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Posts posted by PLD

  1. If the USA is so big and bad, why can't they catch this ONE guy Bin Laden? Or are they REALLY searching hot and heavy for him? I think we have enough technology and armed forces we could find anyone anywhere. Maybe not at the snap of a finger, but 5 YEARS? I find that hard to believe.

    Every spent some serious time in wilderness? I don't mean in a state park, or a 5 mile hike, or a 1200 acre hunting plot. I'm talking out in the woods where becoming something's lunch is a real possibility, and no one would even hear your scream.

    Becoming invisible is not as hard as it might seem. In fact, being lost and dying of exposure is the #1 cause of death amongst outdoorsmen. And rescuers generally know where they started, when they were last seen, and which direction they were headed. And let's not forget that they WANT to be found.

    FWIW, Eric Rudolph stayed hidden for about 5 years here in the good 'ole USofA no more than about 20 miles from a busy tourist town.

  2. I think our goverment let us down both Clinton & Bush. I still think we are in grave danger and always will be. But we all know who did it! That peice of CRAP Bin Laden .......I'd love to see a picture of him dead on a board and then kill the millions of radical muslims that hate us

    Aww cut the crap. Everyone here knows YOU did it. Imus was about to go public with the Hillary/Jeff/Bill love triangle and you guys blew it up to divert attention away from yourselves.

  3. I did my first house today. I have a couple of questions I hope to get some help on. Thw house came out great and the customer was very happy (Mom)

    I used an X-jet to wash with a chemical mix of 2 gal 12% 2 gal soap/degreaser a few squirts of Dawn soap. The house is a ranch 80'x25' I ended up using a total of 5 gal of bleach and 5gal of soap. That seems like a lot to me. I may have been to generous lathering up the house.

    Another question is the shutters seemed to have faded some. They are brown plastic. Could that be from the bleach mixture? I am not sure if they were faded before I started and they were just more noticable because the house was sparkling.

    Any help you coul give me I would greatly appreciate. If someone has a better recipe for house wash I would love to try it.



    That's about 5 gallons too much. Shoot for 0.75-1% bleach TTW. Sounds like you used no proportioner? If so, use 1 gallon bleach, 1 gallon soap, 3 gallons water.

  4. Any org. also has in house stuff that should be kept in house. This is easily accomplished by an unpublished sub-domain bulletin board that authenticates members only. Here the BOD, management, and members can hash out org. business.

    It doesn't even have to be that complicated. Even this board has forums that are only open/visible to moderators. There's even a special super-secret forum where the illuminati gather to discuss what a jacka** I am.

  5. I voted for "Members Bulletin Board open partially to non members".

    1. Members need a private area to discuss issues, hash out dirty laundry, and just generally have a benefit that is not available to non-members.

    2. Open to non-members: Who wants to join an org they know nothing about? Newbies register, participate in the BBS, gain knowledge, and then realize that there is a benefit and that they are only getting part of that benefit.

  6. Everything else needs to sit and dwell and then still needs to be hit with some pressure.

    I'll leave the bleach/mix debate to others, but if you are having to pressure off after a soap and dwell, you need to check your mix. Were it not for the ill effects of not rinsing (glass, plants, chalking), 90% of houses need no rinsing, much less pressure, after a soap and dwell.

  7. It was kind of a joke, but apparently no one got it.

    Dave Ramsey is a radio talk show host/personal finance counselor (www.DaveRamsey.com). His mantra is "Get out of debt". Anyway, when people get deeply into debt and are trying to dig out of the hole, you need cash fast. And one of the fastest ways to create additional cash flow is to get rid of a financed car and buy a much cheaper car for cash. The net effect is to kill the car payment and regain $3-400 in cash flow pretty quickly.

    Anyway, since 75% of the people who calls his show are deeply in debt and most of those have a car payment (or 2), "sell the freakin' car" is said about 10x a day. So when you said "MUST SELL NOW- RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!", I replied "Dave Ramsey?!?". Anyone who listens to Dave a lot would probably have found it really funny.

    Also, if anyone here is just starting the Dave plan, they would probably have recognized a very subtle clue that I have been where they are and that I am open to talk about it. Kind of like a not-so-secret handshake.

  8. I received a reply the next day agreeing to remove my pics, but claiming that he had bought them from a broker who claimed that, since I didn't have a copyright on them, they were fair game.

    That's another scam hitting our there. I WENT AFTER a site I found plagarizing about 10 of my articles. The cooperated and led me to a broker selling ready made sites complete with my content. $399 and you are online.

    We shut them down hard, but the point was the rip-off brokers do exist.

  9. I remember someone used one of Beth and Rods pictures not that long ago and I think Beth called him on it then he removed it.

    Probably me. Actually it was more than Beth & Rod, it was several peoples pics. No foul intended, I just did a search for c:\*.jpg and copied 'em all to a big folder. Never considered the internet cache files, pictures in the /temp folder I had enhanced and printed out for my guys (more below), etc. All in all, I think it was about 3-4 pics out of 20.

    Bottom line, mistakes happen so start nice. If it's a mistake, they will have 'em down in 15 minutes. If not, get out the ugly stick.


    *enhanced and printed out for my guys - To answer the Question, no I do not send TGS links to my guys. It's bad enough that they already think they can quit and start up tomorrow without me handing them this gold mine as a tool. I print pics and discuss what I see right, what I see wrong, etc.

  10. Dave Ramsey?!?


    5.7L HEMI V8








    STARTING BID $17,000

    MUST SELL NOW- RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!

  11. BTW, if Fronty is still reading this; I'm not trying to do a sales job on you, but make the point that you cannot dig a swimming pool with a teaspoon. And the home centers like lowes make a living marketing teaspoons to would be pool owners. I was deadly serious about people like you being my best customers. Obviously, you are smart or you wouldn't be here. And obviously you're not cheap, because you just dropped $300 on a cleaning tool. Once you have done this a few times, damaged a few things, and seen first hand the labor and expense involved, you will have a new appreciation for why people who own PWers still hire pros.

    You mentioned that your unit used alot of chemicals? That's another reason it pays to hire it out. To do the job right does take alot of chemicals. Once you back out the chems, the price of a professional cleaning isn't nearly as expensive as it seems.

    FWIW, because of a career change I got out of the business this spring and sold all my equipment. In the future, I will be calling on a local pro to do my own house. Why? The right tools are too expensive to keep laying around for an annual cleaning and the HD stuff is a waste of money.

    You asked how home depot can keep selling PW'ers? Because every year there are new home owners who haven't bought one.

  12. Cool thanks Phillip that's what i was looking for :cool:

    I've had Adian "AC NEWGUY" working with me on some staining jobs.I'm converting him from RS to the BGA he did say the BGA doesn't stink like the RS.I'll have to try using his surface cleaner to see how they work.

    Did you sell all of your equipment?

    Adrian's a great guy. He will be sorely missed here in Atl.

    Yep, sold it all.

    As for surface cleaner sizing, I find that about 5" per gpm is the upper limit of usefulness.

  13. Assuming this is a HO:

    No matter what the guy at HD told you, you're not set up to do a house unless it's a one story. Your chem injector will not draw at a useful rate unless you use 12.5% bleach, which you cannot buy at HD. If your house is one story, you would do better with a garden sprayer and some good chems. And if the word "ladder" entered into your thought process at any time, you do not understand how to clean a house and you are begging to get hurt and/or cause damage to your home.

    You can do your driveway, buy it'll take you a full 10 hour day for a normal drive. For that same driveway, I'll charge about $200. If $200 is worth 10 hours of hard labor, press on.

    I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth. My best customers are people who just dropped $3-500 on a bigbox pressure washer. They called a pro and realized that they could buy a HD unit for what I wanted. The bought one, took it home, and realized that their machine and skills were inadequate to clean such a large project. Then they called me and almost NEVER complain the price. I LOVE to see a new HD pressure washer in the garage when I run a quote. Quick and easy sale.

    Sadly, I think you just wasted $300...

  14. Greg, I'm going to pick on you a bit here. I do not mean to be ugly, but I do want to be frank with to make my point clear.

    You said; "To me this is a severe strike on professionalism" and I agree. About the vendor, and about *your business*. Did the vendor have a problem with their supplier? You don't know. Nor do you care. Your customer feels exactly the same. All they see is that you made a comittment that you cannot keep. Keep stock on hand and if neccessary, make another order with another vendor. If you do not have free cash for one extra jobs supplies, you need to examine your cash flow and business model. If you are willing to break your comittments to a customer over a few extra bucks, you need to examine your future in a service business.

    Bottom line, When you make your problems your customers problems they fell like you do now. if you want to stay in business and prosper these problems need to be your problems and not your customers'.

  15. Airplane gas or Avgas, (not jet fuel) is 100 octane, but Low Lead. You can buy it at any airport for around $3.00 a gallon, but don't call me when you burn your pistons up! Jet fuel is basically kerosene.


    AvGas is high octane, low vapor point gasoline. It can be burned in your gas powered car, but can cause a fire or explode in your burner. AvGas does contain lead, so it is illegal use on road and can reap havock on your catalytic converter.

    Jet Fuel or Jet-A is highly refined kerosene blend. It can be burned in your burner, but not in your car.

  16. Ok I have the wrong chemical Iam using through the x jet. As far as the x jet itself I thought they were universial ( orfice what orfice) I know this sound stupid but I know you need to match orfice with nozzles but with the x jet I didnt know that. Also I believe my gpm is 4.0 and psi supposed to be 4000 but I been looking at the gage it reads about 3600. Also where do I buy the house wax

    Find your pump model and do a search. Size your xjet to volume, not pressure. If you are using a 4/4000 I would recommend the #9. If you bought according to the box, you got a #13. It's not a huge difference, but it will mean 3-5 ft more.
