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It is always best to use the company vehicle but in this time of high gas prices if you do use other means of transportation I would suggest somehow very low key explaining why you rode or drove your other vehilce or bike. "It is such a lovely day I thought I would take my vintage motorcycle out for a bit today" Don't get to drive that classic car much so took it for a drive today while I did your estimate". That should stop them from shying away from hiring you if your estimate is right. Oh and someone has to turn in Pressure Pro's for starving that poor piggy:)
Hot dang, Georgia finally did what California should do, but why 3 years? I suppose I could say if your here illegally you get NOTHING from the minute you apply other then a one way ticket back across the border. True Mike, not all are free loaders, there are those that truly are in need and not milking the system but those people tend to try and climb out of it, some really do make a better life IF only someone, some employer gives them a chance and works with them to learn. Remember this, they are not stupid or they would not know how to work the system.
My answer to this will bring on a few who totally disagree with it but so be it. As far back as I can remember I have said any more then 2 kids fix both of them so they can do their thing and not make more babies to sponge off the working people with. I stand by that remark today. If people with their hands out saying YOU OWE ME have more then two kids then cut them off all the freebie's, take the kids away so that they learn to accept everyone regardless of color or religion. Predjudice begins at home when parents say you cannot play with so and so, no other reason need be said, the little kids will soon enough get the idea the Black, Mexican, Asian is a bad person. The above quote is 100% right, I spanked my kids when bad, if they talked back a bar of soap was put in their mouth, if they played with the food they stood in the corner while we ate, if they did not eat their meal it was saved and served to them as the next meal. Remy and I did something right as neither ever got in trobule with the law, both have good jobs and show respect to others. Those that steal in times of like this need no toe tag, in fact once they are shot, and they should be feed them to the animals and what is left just bulldoze into the marsh. Whenever government starts dictating how we MUST bring up our family, telling us what we MUST do and when we MUST do it is when we stated losing our FREEDOM and it is going to get worst, much worst if they ever take our guns away, remember your history that made this the USA.
I would change one thing concerning #4 and 5, do not discount period. What you end up doing is lowering the standard for everyone in the industry. What I used to do for large accounts I was trying to get is offer a FULL job FREE. Most of us call that a demo except most of you who do demo's do about 5 feet of the job. I did the whole job, most took 1 1/2 to 2 hours but I always landed the accounts. If they only wanted to see a small area done it was always right smack in front of the entrance! someone is going to have to be paid to finish that area, be it me or their regular guy or another demo till it is all cleaned. Number ONE, so true if your foolish enough to say naw I can do it as good and fast as any other job then you got what was coming to you. Walk away, tell them the soonest you could do the job right would be several weeks away. WALK AWAY. If your staving I will send you a peanut butter and strawberry sandwhich:)
Agreed, if shot at shot back and who the hell cares who is doing the shooting, for sure not a law abiding citizen but punks. What thrill is there in shooting at people trying to rescue others? It is to bad those bad apples are not the ones trapped under water for say 15 minutes. Sorry but it is cheaper to bury them then to house them in prison for a few years. Shot at me I can assure you I will shoot back and I can assure you it will hit the mark, if I miss the first shot the second won't miss.
Do I sense a bit of prejudice here? If I owned a rental property and could afford to offer one for free or almost free I would do so in cases like this, no questions asked and worry about who will help pay the gas, electric and stuff later. A situation like this should cause strangers to open their doors and offer a free bath, meal, some clothes that are not worn anymore, even pitch a tent in the yard and offer sleeping bags so people can rest and not worry about things for a few days. Yes I would do that if I lived closer but being in CA it makes little sense. I remember well what my parents did every Christmas, they opened our home to total strangers from other countries to enjoy an American Christmas meal and evening with us. Sometimes it was a couple foriegn college students, other times a whole family and I have no clue how they found them or who they called. Here is a good example, the station owner is forced by the petro industry to raise his price because THE GREEDY perto company is taking advantage of tragedy. SHAME on them, they should be offering FREE gas to those in need not ripping them off. They should offer free gas to all the people and businesses that are driving to Miss. and Louis. to help those in need. Will it happen, never.
Cujo & Pam, POWER TO YOU and not from the pressure washer. Skip a day or two of work if you can and GO BACK, they need you and you know it first hand. Old Man, hmm what will they call you when your my age Cujo? ANCIENT MAN :)
Just remember, governenment doesn't do anything well...times like this are a testimony to that fact. The above statement if taken as truth means one thing, we the people who are the government by the simple fact we vote those people who each of us feels would do the best job in office. True test of ones ability to perform comes at times like this. This sort of emergency should have been acted on instantly regardless of peoples skin color, period. Passing the buck and blaming other departments only worstens the whole effort to rescue those in need. I know this can bring on a lot of pro and con but face it Donkey or Elephant the reaction should have been ASAP, not a couple days later. Then there is the fact we have refused help from many countries, so what if they are considered our enemy, if Castro offers medicine and doctors let them in, if a country like China says why should they help us ever cut them off forever from everything. It bugs me no end we are the first to offer anything and everything to any country in times like this yet refuse help back. We are NOT the greastest anymore, we are half or more owned by Germany, China, Japan and many other countries. I am a proud person yet if I lost it all I would gladly take a day old hot dog and eat it if it meant survival.
Another cute dress. The other two are to large to upload but you get the idea. I dare America girls and ladies to wear skirts and dresses like that!
Hey guys thanks for the link, what I posted was sent by one of my sister in laws.
Guys lets each pool $1000 and buy stock in the gas business, as soon as it hits say $3.75 to $4.00 SELL and make a profit. Diesel today was $3.39 here, Alan has it CHEAP!
There are 5 fashion pictures in all but seems I can only upload one at a time. As stated these are not see though skirts or dresses but a new trend in fashion in Japan.
Check out these pics.....What you see below are not see-thru skirts. They are actually prints on the skirts to make it look as if the panties are visible and are apparently the current rage in Japan.
For a couple years I've been blaming it on lack of sleep, not enough sunshine, too much pressure from my job, earwax build-up, poor blood or anything else I could think of. But now I found out the real reason: I'm tired because I'm overworked. Here's why: The population of this country is 273 million. 140million are retired. That leaves 133 million to do the work. There are 85 million in school, which leaves 48 million to do the work. Of this there are 29 million employed by the federal government, leaving 19 million to do the work. 2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing the Taliban. Which leaves 16.2 million to do the work. Take from the total the 14,800,000 people who work for state and city governments. And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work. At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals. Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work. Now, there a 1,211,998 people in prisons. That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me. And there you are sitting on your ass, at your computer, reading jokes. Nice, real nice...
I don't get it guys, why are any of you still buying gas trucks when a diesel will pull any size rig you have almost and the maintance over the life of the truck is less. No tune-ups, no spark plugs to change etc. Oil filter, fuel filter, air cleaner, tranny oil. Rotate tires every 5000 miles. Fuel here is $3 a gallon, give or take a penny. Even though I am out of the business I still love my Super Duty Ford. Sure Dodge Cummins is a great engine too, better on milage then Ford but a bit less get up and go power. Oh and nice truck by the way:)
Better late then never, COLD glass of Ice Tea here Chap.
cough cough, ahhh open the window :) I'm a none smoker guys. I get on da wife when she lights up, not in the house and I open all windows in truck if she lights up, hey it is MY SUPER DUTY FORD!
Cujo's only problem is his SO keeps kicking him each time he gets up! I have had an inversion table for years and they do work, shots too but can't have many now. Trick to those tables is go SLOWLY at first, and never right after you eat Cujo, take your time, stay inverted only a couple minutes and add a couple each time till you can stay that way for 10 minutes totally upside down. You should feel your backbone cracking as it stretches. As for those knuckle cracking docs, no way, saw one one time, walked in bent over, crawled out and did not pay the quack. Don't trust chrio's ever again. My 5 lower verts are totally degenerated, surgery MIGHT help says the doc but no promises so I will suffer when it hurts or goes out. I think we all know being over weight does not help and I admit I am indeed a few pounds overweight, hmmm, 65 excess pounds. I like my BBQ steaks. Not beer.
LOL, funny. But darn why Kaiser Perm.? that is what the wife and I have as our HMO's.
That Brit thing is not new but only for the vehicle license plate. I can speak for CA but not all states, the back of your drivers license has a magnetic stripe, they tell you all it has is what is in front, that is a lie, it has your life history, medical record, criminal record (if you have one) and much more. How to erase it, strong magnet run across it several times, scratch it too then forget about it. All vehicles have the little black box gizmo, it records speed, how long at any given speed, how long and hard you applied the brakes and much more, big brother has been spying on you for many years. Here in CA the courts allow that box to be used by insurance companies and police departments to prove you were speeding or if you failed to stop and more. There was a suit about that too, someone claimed that when they buy a car that spy box becomes theirs and no one has a right to remove it, he lost. As far as me ever pointing one of my guns at someone, never happen UNLESS I plan to shoot the person, like when hunting, you don't point till your ready to shoot, at least that is how my Uncle taught me to duck hunt. Seperate the smokers from non smokers in restaurants, yeah right I can see my wife stuck in he smokers area and I in he non-smoking area, HEY HONEY IS YOUR STEAK DONE ENOUGH FOR YOU? wife, NO IT IS OVER DONE, waiter hurrys over to ask her to stop yelling at me, hey waiter leave my wife alone or I will blow your manhood right out from between your legs. Never happen, every once in awhile she will sit in non-smoking section to make me happy. She never smokes while I am eating, always waits till I am done. Not suppose to smoke in house but I know she has a few times when I am not home. SNIFF SNIFF, hmm, tabacco smell. Dave Meiers says . then this post proves you can say very little while on the stump!!!!To all, I am aware many people enjoy smoking, but deep down they wise they could stop knowing the harm it does. Now several say it is not easy to stop smoking, I beg to differ, I know people that stopped cold turkey and never went back to it. Or if your doctor says stop or die what would you do, just smoke til you die or stop? Dave Meiers says Not true at all but I would say I could prove the laws banning holding cell phones are discrimatory, check the laws and you will find police and other emergency personal are exempt yet they don't use cell phones to call in if it is an emergency, they use the two way radio in the car, fire truck or what ever vehicle they are driving. Cops for that matter break more laws then you might think. Their families get a plolite warning, not a ticket. Now my attitude about big brother having to much control, damn right they do and it is time for us to push back and demand our freedom. Ahhhhhhh I said I would not step up and talk this long.
David Meier and others have some good points so let me try to explain where I come from a little more. Let me try and say a few things a bit different and see if you can understand me better. (hopefully) I am not for censorship in most cases nor for BIG BROTHER telling me what, when, where and how to do things, my freedom is MINE and I will not give it all up. Cell phones, mark my word here on them, when CA bans them or says you cannot talk holding one while driving I will be first in line to start a class action lawsuit for discrimination against the hard of hearing (hearing impaired, and I hate it said that way). I have tried the thingy in the ear and it is worthless for me, I have tried the little mike on the visor and it is worthless for me and I have written many letters to our state Reps telling them that and to invite me up to the Capitol to speak and demo what it is like being mostly deaf and how those things are worthless. Twice they did not pass the law, I take NO credit for it but feel myself and others who wrote letters for us deafies made a point. Tabbaco is a drug and all of you know that, you all also know the tabbaco industry has added things to hook you on cancer sticks, that is wrong yet the gov. allows it with a small slap on the hand. Take the guys in the bar, I am a none smoker, I am a gun owner too but would never resort to such a thing, I would do one of two things, nicely ask the other guy to move a few feet away or tell the bartender I am leaving because the smoke bothers me and give me bill to the smoker who spoiled my time. (That is if I were a drinker and went to bars!) NO one has the right to tell any of us how to spend our money ok. Want me to rattle on more I will, ban alochol since someone drinking might kill someone else in a car OR place the blame on the alcohol company like they are trying to do with guns and bullets, fair HELL NO and it should not be allowed. Ban 2x4 since someone in a fit of anger might pick up one and hit you over the head killing you, or just blame the lumber company or logging industry for making it to start with. Guys and Gals I am not an extremist, I believe in the right to live and let live but I also believe in the right to my space as I want it. Smoke, drink, shot up what H, snort C, tote M, I could care less but don't endanger others while you do it is what I am saying. Want to drive 100 mph fine with me as long as no one but you gets killed and no one else gets hurt. Jump off a bridge, who cares. Endanger others then you have invaded their space and they have a right to ask you to leave or stop what your doing or else. My brother in law told me something years ago which is true in most states, if someone is about to break into your home and you shoot them be darn sure they fall INSIDE, if they fall outside go out and push them in before calling the cops or you will be arrested for cold blooded murder. He is a cop, as long as the body is inside your home your clearly defending yourself and family. Sorry for a long chat on the stump, I am done. Email or call me if you want to go into more detail, I am human and won't shot you, I agree to both sides here, somewhat anyway.
Sure was nice seeing what some of you guys look like, thanks. GymRat and Squirtgun you guys are handsome! I removed mine as I value my privacy.
I'm a non-smoker, always have been and as far as I am concerned would like to see all tabacco banned. If you really want to make money add up how much you spend daily, weekly, monthly and yearly on tabacco. Then add the hidden cost, health, bad teeth, breath and what you pay to get rid of that. If you get cancer how much money will it cost you to try and be healthy? What about your family once your gone? Remy smokes, that is our biggest fight all the time, stop smoking, look how much it cost and yes I have done the above but a drug addict is blind to that. Smoking or the stuff in it is a DRUG and the tabacco companies add to it to keep you hooked. Now before you get negative with me it is your body so do as you want with it but don't blow that 2nd hand smoke in my face. Live as you want but keep that stence out of MY SPACE. Sorry but smoking is one hell of a touchy subject with me, just ask my wife.
Sure beats reading day old news in the morning paper and gets a laugh at the same time. What crooks will do today still amazes me, shows how dumb some are. #10, you would think he could tell the difference in the smell of GAS and sewage. PHEW
Philip you really need to brush that mangy old tomcats hair more often:)