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Posts posted by CritesExteriors

  1. Ryan,

    Starting to get my roof cleaning setup together.... how much soap or what proportion ... and what type of soap to do add to your chlorine roof mix. Also, do you have a part number for the extendable spray wand you ordered from Water Cannon? I plan on making a wand for walkable roofs, but the one you are using with a squeeze handle looks good for use on a ladder. Thanks!

  2. What is the mix ratio for the Citracleen? Do you dilute it? Do you add anything else to it? Does it tackle mold and mildew like chlorine? It looks less harmful than chlorine which is a big plus. And with the Sil-o-wet... what does it do to windows and screens when it dries?

  3. Just want to thank all the hard working PW's on this board. The knowledge on this board is outstanding. I have learned so much and have had you guys scare the crap out of me. Let me explain..... Like most people, I have misunderstood what it takes to do a proper PW job. I have very little experience and that has been with my own home as well as my rentals. When you are doing your own houses you don't really fear messing up. But in reading the posts... I know I could mess someone’s house up bad if I don't take the time to understand what I am using and how to use it. For the most part, I have only used bleach, and make sure that I rinse well. I never knew how to add things like dish soap to increase hang time, or adding other things to emulsify.

    I have been working in computers for 20 years.... and I'm looking for another line of business. Started a business here recently to clean homes and drive ways. Mostly on the weekends.... please no one hate me for being a weekend warrior. Also starting the business for my two sons, 18 and 12. They are 120% outside workers and players and have stated hundreds of times that they will not work an office job (like me). So I thought that I could start this for them.

    Being a computer nerd... I started educating myself though the internet and found this web site. Thank goodness I did. Did my first job the other day and it worked out well. But took me a long time and I got soaked to the bone. With basic equipment, no x-jet or extender wands, it was no wonder. Looking now into an x-jet or m5.

    I also have an understanding of what you guys go through, so my pledge to all is to keep my pricing in the same range and try to win jobs by my performance on other houses.

    Sorry for the long post…. And thank all of you again.

    p.s. I think it was Paul that stated in one of his other posts how wrong people are for thinking this is easy work. He was right, it’s not, but I did enjoy working for myself.

  4. I went ahead and became a contractor/distributor with them. Cost me $2800, but it all went to product. If it takes off, especially with the warrenty claims, it could really be good business. Vincent is setting up a basic price of .60 per square ft. and .50 cents per mile travel for warrenty claims. If the vinyl companies come on board, then any claim that is in your area, my area is 9 counties, approx. 500,000 population area, will go to me only. I will do the job and invoice the vinyl company. If customers like this method to satisfy the warrenty claim, it will save the vinyl company tons of money. Also, if someone orders over the internet that is in your area, you make money too. If this doesn't take off... well I have enough rental homes to put it on and protect my investment and other rental owners that I could make my money back or some of it. The out of the pocket money is an issue, but I consider it almost the same as investing into getting your house painted. Just have to see how it goes. Like when I started pressure washing.

  5. I've used it on 6 of my rentals and it works good, still waiting to see if it prevents mold and mildew, but they have a warrenty for 10 years. Seals the vinyl to stop oxidation. Brought back a lot of the color. I applied with an HVLP sprayer.... took about 4 hours total. Hardest part is the scrubbing. Have lined up some rental owners that are tired of having their rental units pressure washed because of mildew. Just another avenue to offer people. It is expensive in comparision, but like I said, it's just another option. If people want it, I'll do it. Talked with the guy over the phone... 70 plus years old, very pleasant and informative, someone that has been developing polymer products for a long time. Has other products for concrete, stucco, and aluminum. Call him and ask him about this stuff..... may add another area to make money. Just my .02
