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Everything posted by PLD

  1. Chem pump set-up - 150-200'

    Shurflo's site claims 115' of lift for a 2088. IIRC, 15psi =~ 33ft of lift Hence 115' ~= 50psi. That said, I had serious problems at 40'ish feet. Previous messages here indicate that my problemmay have been from not priming at the ground level first.
  2. Purple Power

    Interesting. I found AllBrite to be less effective that purple butyl caustic and PowerHouse (SunBrite's Yellow Butyl caustic) to be ineffective. Yes, wait too long and it rebonds. This has been covered before, but perhaps it's time again. Unless I am mistaken, an x-jet at 1:2 is producing 3 gals of solution with 1 part concentrate and 2 parts water. Hence your TTW mix is 33% before dilution and 22% after dilution.
  3. Yes, the lost alot of detail so it looks like a plain old burn. You definitely cannot see how you could pop a chalk like along burnt and unburnt. The devil is in the details. Take a look at the front view and see how far from the house the burn extends (>25ft). Also look at how much damage has been done to the grass (it's worse in person) and how little to the flowers in the drip line (they look better in person). Finally from the back corner look at the grass and flowers in back. Green and vibrant. Same chems, same process, no damage there. From the back corner Close up of back corner View from front.
  4. Part Timers

    Send me a card. I hate stain work.
  5. Purple Power

    I use a purple butyl caustic from a chem supplier and purple power. based on color, sudsiness, and viscosity PP seems to be my stuff cut 1:1 with water. Anyway, my purple stuff will strip a gutter to bear metal at full strength and strip window frames at 1:3. I imagine PP would do similarly. Anyone ever use Simple Green on gutters? I tried it this weekend at 1:2, and it works well. It only gets about 90% of what PP does (without brushing) and it every bit as effective as PP if you brush the tough spots. And it's alot easier on the eyes and bushes.
  6. Ay- yuh. That's how 'tis.

    Grits are a staple food here. Nope. And it'd be more likely the other way around. He's been deep sea fishing with his grandfather since he was old enough to hold a pole. Fishing in a gulf wide tournament this weekend. Unless the leaderboard changes by morning, he's got the #2 grouper at 56# No lie. Coke has employees here go into resturants and ask for a coke. If they are served pepsi w/o being asked "Is Pepsi ok?" they then let the mamager know that the indescretion will not be tolerated. Two pieces of bread, some mayo, and a dozen or so banana slices. You should try one, they are great. Ditto here. Not if you do it right! Yep. And mostly reserved to rural areas. I only know one, and alas he passed along a few years back.... MawMaw and PawPaw are for grandparents. As a Pahp-Aww and mee-maw (phonetic spellings) No spoiler. I laughed at the first post and your reply. Question: Do you guys think Jeff Foxworthy is really funny, or is he only funny to us. I get the impression that when non-southerners listen to JF they are laughing at a stereotype. Kinda like me laughing at Mel Brooks doing a rabinical jew. However, when I listen to Jeff Foxworthy I am laughing at specific people I know that he just nailed to a "T"...
  7. Ay- yuh. That's how 'tis.

    - referring to two or more people as "Y'all," Guilty - You think barbecue is a verb meaning "to cook outside." BBQ = food. GRILL = "to cook outside" - You would never stop to buy something somebody was cooking on the side of the road. (e.g., boiled peanuts). Pork rinds, fried potato chips, funnel cake. - For breakfast, you would prefer potatoes-au-gratin to grits. Breakfast = grits, bacon/sausage, eggs, toast. Cream of wheat is used to hang wallpaper. - You don't know what a moon pie is. I know what one is, and where to get one within 5 minutes or less. - You've never had an RC Cola. Again, where to get one within 5 minutes or less. - You've never, ever eaten okra -- fried, boiled, or pickled. Fried. Any other way is just wrong. - You eat fried chicken with a knife and fork. huh? - You've never seen a live chicken, and the only cows you've seen are on road trips. Caught, killed, and eaten both. - You have no idea what a polecat is. Or smells like... - You don't see anything wrong with putting a sweater on your dog. We do it for laughs. - You don't have bangs. Men do not have bangs. - You would rather have your son become a lawyer than grow up to get his own TV fishing show. My son will likely be a pro TV fisherman. 14yrs old and hookin up 140lb marlins already. - You drink either "Pop" or "Soda"- instead of "Cokes." Any carbonated beverage is a Coke. Except Pepsi, that's for northerners. And RC is a cola, but not a "coke" - You've never eaten and don't know how to make a tomato sandwich. Or a banana sandwich. - You have never planned your summer vacation around a gun-'n-knife show. Vacation? There are local to me. Perhaps a weekend... - You don't even have one can of WD-40 somewhere around the house. Does the trailer count? - You don't have any hats in your closet that advertise feed stores. No large animals. John Deere and Remington hats for me. - You can't spit out the car window without pulling over to the side of the road and stopping. Huh? How hard is it to spit out a window? - You don't know anyone with at least two first names (i.e., Joe Bob, Faye Ellen, Billy Ray, Mary Jo, Bubba Dean, Joe Dan, Mary Alice) I know whole families with two first names. - You don't know any women with male names (i.e., Tommie, Bobbie, Johnnie, Jimmie) HEY!! What's wrong with calling momma Jimmy? - You don't have Maw-maw's & Pawpaw's. Sadly, I no longer have a Maw-Maw or Paw-Paw. But, I almost cried when my two year old just started calling my dad Paw-Paw. - You get freaked out when people on the subway talk to you. I find it horribly rude when I'm on the subway and someone just walks off when I'm just trying to talk to them... People down here don't behave like that... - None of your fur coats are homemade. Bear skin for me.
  8. Land of Nuts & Fruits

    Not mine! You guys can keep him. Perhaps you can get him to move to Brentwood where he'll be seen walking one of OJ's girlfriends home and... Well, you know how that story ends.
  9. Outside dew, zero precip for 7+ days. I'm voting against simple chem burn because we over wet/rinse and the adjacent grass in a 5 unit bldg looks like a golf green. It's very odd, because there is such a dramatic difference between unit "A" and units "B-E" on the same bldg. If it were the whole bldg, faded in, whatever I'd bite. But the property line makes a clear divide between burnt and unburnt.
  10. alternatives to chlorine

    Well, it's didn't hurt and I didn't get an infection. So I guess it worked as advertised. :) As a mildecide/housewash? I have no clue. In the bottles I buy it in it works out to about $600 US/gallon at 3%.
  11. Land of Nuts & Fruits

    But the law then allowed for out of court settlements. US constitition Article 1-9: No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. US constitition Article 1-10:No State shall [...] pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law...
  12. alternatives to chlorine

    Perhaps not. From: http://householdproducts.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/household/brands?tbl=chem&id=2408 Products that contain this ingredient Zep Acid Toilet Bowl Cleaner Lysol Disinfectant All Purpose Cleaner, Lemon Scent (Trigger Spray) Liquid Vanish Disinfectant Bowl CleanerHumidifier Air Freshener Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner Lysol Brand Disinfectant All Purpose Cleaner-All Scents (Trigger Spray)Tough Act Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner (aero) Easy Paks Detergent/DisinfectantMicrowave Oven Magic 3BT Humidifier Bacteriostatic Treatment Dow Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner III with Scrubbing Bubbles And the ouchless cut disinfectant I use is 3% benzalkonium chloride.
  13. I second that. It turns over from top to bottom much better. Straight in seems to create a mixed middle with a stagnant outside. It's especially true if your mixer blades dont have a pitch to create upflow.
  14. Land of Nuts & Fruits

    "put on some soft music, give them milk and cookies, tuck them in, it's all very sweet..." Those words will forever be emblazoned on my mind. And I want to vomit every time I hear them. GROWN MEN DO NOT SLEEP WITH CHILDREN! That is, unless the toddle into my room in the middle of the night crying about being scared. Then I cave in like a wet paper bag...
  15. Citriclean & Emulsifier Plus

    Powerhouse as in Butyl Caustic? Be careful with it. I did a number on some glass that didn't get rinsed properly...
  16. Land of Nuts & Fruits

    I find it even more amazing that people allow their children to stay at his home... I mean, would you allow your male kid to stay over at the house of [insert obviously stable and hetero but unknown personally to you male star] because [star's name again] invited them? And sleep in their bed with them? Not no, but hell no. Now, replace that name with an obviously very strange, psychologically disturbed, suspected homosexual who has been clouded in allegations of pedophilia for decades? A parent would have to be out of their mind.
  17. Bid Proposal

    Yep. The last one was MANY pages and still getting hits. Count me in. pldoolittle [at] bellsouth [dot] net
  18. After just 1.25 years the oil in my GP T1511 is getting milky. This started after an oil change saturday before last. It was clear before that. It has run dry on rare ocassion when I started the pump and then realized that the water was off. I suspect blowby, and see quite a bit of action in the sight glass when the pump is running. It may have always "bubbled, boiled, and rolled" when running, but I never paid and attention until the oil came milky. If it is blowby, it's not bad as the oil level never changes significantly. Now for the questions: - Rebuild or minor repair? - Realistically, how long can it last like this? - Should I press on until it fails or stop now. I.e. Will waiting considerably increase the final repair bill. If it will cost 1-200 extra, I press on and wait. If it will result in a cracked block vs. a bearings and rings rebuild, I stop. - Is a rebuild a do it yourself job for someone with good mechanical skills and tools? Are special tools required? - How long does a rebuild take typically (hours)? - Even if I CAN do it myself, should I or should I really consult an old pro? - How long does a repair shop charge/take? -I'm a one pump shop. Should I buy a replacement T1511 and rework mine "off the clock". i.e. I'll be out of a pump for several days. Now for the sidebar questions - Is there a pump that will run off 13hp and trade PSI for 5.5gpm? - Is that a stupid idea? - Should I just drop 5g on a 5.5/hot rig and put this one in the shop? One last question: - Who's the idiot who designs most all small engine tools so the oil drain always pours onto the frame before spilling downward into the drain pan?
  19. Honda 20hp, no spark

    Great feature. Now I don't have to worrk about hum when I'm sitting in it listening to AM radio. :)
  20. Ditto. I have landed two apt complexs and and in the running for #3. All three wanted to see 2MM minimum.
  21. Question for start

    Dead on. I had the entrepeneurial expense and cash to go "labor only" year one. But I worked solo for that year so I would know the biz. Now, I know how much to bid, how fast it can be done, and what is reasonable to expect of my crew. Now, when a customer calls and complains I know pretty quickly (or at least after a visit) if it is an anal customer, innocent oversight, or slacking. Now when a 2.5 hour house takes five hours I can generally tell in the first ten words if my guys got their ass kicked (I mis-quoted), they were slacking, or I am dealing with a num-nut. That skill has proved invaluable in this business. Don't bust your guys chops when they have had a really rough day, don't give them a pass when they decided tuesday should have been friday.
  22. aluminium siding ?

    FWIW, it was "I love to oxidize" robins egg blue. and to the earlier threads about oxidized vinyl, IMHO robins egg blue is the worst. Every problem vinyl house that I have run into (bad oxi, stud striping, etc) has been robins egg blue. That includes my rental property that I clean annually and it still oxidizes...
  23. aluminium siding ?

    I did, and it's one out of 500'ish (2nd year for me). I just don't like losing/failure. I knew how to fix it. I just knew that I'd never fix it at a closeable cost. Mild butyl and a truck brush followed by a wet wax would have made that house like new. I tried the close, but it was a losing cause from word one. Had I noticed aluminum at the quote, I would have had a good chance during the sale. But once I had quoted and done sub-par work, "my apologies, I mis-read the job" was the best I could do. And from there, Tony Robbins would have had to work miracles to re-close at 4x the price.
  24. aluminium siding ?

    I would walk away. I just did one and no matter what we did (short of brushing every sq.) it looked like crap. Crap w/o mildew and algae, but still like crap. Many places under the mildew were not as oxidixed as exposed places, it looked like a patchwork quilt even with all low pressure and very careful work. Many stains bonded like gutter streaks and would not come off without chems and scrubbing. I would have walked away before hand, but when I quoted it just looked like typical really nasty vinyl. No add ons wanted, just the house. So I gave him a mid-grade price and figured we'd be gone in 2 hours. 4+hours later I ended up apologizing for not being able to clean it and giving the job away for free. That's a first for my and definitely not a good feeling. Makes you fell like an amateur...