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Posts posted by PLD

  1. >> Even in this modern day of enlightenment; if Science dares to ask if we were perhaps led

    >> astray by corrupt church leaders in the ancient past it is met with extreme resistance

    >> and anger. Why is that?


    > Because it would collapse the system.

    I'm not sure it's even that complex. Life without a safety net can be pretty scary. And, to face the concept that you just die and rot like garbage can be pretty depressing. As you might expect, people get a little testy when you try and take that away.

    As for the earlier posts regarding the truth: The truth stands up to scrutiny. Anytime you are encouraged to avoid material that questions the "truth", the first question must ask should be "why?".

  2. the anti christian left will do everything possible to sow doubt, since they obviously cant prove anything. If they can just sow a little doubt, they think they can destroy the faith.


    The pursuit of the truth is not anti-Christian. If what one finds damages Christianity, that does not make the pursuit anti-Christian. Similarly, if what you find supports Christianity that does not make it "pro Christian". The truth is just the truth..

    True or not, unearthing the tomb of Christ's family is a BIG story. If it does not contain his body, that is big news. If it does contain his body, that is big news. People said very similar things about the dead sea scrolls. In fact, they were suppressed for years because the Christians were afraid it would prove his mortality, and Jews were afraid it would prove his divinity...

    Always pursue the truth with vigor and embrace your findings...


  3. Also how much do 1-800 numbers cost? I have local numbers for other areas, all those numbers call forward into my main number.

    Mine costs $5/mo + LD charges. I use Kall8.com Super sexy 800 numbers are more expensive, but if you get creative with #'s and words you can make a "bad" number work for you.

    As for the local numbers in other areas: You should seriously consider Vonage or a service like that. Lots of local #'s, one price for the line. Read up on SkypeIn, and what I'm saying will make sense.

    About SkypeIn

  4. >> The price for freedom is sometimes great

    Amen. Too great for most because freedom is uncomfortable and scary. A deer who dies of starvation in the wild is truly free, a monkey who gets hand fed every day is not. Most people would rather be comfortable than free.

    >> government in the end can never really truly protect us - even though they try to sell fear and protection.

    Amen again. Republicans sell fear of terrorists and druggies (war on terror/drugs), Democrats sell fear of personal incompetence and failure (social security, socialized medicine)

    >> Funny how I am a liberal democrat who has the exact same views as Philip Doolittle on issues

    Doesn't surprise me at all. I'm a libertarian. We are socially liberal and economically conservative.

    >> I believe republicans are for the most part getting fat from lucrative government contracts that don't make us any safer now then pre 9/11 - and if anyone thinks the airlines or ports are any safer as a result of all this spending on homeland defense is seriously lacking some brain tissue.

    They are. We can't even keep 10 million poor uneducated mexicans out of the US and by some miracle we are going to keep out 10-12 heavily trained, heavily funded militant goons who believe they are acting on orders from God almighty?!? I might have been born at night, but it was not last night.

  5. sodium hypochlorite + ammonia. There, now I've contributed to the delinquincy of America. Not exactly chlorine gas, but poison enough. Quick, somebody stop this exchange of information.

    Before you know it enough things will be regulated that we will forget how to make concrete. Again.

    Yep. The regs are ridiculous.

    Powdered aluminum is regulated. Over 1lb/year requires a explosives manufacture permit. But, you can buy all of those silver radiator "stops leaks" things (powdered aluminum) that you want.

    High grade ammonium nitrate is regulated. But, you can order all of those "instant freeze" packs (100% pure ammonium nitrate) you like. Or just buy fertilizer.

  6. Hey Philip...how do you really feel? :D jking. It was good to hear from you and I hope all is going well.

    Things are really great.

    As for the rant; If you spend any amount of time dealing with the government you will find that their quest for power is unending. Generally speaking, they will spare no freedom or property if taking it will justify a departmental budget.

    For example: 9v rocket ignitors can be sold at walmart. 3 volt rocket ignitors must be sold by a licensed explosives dealer. Both can be made at home legally and w/o any permits. But, if you are caught buying/sellling 3volt ignitors, you are jeprodizing "fatherland security" and face serious jail time.

    What's the difference and why does it matter? 3v ignitors can be lit off one 9v battery and come with 12" wires. 9v ignitors come with 2" wires and take two 9v batteries. The extra battery and wire is no big deal to someone building a bomb. But to a model rocketeer where space/weight/balance is a premium, the extra features of the LV ignitors are very nice. Is not having LV ignitors a show-stopper? No, it is just a bigger pain. Does regulating them stop bomb making? No, most suicide bombers can come up with the extra $1.79 for the required parts.

    So why would any reasonable person require a permit for low voltage ignitors? Reasonable is key. A reasonable person wouldn't. But low voltage ignitors are the standard for commercial blasting and guess where you usually find them? Yep, explosives supply stores. And since explosives stores sell them, they must be very dangerous and we had better regulate them... Let's all hope they don't figure out my supplier also sells wire and orange/yellow caution tape....

    Anyway, my point is this. Do not ever look at something innocuous like SH and assume it is to common and obvious to get caught up in "fatherland security". I deal with these jerko**s regularly. If they sense they can get the media started and people scared, they believe can get a budget increase for the people & equipment required to monitor it. And they start circling like vultures...

  7. The attacks involved chlorine gas not shc.I don't see them making strong regs on it since those attacks didn't happen on US soil.

    Think of the chems we buy regularly that you can make a bomb with that aren't regulated.There are a handful under every kitchen sink in America that will make a bomb strong enough to kill or mame anyone in a 10ft radius.

    It would not surprise me at all. If they can tie "chlorine" and "poison gas" in the minds of the American people and create yet another excuse to intrude on your liberties, they will.

    Follow the money. Billions are being spent on homeland security and people are getting RICH from govt contracts. Anything that threatens that money stream is a problem, and anything that solidfies it is justified. If someone finds a way to make millions of the fear of "chlorine", it will be followed by a panel, an expert report, and then proposed legislation.

  8. Yes, and at the same time the idiots treat only moderately dangerous components like they were C4.

    I can buy 50# of FFFF black powder w/o any permits, checks, etc and then make a pickup load of pipe bombs. But try and buy 64gms of solid fuel for a model rocket (not explosive) and you need a Low Explosives Users Permit (LEUP).

    Think that kind of warm fuzzy security crap actually protects us? Think again. Next time your terrorist buddy needs good cover for buying REAL low explosives for a bomb have him go apply for a LEUP and explain that he flies model rockets for a hobby. He'll blend right in with the THOUSANDS of us who were forced to get permits. And Washington knows it's a problem, but they wont tell you about it. And how does washington propose to close this loophole? Outlaw rocketry/propellant all together. Yep. Let's not do the obvious and take APCP (rocket fuel) off the federal explosives register. (remember, it is NOT explosive). Instead, Let's squelch yet another freedom in the name of protecting the fatherland (opps, I meant "homeland security")...

    Oh, and did I mention that the BATFE has been spending millions of $$$ of your money defending itself against a lawsuit over this very issue for the past 6 years? I don't know exaclty how much of your money they have spent to date, but we are ona pretty tight budget (with lots of volunteer/pro bono work) and we are fast approaching $500,000 on our side. And when we win AGAIN this summer, they will once again try to twist the judges ruling and begin illegal enforcement. Which will land them in court YET AGAIN facing an injunction. And they will spend even more of your money trying to do what SEVERAL judges have ruled is not legal...

    Anyone who believes that government is inherently good and works in the interest of the people is either woefully ignorant, or just plain stupid....

  9. I do exactly that. Customer is informed up front. $65 add'l if I show up, cannot work, and must come back. $145 (my min charge) If I show up, can't work, and you decide/ed to cancel.

    My results, 100% cancellation upon mention of the fee. 100% non-payment of the min fee. It is worth mentioning that all were rental homes. As a result, I no longer do rentals w/o payment in full up front.

    Acutally what i was referring to was not a deposit but more of a fee. Kinda like they have a huge doberman running loose in the back yard or windows open and the owner is not home in which case I would be unable to do the job that they have contracted . so it would have to be rescheulded because as we all know our time is not free and the job that I could not do that day just cost me .I was thinking something along the lines of a $50 dollar fee if the job cannot done because of something the owner did or did not do

  10. Thanks for letting me know up front. NEXT customer.

    Your thought process is just not realistic in a residential business environment where cash flow is problematic. Not only does a contrator have materials to cover, but the spot they have reserved for you has tangible value. If you cancel at the last minute, you have cost them real $$$ that they can never recover.

    I do not pay contractors deposits, period. If you ask, I'll ask why, if you tell me it's for materials, give me the $ amount and supplier name and I'll make a check out to them. If it's for 'expenses' or 'overhead', I haven't cost you anything yet, or if it's, 'just your policy', NEXT.

    The chances are pretty good that my house, roof, deck, etc will be here in a month, will the contractor be in business?

  11. Ditto. same %, same explanation. Worked great for me also.

    I ask for 25% down for most work over $500 and that is mostly for deck work. I have it written in to my customer agreement. It stipulates that the 25% down reserves their date and pays for supplies and is non refundable. I had no problems last year as the first year I implemented it.

  12. Guys,

    I can't comment on their customer service, but as a professional network guy I can tell you that VoiP is like AM radio. Under the right conditions, it is great. Under bad conditions, it is intolerable. Somewhere in the middle is reality. That's why you see that some people here hate it, and others love it.

    As a technology, VoIP/Vonage is a proven entity. I use a non-telephone Voip channel daily. Whether or not VoIP works for you, only you can answer.

  13. I find no characteristic of what I know of "wax" in or about the stain. When I experience what I think is wax, its like a candle. A solid to be sure, but malleable. After weeks of exposure to air and warm temps, RS will kind of harden into a solid on my Decker 5'er. But there's nothing "waxy" about it!

    Is the generic term "wax" not necessarily what a non chemist thinks is wax? I don't know. Where's Peirce or Russell?

    Wax is a specific chemical term, and a generic description (looks waxy). The physical properties of "wax" range from cream like to hard as plastic. Carnuba wax, for example, is much more like plastic than wax. When you apply it to your car, the buffer actually melts the wax onto the surface.

  14. I don't want to lose my child or any other lives over there - for what?????

    To prevent another 55 million from dying.

    Your children voluntarily signed up for military service in the middle of wartime. That takes a HUGE set of brass ones. Perhaps they see a purpose in their service that you cannot see.

    Our prayers will be with her and her bretheren in arms. We wish them all god-speed. But should they not come home to us,they will have given their life to save that of another. A stranger at that. And if that is not a hero, I don't know what the hell is...

  15. well the tank is mounted on the truck so is the battery and reel/hose....so all I really need is a better pump. I'm trying to finid something with about 200 psi thats adjustable. So basically I just need a pump thats like on the deckster, not the whole deckster setup.Thats why I was asking about pumps specifacally. :)

    or anythiny else thats comparable to that pump or a Shurflo, but just with more psi...?

    Seymore - in north texas

    Pumptec's like the one on the decksterare available seperately for about $225. 0-225psi, adjustable, 12vdc. That is the pump you are asking for. The shurflo is NO comparison....
