't mean that we should tolerate attrocities so long as the sum of those attrocities doen't pull us down to the #2 spot. On a less simplistic note, it is because of basic freedoms like private property rights that we are so successful. Take those away and you head back down that road to mud huts and mules..
  20. That was my thinking but I went with the more expensive one after negotiating down to $6500. Here's why... +Like new skid vs well worn skid. i.e. - repaints, no thermostat or hour meter, many non OEM replaced parts +tandem axle vs. single axle trailer (see other thread) - 6x16 vs 6x12 +350ft of HP hose vs 150ft hose. +Much newer "Big Guy" vs much older look alike (may be BG, no marks) +ladder rack (w/ 21ft ladder) already installed vs open trailer. +turbo tip, 3 6ft lances, double tip lance, extenda wand, 2 water brooms, couple of guns, etc. vs. one gun and a few tips. +large tackle box full of couplers, orings, parts vs. no spare parts +Steel mounted tool box on trailer vs no box +525 gallon foot tank vs 275 tote tank (this may actually be a negative) +miscellaneous 5gal containers, 55gal barrels, chem stirrer
  21. I don't disagree that it would be best on a tandem, but if you look the numbers. Max load ----------- 2400# water. 900# trailer. 600# skid. 300# junk. --------- 4200# - Just 20% overweight for a 3500# axle. Normal load ----------- 100# water. 900# trailer. 600# skid. 300# junk. --------- 1900# - 46% underweight for a 3500# axle.
  22. Good head Ryan. I was so focused on the positive moments adding to tongue load that I completely forgot to counterbalance it with the negative moments. This needs more noodling. The neg moment (trailer rear) has a much shorter max lever than the positive moment (trailer front). Careful placement could give me an approriate tongue weight with no water in the tank and a near zero (or negative) tongue weight with the tank loaded. Anyone know anything about negative tongue weights effect on the hitch and driving stability?
  23. I agree. But.... I rarely haul water. I have actually considered dumping the tank on that trailer. Right now it has a 13hp pull around (bolted down) and does about 95% residential work. I want to upgrade to a 5.5gpm unit and hot would be very handy on concrete. The only reason to keep the tank is to buffer in low volume situations, hold my advertising signs, and occassionally haul some water. If the tank (loaded) were even close to the skid weight it would be a no brainer as the tank is almost never used. But at 2400lbs, placing it too far forward would nuke the tongue when full. Since I just bought a dual axle trailer I may just dump the tank and turn this into a skid only trailer for locations where water is available.
  24. I got it, but then again I have a BS in physics....