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Everything posted by PLD

  1. What will happen to iraq?

    I never suggested that we make them like us. I merely stated that we must stay and fix what we obliterated. War isn't vinyl siding. It changes as you time passes. It is influenced by hundreds of factors, not the least of which are weatehr, terrain, enemy determination, money. politics, etc. Give us a workable plan?!? You are in charge now. You give us a workable plan.
  2. What will happen to iraq?

    No, it's not BS to want a better plan. It is, however, BS to spout on and on about how stupid the other guys plan is yet have no ideas of your own to offer. Take this post for example. You have said; I don't have the answers No one else does I'm not qualified to lead what we are doing is not smart what we are doing is a failure *** Those statements are completely non-linear. *** As for my plan, I will reserve that for later as I do no wish to allow the conversation to be diverted from the topic at hand.
  3. What will happen to iraq?

    Well then, what exactly would you suggest we do? Not "make a change", "get a new plan", "change direction" and other ambiguous BS. What exactly would you do?
  4. What will happen to iraq?

    A fine question. IMHO, that is an issue we should address. It is if the thugs are attacking her because you killed the police that protected her. That is a legitimate debate. But it's not relevant to this situation. We are not talking about getting involved, or not getting involved. We are involved and you cannot unring the bell. Metaphorically speaking, our girlfriend is already pregnant and we're deciding to stay or walk away. The debate over isolationism is a whole other thread. Your memory of world history need polishing. Every time we invade and dismantle a country, the resulting chaos (and spoils) creates a breeding ground for tyranical dictators. It is precisely what happened in Germany twice and caused WWI and WWII. And it is precisely why we now spend billions rebulding countries we just finished bombing. We did dismantle a moderate threat to US security. To leave now will allow it to reform and truly make the whole effort a wasted one. Since I have seen no plan that involves offering financial aid to the insurgents, I don't see how your example is relevant. BUT, if I rolled in and shot all the police which then allowed the muggers to attack and paralyze the old lady, then yes. I have a responsibility to her.
  5. What will happen to iraq?

    Why should we? Because we are decent people. We started this, and we will Ok, so you're not a cut& run guy, but rather a pull out slowly guy. What is your timetable for withdrawal? How do you propose to handle the imminent chaos that will result? Re-read my posts very carefully. I NEVER said liberals, democrats, etc. The reps that wanna cut and run are just as cowardly as the dems. By that I assume you mean me. Ok, but let's clarify a few things. 1) I am NOT a republican. 2) Cut and Run is not a campaign slogan. Either we plan to finish what we started or we do not. Either we cut and run, or we stay the course. I can't even address this propperly without getting into a long boring discourse about middle eastern affairs; But suffice it to say that the escalating chaos is being strategically engineered to encourage us to get out. A reason to stay? Because we are not spineless pieces of s**t. We destroyed the place, we stay until they are back on their feet. Any other plan is the plan of men who's word is not worth the paper it is written on. A winnable plan? We have one. Stay until the Iraqi police/military forces can maintain law and order. What you want is not a plan, it is a timetable. And you don't fight wars on a schedule. Why don't you take a few minutes and tell us what you plan is? Not what is wrong with my plan. Not what we have screwed up so far. Not how much better it could have been. What is your plan for fixing this situation and in what timeframe does that occur?
  6. What will happen to iraq?

    To all you cut and run guys. I certainly hope that you never find your families life in hands of another who shares your viewpoint. You can try and justify a pullout however you want. Cost, death toll, majority vote, Bush lied, plan sucks, whatever. Even if GW Bush is the anti-christ himself, that doesn't change the fact that we have already destroyed their military, police, and infrastructure, etc. and walking now is leaving them behind to be slaughtered. And that is wrong... Sleep well knowning that you walked away and left the little old lady to die because you might get a black eye in the process...
  7. What will happen to iraq?

    You know this whole thread has me completely disgusted with many of you. Are you really the type of people that would walk away from a gang of thugs beating up an old lady? Are you really so selfish that if you tried to help out and you started getting hurt, you would run away and leave her to fend for herself? For God's sake! We are the richest, most powerful, country in the history of the world. I have more food in my pantry than many whole villages on this dirtball, and more money in my pocket than 1/2 the worlds population makes in a year. I take more clothes to goodwill every year than most people will ever own, and burn enough fuel in a year to light up a small country. Even this computer I am typing on cost more than many people make in a lifetime. How can you people sit at dinner and ask God to bless your meal knowing that you will throw away more food than many of his children will have to eat tonght. Is it wrong to standup for the 98lb weeklings even if it means that your Polo shirt gets torn? If we cannot stand up for the poor, huddled masses, who will?
  8. What will happen to iraq?

    Actually it's simplistic thought like "dead is dead' that help justify horrible strategic decisions. Here's the reality of the situation: 1. The past: Saddam is murdering hundreds of thousands of people, mostly political dissidents. 2. Recently: We went into Iraq and DESTROYED their ability to police and defend themselves. Many civilians were killed. Unfortunate, but such an action is neccessary to take control of a country and minimize US losses. The alternatives were keep #1, or suffer the casualties ourselves in a protracted ground war. 3. The present: Small factions that would ordinarliy be crushed in a stable political climate (free or dictatorial) are now able to operate. They are fighting (and killing) for control of the country. If they get it, mayhem will ensue (i.e. Darfur). Such is always expected in an unstable state. Why do they attack US forces? Because they NEED us to leave now. If we stay and establish law & order, they will be crushed. FWIW, one of these "factions" is Al Quaeda. 4. The future: What happens next? Chaos or law & order? Can it be accomplished and by whom? People were dying in mass. People are dying in mass. And unless the situation changes, people will continue dying in mass. Obviously who is doing the killing is immensely important as only one the players plans to kill for awhile and stop. All the other players plan to keep killing as long as it serves their own interests.
  9. What will happen to iraq?

    Sometimes the payoff is not progress but rather damage control. Look back at history and see how many countries were invaded and then collapsed into a worse state of affairs after the invaders pulled out to soon. Afghanistan is one. Germany is another. And although we didn't technically invade the Soviet Union, we were instrumental in it's downfall. And we did nothing afterwards to stabilize them. The result is much unrest in the former soviet states as the power vacuum taht was left behind was often filled by dictators.
  10. What will happen to iraq?

    All right Mr. Rumsfield, what would you have done? Yep, I don't have time to waste on all this war crap, I've got to get back to waxing my SUV and cleaning my pool. God bless America and screw all those brown people. Hell, they are poor as dirt anyway. Let 'em kill one another off and then we'll take their land. Democrats = party of the common man My Ass!
  11. What will happen to iraq?

    Let me follow your logic. Based on the information I have from a credible source, I come to your house to serve a search warrant for drugs. I kick in the door in, tear apart your house, and only find minimal evidence. However, I do find 12 children gagged, bound, and being tortured in the basement. According to your logic since my warrant was for drugs I should just leave, forget about the damage, and pretend I saw nothing. To do otherwise is "Just a lot of political BS".
  12. What will happen to iraq?

    That would be me and I am greateful to you for letting me know. I had no idea I was such a complete fool. Skipped out on history class, eh? Is you TV and radio broken? Just in caseit is, I'll throw out the name of Hillary Clinton... 1. 300,000 tortured and dead. 2. Whole villages of women and childen gassed. 3. Rape rooms. Dan that's not sad, that is just plain stupid. Now that doesn't sound at all bigotted... 1. No bloodshed? Yes, there was. Quite a bit of in fact. It was just kept out of the media. I would suggest that you spend a little time on sites like http://www.9neesan.com/massgraves/ before you continue posting BS like that. 2. Please reconcile these two statements for me: A - "we are not accomplishing by being in Iraq other than losing more of our boys, more civil war casualties" B - "You don't set war policy based on casualities"
  13. Yep. I skip the short hose and just spool some hose off each reel. Go with a 9gpm nozzle. You'll get some prressure losses. I actually questimate 8.5gpm from my 5.5+4 based on pressure and orifice size. As for holding the trigger, it's not an issue for me, but I keep 250ft on hose on each reel.
  14. PW KIlled by wand

    As could the loose head of a homemade sewer jetter. ;)
  15. finding a bbs

    Dont use the word BBS when searching. It's a hangover to (good ole) days gone past. Use the word "discussion" or "forum" as in "Pressure washing discussion". Also, query with the top BBS softwares (VBulletin, YaBB, etc) in the KW string. As in "Pressure washing discussion vBulletin".
  16. Acorn Stains

    If the stain is ORGANIC, use bleach. If it is metallic, use acid.
  17. Cash or loan

    Why don't you buy the used equipment for 10c/$ and leases it to yourself. That way the $$$ for the lease comes back to you w/o SE tax attached.
  18. I do exactly this. 5.5 & 4.0
  19. Search for a thread I made on this. If you are using trapped pressure unloaders, all you need is a "T"...
  20. Cash or loan

    Scott's right on. It's very personal and you need to consider taxes, interest, and cash flow. I have borrowed for things I could have paid cash for because I wanted that cash there in case an opportunity arose that could not be financed. An example: Philip has 6K. A new skid is 6k. Interest rate is 9%, CD's are paying 5.5%. Pay cash, right? Maybe. What if your truck blows up next week and you need a new engine (6k). Joe's garage doesn't finance, so you have to take out a new unsecured loan at 11%. Should have financed the skid... And there are other just as likely scenarios that would dictate that you pay cash.
  21. Mortgage pay down

    If you can, look into paying bi-weekly. 26 payments = 13 months. And 1/2 your payment was made 2 weeks earlier, so your interest bearing debt was reduced earlier. Over time, paying bi-weekly will save you years. Just don't let your morgator scam you into paying a few hundred bucks for the "priviledge" of setting up bi-weekly. Many good mort companies offer it for free, many try and rip you off. If they try that crap, just send 'em more each month like you planned. Just make SURE and send two seperate checks. One for the regular payment, and one for the overpayment marked for principal. Otherwise they will either screw it up or apply it to work against you.
  22. Back from brief Hiatus

    For those that suffer from plantar fasciatis (heel spurs), keep a 2 liter coke bottle full of water in the freezer. Pull it out and roll the bottle under the arch of your for for 10-15 min a night. Works wonders for relieving pain and getting you back to normal. Speaking of "itis". An "itis" is an inflamation. The inflamation aggravates the injury and causes much of the pain. In these cases, regular doses of an anti-anflamatory (like ibuprofen) can speed recovery. So, taking it every XX hours as recommended is generally much better for recovery than taking it only when it hurts. Be aware that many anti inflamatories inhibit clotting, as you should be aware of that should you get injured. Also, consult a doctor before starting a prolonged/heavy NSAID regimen.
  23. Use of WD-40

    I use DOW-111 for couplers and such. Waterproof, safe to 400^F, lubricates like crazy. $12/tube at NAPA. I do not like WD40 for carpenter bees as it can stain the wood. I use brake aprts cleaner. Dead in seconds, no residue. Great for black widows as well.
  24. The start ofthis thread mentioned chemicals that weakened bleach, and has quickly turned into a discussion of those that boost it's power. Just for clarity, I'd like say one thing about weakening bleach: The property of mixing/interacting properly with sodium hypochlorite is called "bleach stable" Some chemicals (like laundry detergent, engineered PW soaps) are specifically designed to be bleach stable. Being bleach stable does not mean that it has a positive effect on the mixture. For example, water is bleach stable but serves no purpose except to dilute the bleach. Other chemicals are not bleach stable, which means they will be oxidized by the bleach. The oxidation consumes the bleach, and the chemical, "weakening" both. In reality, you are destroying both but there is usually much more bleach than soap so you end up with a weakened bleach mix. Not being bleach stable does not mean that the interaction with bleach is a violent one. For example, cotton is not bleach stable.
  25. Business profitability

    I asnwered 60k, but that is if I'm selling and others are working. If I am the labor and the sales, it quickly shoots over $120k. Also note that my OdorDestroyer.com website takes in quite a bit with minimal time comittment. If that did not exist, my answer would have been much higher. FWIW, I left a job I loved and management/corp structure that I hated. Hence, this business is a bit of a paradox for me. I do not like the "work" nearly as much as I did before, but I like the management (customer, me) much better. It was time for a change and this was it. Will I be doing this in 5 years? Only of the money is excellent. Even then, I will likely build it and sell it.