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Posts posted by PLD

  1. You have to make sure your X-Jet is matched to your machines pressure and flow.

    Big time. IGNORE the chart that xterior (and northern) publishes, It's crap. According to that chart, a 3000 psi 8 gal gets a #9 orifice, and a 3500psi 2gal machine gets a #13 orifice...

    For most machines, a 4gpm gets a #9, an 5.5 gets a #13. Get both and see which works best in your application.

    • Why did you go?

    To meet people ane network. Business opportunities mostly.

    • What did you get out of it?

    Tips for being successful and tips for being unsuccessful. The latter was very valuable. Lost of good relationships.

    • Would you attend again and why or why not?

    Yes. It was very valuable. Even though I have sold out. if there was another in Ga I would attend just to impose my opinion on others. JK. I would attend though. It would be great to see some of my buds again. And I could give back to some newbies as payback for those who gave to me when I was a newbie.


  2. Leave the tools and run!

    Funny story. I was cleaning gutters out in the boonies when unplesantries set upon me suddenly. I dashed to my truck and flew down endless miles of road (no TP). Just when it seemed like I would never make it, I spotted a port-let in the middle of front lawn at a McMansion under construction. I got everyone's attention as I took the corner screeching on two wheels. They were all still trying to figure out what the heck was going on when I raced up the drive, threw it into park, and jumped out quickly. I dashed across about 75 yards of new sod and ducked into the safety of the porto-let. Seconds later I heard wild laughter from all over that work site. They were still laughing and making wise cracks when I went back to my truck.

    From that day forward, I keep a roll in my truck at all times. It has saved me more than once.

  3. Why does this NOT suprise me:

    James "Jim" Gilchrist is the founder of the Minuteman Project, a group whose aim is to prevent illegal immigration across the USA's southern border.

    "Gilchrist willingly allowed members of [...] one of the United States' largest neo-Nazi organizations, to help with his 2005 House run. [...] The report interviewed a former volunteer in Gilchrist's campaign who said that 'they were basically allowing skinheads and white nationalists to work the phone banks and do IT and distribute National Alliance fliers targeting non-whites' "

  4. >> raids on nine businesses that used a Baltimore-based temporary employment agency

    >> suspected of providing illegal immigrants

    >> seized the $600,000 bank account of Jones Industrial Network, the employment agency under

    >> investigation for allegedly supplying illegal workers to firms

    This is just like the war on drugs. They are after the suppliers. They bust the users, etc just to bully them into testifying. If they were serious about busting low-level users, they would be staking out the QT & Home depot every morning 6a-8a.

  5. and the word that the [insert agency] will be going after

    That's the meat of it. They want to make you think that they are hiding at every corner just waiting so you will self-police. The reality of actual enforcement is very different.

    Take rocketry for example: There is a legal battle ongoing over their authority to regulate rocket fuel. The BATFE has been threatening to jail rocketteers on the spot. They have even had agents hang out conspicously as if a bust were emminent. This has been going on for 5 years now and not one person has been given so much as a ticket. And our launches are far from secretive. The last big meet was publicized for 2 years and drew over a thousand people. Why all the posturing?? They simply don't have the manpower to make a significant enforcement. And if they bust only a few and someone fights it, they could lose the case and their right to enforce. So, just create FUD and hope for the best.

    Like I said earlier; It'll never happen while there is a Rep in the WhiteHouse. Call me back in 2 months and 24 days and I'll explain why.

  6. I would think that 22 gallons would be sufficient to do 4-5 average sized houses with the proper mixture.

    I'm using one of these with my x-jet , it holds enough to do an entire 2 story house with out refilling and is easy to pull around most yards and lays flat when I'm spraying. To adapt it for x-jet use I drilled a hole in the top right in the middle and put a bulk head fitting with 1/4" barbs inside and out. The inside has a pickup hose with filter and the top goes out to 12' of hose to the x-jet on the end.

    RV Tote Tanks - Tote-A-Long Tote Tank, 22 Gallon

  7. Hmm I may try that idea.. The 3 foot wand seems to get tangled in that $%#*&$$&* suction hose... Yesterday was my REAL first customer house wash job with x jet.. Man it worked wonders I just need to do a little tweaking on set up i.e. longer hose bigger bucket dolly etc..

    Put QC's on everything. Keep a 3' and 6' (QC'd also) handy. For the price of a half dozen QC's, you have a 0', 3', 6', 9' gun that will do most any job w/o a ladder.

    As for the bigger bucket: 10lb of bleach weighs 80-90lb. Add 10# for a hand truck. A bag full of black proportioners weighs maybe 1oz. Use a proportioner, mix stronger, carry less. Thats the best tip for making an x-jet easier to use.

    As for the backback: I do not believe that this concept is a safe one to implement. Dripping or leaking bleach could cause burns the solid waste control sphincter muscle and create an appreciable pain in the fundament...

  8. In the x jet package it says."do not hook x jet to trigger but only to the lance"?? In the picture on above site. It shows the dude on the right using trigger gun only no lance?? Does anyone else use this method?

    Yes, on every gun I have. Every gun is QC'd directly on both ends. 3/8 on the feed side, and 1/4 on the business end. I use an xjet w/o a lance much more often than with one.

  9. So please verify... we take c (desired tank percentage) x the flipped fraction t (desired tank volume) over b (starting bleach percentage) ? Formula being C x (t/b)


    Anytime you have to divide by a fraction (not nice to do in you head), just invert and multiply (much nicer on the old noggin).

    ..And both our "/" within the "()" are really supposed to be a flat fraction sign?

    You understood correctly. BUT... To be technically correct, the flat fraction sign is really supposed to be a "/". The flat fraction sign is deprecated because the concept of flipping numbers (important to algebra) does not make sense with a the .|. sign.

  10. 12/35=.3428571 , then 1.5/.3428571= 4.350005 gal.

    please forgive if this is wrong and there be a better way to figure

    Forgiven. It's right but there is an easier way. Follow my logic.

    For your tank 12 / 35 = .3428571

    Whenever you divide something by one, you can instead just flip over the fraction and multiply. Hence,

    1 /.3428571 => 1/(12/35) => 35/12

    This also means that all these are the same

    1.5/.3428571 => 1.5/ (12/35) => 1.5 * (35/12)

    Now, for PW chemistry 35/12 is close enough (2.92) to 3. So I'd just say that 1.5*3 = 4.5 gallons.

  11. I would take that more like "uhoh, I'm alone on this one and don't have anything to really rebut with so I'll just play the I am too smart for them and leave them feeling like I think they are beneath me."

    Well, you read it wrong. It was more like "My God! I cannot take any more of Rod's aristocratic attitude and spineless passive-aggressive statements."
