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Everything posted by PLD

  1. Inside 911

    Fact: We didn't locate much. NOT Fact: They weren't working hard to develop them You are making the very wrong assumption that failure to prove misdeeds is the same thing as no misdeeds occurred. IMHO, that says a great deal about your character. Enjoy fathers day this year while other childrens parents are dragged off in the middle of the night. Which one do we go after first? I'm not sure, but to live here in the blessings that have been bestowed upon us while others die like dogs is evil. Did GW explain this to you while ya'll were playing golf last week, or are you just guessing what he was thinking? If the former, who won? If the latter, please stop spouting complete speculation as fact because it only makes you sound ignorant. 1. I'm actually not sure that I disagree. It hindsight, it may not have been the right decision. But, I'm not going to allow you to use all manner of BS and fiction to vilify GW. Or to support the idea that we should run away from a mess we created. 2. "HIS MISTAKES" were supported whole heartedly by YOUR congressmen. It was THEIR decision. Until it got to be unpopular. Now it's HIS decision, HIS fault. That's just chickens**t. Planned and executed? This isn't a training exercise. This is a WAR. That's how wars go. We make plans, they try to thwart them. We change plans, they change responses. In the ends, he who has more resources and makes better decisions WINS! But change is part of the game. If you expected this to go like a school play and the enemy just to lay down their arms, you had completely unrealistic expectations. And that explains why you are disappointed with the outcome. WMD's WRONG: Keep repeating that crap and you will start to believe it. Opps, you're already there. GETTING OUT: Only a chickenshit comes in, trashes the whole place, and then runs away like a scared little boy when things get ugly. You and I can debate all day about the decision to go in, but not about getting out. Running away now is the behaviour of a coward. One last thing: Is Kerry for or against the war this week?
  2. Inside 911

    Yes. Iraq was a safe haven for terrorists and working hard to develop WMD's. Had they been allowed to proceed, they would have become a serious threat to world peace. A threat that we would have to deal with at a later date when they were a much more formidable enemy. Much like are facing in Iran now. And S. Korea... Would killing GWB stop the war in Iraq? No. Did killing Jesus stop the spread of Christianity? No. Did killing Saddam Hussein stop the insurgency? No. The answer to your question is simple. He is ONE MAN and although it would have been a great psychological victory, it had little stratrgic value and was a HUGE waste of manpower. That and there is credible evidence to suggest that he is already dead...
  3. Inside 911

    Are you saying that 911 was done by our own people? Good God man, I thought I was the gov't conspiracy freak here. That is just too much. P.S. I hear that Elvis & Steve Irwin were in on the planning to maximize the theatric impact. And Hoffa did the organization and fund raising portion. The remote stuff was designed and tested on the same sound stage that they faked the moon landing on. It probably wouldn't have been possible to pull off, but all those chem trails the airplanes are leaving has all of us in an altered mental state.
  4. Inside 911

    Cry me a damn river.... Caught within a year? I don't thing I have heard such a ridiculous statement in a long time. Ever do search and rescue? Obviously not. Every do search and "rescue" over a whole country? No, thousands of soldiers are dying because insurgents are killing them. If we had UBL, our men would still be there and they would still be dying... I take my previous statement back. THIS is the most ridiculous statement I have heard in a long time...
  5. Oh my God

    It couldn't have happened to a better communist! :) Seriously though, scary exciting. Scary is is when stuff really starts to happen for you. You are pushing the envelope. Scary is also when BIG mistakes happen. Grow as you need to, but avoid debt like the plague. Bad spending choices you will later regret. Bad debt choices you will sort out in front of a judge. Don't be equipment rich and cash poor.... Yes you can! Yes you can! Yes you can! Go get 'em!
  6. No suction?

    Either you have an air leak or need to repack your pump. I would start with the air leak. Check all inbound connections to make 100% sure they are air tight. Next check all the inlets to yoru pump head and make sure they are air tight. That said, my bet is your thermal relief valve has gone bad and is sucking air. Plug the hole with your finger and see if it starts working properly. If so, replace it. If you bypass to tank or spoil to ground, you can use a plug. If you bypass back into the inlet, get a new relief valve.
  7. Making the x-jet easier to use

    Yes, often. And I've cleaned a 50+ft oxy tank using an xjet and an 8ft lance. I wouldn't try it on a windy day...
  8. Vote on logo!! (see attachments)

    I voted #2, because #1 has been done by 100 companies before.
  9. Dreg's List

    He is WORSE than competition. He is a customers first impression of our profession. Their expectations are set low from day 1 and they attach a price tag that is commensurate with their experience. Next time they call for serice, I walk in a offer a bid that is 2-3x his prior bid and they get sticker shock. After all, why should they pay top $ for another guy in flip flops doing the suicidal idiot dance atop a saw horse. Not that I can't bring them back to reality, but it will take a lot more sales work to do so. Ultimately, his lack of professionalism costs me time and money...
  10. Does Everyone Use Chemicals?

    I know this is pretty negative,but... Check the facts on what is in the products you buy. Most of the "environmentally friendly" crap that is sold is no more environmentally friendly that than the non-EF stuff. And, in many cases it is less so. Also be especially wary of the "natural" label. For example: Turpentine is a forest by-product. Equipped with a pump-sprayer, a gallon of turpentine would kill about an acre of forest for years. The pesticide permethrin is manufactured from the crysanthenum (sp?) flower. A gallon ofpermethrin would kill enough bees that the flowers could not pollinate. It would also poison about 100 acres of lake.
  11. Stainless coil

    I would investigate the heat transfer rate and burst pressure of both metals at al operating temps. If it had a high enough melting (and bursting) point, we'd probably make coils out of copper for the thermal conductivity. But it doesn't, and hence we don't. I think you may find a similar situation for SS in burner coils. If not, it sounds like a great project.
  12. Does Everyone Use Chemicals?

    That depends tremendously on what it reacts with, but absent fats and oils it generally forms some manner of a salt. In the presence of many fatty acids, it forms common soap.
  13. Does Everyone Use Chemicals?

    Yes, dilution is key. I use a working solution of about 0.75% SH. That's about 1:15. Also, when you face a chemical averse customer, you need to educate them on the reality vs. the perception. The use of chemicals is sometimes MORE environmentally friendly. For example: I don't recommend injecting chemicals in ones body. However, a shot of penicillin is far more "natural" than letting your foot rot off from a nail puncture. Similarly, bleach will bio-degrade MUCH faster than paint flakes. IMHO, after 30 years the soil surrounding a house with regular chemical cleanings will contain much less inorganic material than one with no chems and scrubbing. Did you know that bleach bio-degrades into NaCl (salt)? What does latex paint degrade into? You must use a "bleach stable" soap. For example: Laundry soap is bleach stable, dish soap generally is not. Also, some chemicals that are bleach stable at 0-2% concentrations are not stable at 6-12%. It's just too hot of a mix. Sure there is, www.thegrimescene.com! :) Isn't the virtual world great. Atlanta to Auckland in .003 seconds!
  14. Making the x-jet easier to use

    Hmmm.... Perhaps if you had used the x-jet more than twice in the last year you might find a little easier to think of clever techniques that help make the x-jet easier to use. Not that I'm recommending that you use an x-jet over downstreaming. If I were doing that, I would probably do it in another thread since it would be completely off topic in this one.
  15. Maybe it's the way I read your post, but I'm either walking away or bidding it so d**n high that she walks away or I laugh all the way to the bank. Here's why I say that: Redwood deck repaired with PT = cheap. PT deck abutting redwood walkway = again, took cheap route to add-on/repair. Sherwin Williams stain = Available to public. Potential DIY homeowner job previously. she wants cabots = customer dictating materials to me. No. and a similar solid grey stain = customer providing materials for me. No. but i do believe that its going to be oil based = Unknown product. H**L NO. IMHO this is a customer who thinks they are a pro. And despite having screwed it up a few times before they STILL thinks they are the pro. And, they repeatedly look for the cheap fix. That type of customer firmly believes that you are nothing more than labor and the ONLY reason they called you is to do the work they don't want to do. And since you are nothing more than manual labor, you are obviously stupid and need to be told what, how, and when to do or you will make a complete mess of it. Don't walk, RUN away from these types of people.
  16. I'm going to thank the rep for the lead and let him know that by working with me he WILL sell more product. I'm also going to let him know that while I will *try* and use his product where possible, I will not do so when it will compromise my quality/service. Hence, the requirement that "referral jobs stay strictly theirs" is not acceptable. This leaves me in control and places the ball squarely in his court. Either we can work together and move more of your product, or you can be greedy and we will move none of your product. Please advise how you wish to proceed.
  17. Eliminate Gas Cans ?

    Cody is dead on. While it is a great idea, hooking up to the vehicle is a dangerous proposition. Get a metal fuel cell from Northern. Bolt it down and plumb it into your existing fuel tank/draw line.
  18. Making the x-jet easier to use

    Lance, I think you mis-posted. This is the "Making the x-jet easier to use" thread. The x-jet vs. downstreamer thread is in a different forum.
  19. Making the x-jet easier to use

    My equipment is very similar and it works great. One question, though. Do think it's better to let the ice sit in the water, or do you drain it off? ;)
  20. 5000psi 4.5 GPM machine?

    At that price, you have to keep you eyes open. They pop up locally from time to time. Take Pete's for example. He's got a 4000/4.0 for $1600 that could easily be retrofitted for 5.5/3000. Not that I am suggesting that a retrofit is cost effective, but rather to make the point that it is doable.
  21. Making the x-jet easier to use

    2 gal bleach, 2 gal Citrus Cleaner, 2qts other stuff, top off with water.
  22. 5000psi 4.5 GPM machine?

    If it is cold water, you would be better off with two 5.5/3000i machines at about $1500/each new (belt drive). Correction: if I wanted to rip SIDING off a house. Then you wouldn't be using 5000 psi would you.... :)
  23. Making the x-jet easier to use

    For me: 5 gallon bucket, black proportioner, 50ft hose. Moving is a breeze. Bungee the bucket to a hand cart and go. Placed on a corner, it does 2 sides w/o a move. One bucket does a whole house. Smaller houses use 3gals. As for the backpack: It's a great idea, but a trip over a root could put you on your face and get the back of your head (and eyes, ears, mouth) soaked in bleach. I have scars on my legs from sloshed 12% (pouring) and I long ago vowed that 12% (or any caustic/corrosive) never comes above knee level unless it is inside a hose being pumped.
  24. New Yorker insurance....

    About $950 here for 1m/2m.
  25. I must add that the pepcon explosion was a very rare set of circumstances that culminated in an explosion. As a rule, AP compounds are not explosive in nature. I personally have burned several hundred pounds of APCP under extreme temperatures and pressures. (My rockets) FWIW, the space shuttle boosters are 90+% AP. If you will recall, when the Challenger main tank exploded, the attached boosters flew away still burning as expected. If a million pound hydrogen explosion at point blank range can't make a few million pounds of already burning AP explode, not much can.