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Everything posted by PLD

  1. I have found Wesley's Bleach White to do a great job in a pinch...
  2. Be careful. Addictive!!

    316.3 - Strike that. 325.3 - WooHoo!!!
  3. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    That was sarcasm, right? You don't actually believe that?!? Look at history. Tax cuts spur growth, increase revenue, and hence, increase tax revenues. Tax increases decrease revenues. The deficit problem is (and always has been) a spending problem. Democrats have never been able to control spending (too many entitlements), and the Republicans have forgotten the aren't democrats. The only difference between them now is what the money is spent on. Bill Clintons tax increases were like slamming ephedrine and Mountain Dew. A temporary dramatic lift, but a long term crash. Balancing the budget is short term. Reducing the debt is long term. Healthy debt reduction is like dieting. It must be done slow and well to be healthy. Cut fat, increase metabolism. The fat is obvious, the metabolism is capitalism. To increase your metabolism, lift the burdens from capitalism.
  4. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Sorry, Jeff. I voted about 95% Libertarian. To the Dems: Never. Socialism will destroy our capitalist system. I'm ok with protecting the working man, but that does not mean carrying him on my back. To the Reps: America just voted against the Reps and not for the Dems. Quit trying to be Dems, and you won't get fired...
  5. Saddam will hang

    ~ 79/day. More info here: http://i.cnn.net/cnn/interactive/us/0409/list.us.casualties/popup.us.cas.11.01.06.gif Note that WWI was actually 4 years, not 2 as noted there. Also worth nothing is that in WWII the US lost more men in 24 hours (D-Day = 1465 dead, 1928 missing, 26 captured.) than we have in the entire Iraqi war. Counting allied partners, over 57,000 were lost at Normandy. For those keeping score, that's about 633/day.
  6. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    I will NEVER vote democrat for one single position as long as they are the (not so) moderate arm of the socialist party. When they give up socialized medicine, the NEA, the graduated income tax, and social security, I may take the time to listen to their ideas. Until then...
  7. Saddam will hang

    Nope, it won't. Nor will it make the young widow a police officer feel any better that her husband died in the line of duty. But neither of these sad events change the fact that there are things in this world that are worth dying for. And IMHO, stopping little children from being tortured, young women from being raped, old men from being beaten to death, etc are worth dying for.
  8. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Yep. Former president (Dem), last dem candidate for prez, Senior senate leader (dems). The top brass in the democratic party. And you want me to vote democrat?!? First, let's clarify one thing. I'm not a Republican. Just because I think the democrats are a bunch of lying socialist fools who would run this country into the toilet post haste does not make me a Republican. No, Bill Clinton isn't running for anything. That quote was from 1998 when he was Commander in Chief. He believed that Saddam was in possession of WMD's (and didn't do squat about it). And he believed it in 2003 when we invaded. As did the *majority* of the hypocrites in the Democratic leadership that are now running around screaming that we entered under "false pretenses". Finally, the repubs do have there share of liars in the clubhouse. But that I know of, none of them have: a) drowned an innocent girl b) screwed interns on the presidents desk. c) Made a career out of denegrating the military. d) slugged a whitehouse cop. Again, you want me to vote democrat?!?
  9. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Yes, Korea and Iran are unchecked and laughing at us. And you/the dems are just as much to blame as Bush. Why? Because if he does make a move to put troops there you will crucify him yet again because: a) he pulled out of Iraq and left the job undone (see earlier comments about Afghanistan) b) Amercian boys will die (again see earlier comments) c) we cannot 110% prove Iran has nukes (earlier comments...) d) It costs too much money (comments...) e) we cannot tie Iran or NK to bin laden (comments...) You can't have you cake and eat it too. If we are wrong to be in Iraq, we are wrong to go into Iran. If we a should go into Iran, we are justified being in Iraq.
  10. Saddam will hang

    Yes, it is low. This isn't a barn dance, it is a WAR. And war, you kill people and break things. Unfortunately, so does your enemy. As for faulty intel: The info came from people sneaking around in the dark of night grabbing what little info they could get and hoping they did not get killed in the process. It's not like we just sent an email over to Saddam and he faxed us the info. It's pretty easy for you guys with 20/20 hindsight to say how bad the intel was, but it's all we had, and we went with what we had. And I might remind you that the was believed to be accurate by our people, by the UK, by Australia, Bulgaria, Finland, Holland, Estonia, Fiji, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Poland, Romania, El Salvador, Slovakia, Spain, Thailand, and the Ukraine. (among others) Oh, and I might also remind you that these Bush "loyalists" thought it to be true as well: "We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."- Ted Kennedy "The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists." -- Bill Clinton "Iraq is not the only nation in the world to possess weapons of mass destruction, but it is the only nation with a leader who has used them against his own people." -- Tom Daschle "I will be voting to give the president of the United States the authority to use force - if necessary - to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." -- John F. Kerry "As a member of the House Intelligence Committee ... Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region" -- Nancy Pelosi All I can say is this: He has been there. He has seen it with his own two eyes. He believes that we should be there, and he believes it so strongly that he will risk HIS life to be there.
  11. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    I certainly am not a Bush supporter, but there is no way I will vote for that bunch of liars. "botched joke" - John Kerry "I did not have *** with that woman" - Bill Clinton "Mary Jo who?" - Ted Kennedy
  12. Saddam will hang

    As I posted in a reply earlier, you and I don't disagree. But, people that are getting all worked up over 3000 killed would do well to examine the facts. Of the 3000 dead, 2259 were combat related. That's only 1.7 per day for an active war zone. Compare that with 9.24 for Vietnam, 33.9 for the Korean War, and 281.5 for WWII.
  13. Saddam will hang

    I'm not sure. Why don't you check that out and get back with us? My point (which makes sense) is that placed into context the number 3000 is not statistically abberant. However, it is often tossed about by the anti-bush crowd (without any context) for maximum shock value. And to address Jeff & Mikes points: No, I did not factor out only ages 18-40 from the mortality tables. Nor did I factor accidental deaths/ friendly fire out of the 3000 military dead. Both would skew the results in different directions. But, you must also consider that we're not talking about reconciling a 20-30% difference. The mortality rate among free people in a non-combat area is 585% that of our boys. Don't get me wrong, every soldiers life is highly valued. And Iraq is no picnic. But we have the best trained, best equipped, most highly educated fighting force on the planet. And for all that we have accomplished, the death tolls in combat are quite low.
  14. Saddam will hang

    Many, many of those were non combat related. Eliminating those how many men did we actually lose as a result of the decision to invade Iraq? How many military personnel are killed here (non-combat related) in the USA in a three year period? A quick search will reveal that 3.69% of the US population dies every year. 3.69% of the military population in Iraq is 5,530/year. We have lost approx 1k/yr. Seems to me that the odds of an enlisted man dying in Iraq is about 1/6th that of him dying here in the good old US of A. Still think we're sending our boys into a massacre?
  15. Saddam will hang

    Sometimes killing is neccessary...
  16. Prostate Cancer

    We have a local talk show host who had PS cancer last year, and was successfully treated with the radioactive seed. Anyway, he says almost daily that his oncologist firmly believes if a man lives to be 100, his probability of getting prostate cancer is 100%. i.e. your probability is about 1%/year of age....
  17. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    That may be technically correct, but the first "true" federal income tax enacted in 1913 1% tax on net personal incomes above $3,000 and a 6% tax on incomes of more than $500,000. In todays dollars, that's 1% on incomes over $280k/yr and 6% on incomes over $46.7million/yr. That's one hell of a long way from the socialist graduated income tax we labor under today. FWIW, the chief opposition to passing the bill was that the lower bracket may someday rise to the absurd level of 5% ?!? I hear you, but does that guy use any less Fire, Police, Roads, or Military infrastructure? Does Wal-Mart charge him any less? McDonalds? Do you? Of course not. The cost of operations does not vary by one's economic status, neither should the burden.
  18. For a primed line, the net effect is the difference between the outlet and the inlet. The intermediate highs and lows are of no consquence. For a non-airtight storage tank, the inlet height is the fluid level and not the height of the actual pipe inlet. Why? The liquid rises 6 feet from the bottom of the tank, and then falls 6feet to the pump inlet. On the upside, gravity introduces 2.54 psi of resistance. On the downside, it offers 2.54 psi of assistance. The net effect is zero. If the net is greater than zero, the falling liquid will pull the rising liquid up and a siphon is formed. If the net is less than zero, the fluid will move up the tube until it reaches equilibrium and stops. This will happen precisely at the level of the liquid in the tank. And yes, that means that you can put your chem tank on a roof, drop the hose 50 stories, back up 50 stories, and the net lift (less 1k ft of line loses) to your gun is just the height between the tank and your gun.
  19. tank plumbing question

    a) Smaller pipe inside short section of bigger pipe. Put a thumbscrew through the larger pipe sleeve and squeeze the inner tube. b) Angle iron and c clamp. Holds tubes like a champ.
  20. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Let me clarify my position(s): You will never know the pain we have felt: I hope that I never do. But because good men suffer as the result of a decision does not make the decision a bad one. Invading a soveriegn nation that had no connection to 9/11: This utter BS believed only by those who work diligently to delude themselves. eliminating habeus corpsus: I don't know about eliminated, but certainly has punched a few holes in the idea.... Our policy in the Middle East has been flawed for 50 years: It ain't been no picnic, What exactly would you suggest? It is time to find leaders who realize why they hate us so much and turn the tide: I.E. Vote for appeasers like that moron John Kerry. We voted for the worst president to have ever been elected to office: And the replacement should be; John Kerry? Hillary Clinton? Give me a break... Killing 300,000 Iraqis, many of who were women and children is never going to be the answer: A) Welcome to reality. War is hell. Innocent people die in war. Sad, but true. In WWII the civilian death toll was about 34 MILLION. I guess we should have left Hitler alone as well. B) Were they tortured to death? As in: "about 300,000 people are thought to have been killed during Saddam Hussein's regime [...] women and children executed for no apparent reason [...] bodies bulldozed into the graves"
  21. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Well, if that's the bet you've got, I'm ok with it. The shades thing was a little embarrasing. But, he unintentionally insulted ONE person. Kerry intentionally insulted a few hundred thousand. A few hundred thousand who put their a** on the line for us each and every day. So, to each and every one of the ignorant uneducated hicks who got stuck in Iraq: You are the reason my children sleep innocently and unaware that there are men in this world who seek to destroy them. I can never repay you for your sacrifice nor can I pretend to have the courage you do. You have my undying admiration and respect.
  22. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Sweet photo! What a complete moron. Even if you were such a self-righteous a**hole as to believe that way, only a complete and total idiot could expect to make statements like that AND have a political career.
  23. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    That is a very backhanded apology. Not "I apologize for what I said". I apologize IF you took them wrong. But they weren't misinterpreted. They were in fact, quite clear. But I must have missed something, what was the lie? Misquoted? Are you serious? I heard the audio. Words from Kerry's mouth to my ears. There was no misquote.
  24. That is a very valid point. I recommend that everyone buy and use properly rated fittings. As for me, I've since had several HP fittings fail but never a galv iron fitting.
  25. Great point, but I got a real chuckle from this: "(2500/2.5) ..... holding that kind of pressure"