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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Check your yellow pages for hose marts, hydralic hoses and also under pressure washer suppliers. Be sure you buy R-2, I depending on your needs either 50 ft with QC or 100 ft. with QC. Prices vary from dealer to dealer. Also check here with Beth as she can get you hose too. Buy more then you need for back up. You never know when one will go on you.
  2. left brain right brain

    U guys are all NUTS! ear me nuts. Yet that trick is good!
  3. See anything wrong with this picture?

    Wow another guy with a beard! Nice boots too:eek:
  4. Pump rebuild

    I believe you just put them back on and torque them down to specs. Just be sure both surfaces are clean and smooth.
  5. See anything wrong with this picture?

    Wait a minute here, is that YOU Van Diesel? I knew there was something funny about the guy!
  6. See anything wrong with this picture?

    Not a thing if he wants a broken neck! Otherwise everything is wrong.
  7. Well I got my renewal notice from Joe Walters today, more exact from the insurance company called Peerless Insurance, not only did it go up but they have added a new fee, ripoff is more the word but anyone heard of "Terrorism Risk Insurance Act"? Like pressure washers are going to all line up and aim Zero nozzles at the white house! Would call Joe on this but I am sure they have some silly excuse to collect it so why bother. Check your policies carefully and question things. $1,633.00 for 2 mil of insurance. My roof sprung a leak after my head hit it. Only a few hundred more, ah well easy come, easy go.
  8. Well I spoke with them yesterday and we both had a good laugh, yes it can be cancelled and it will be too. Funny thing is it protects your equipment in case of a terroist attack and where we laughed was over the remark if my equipment is damaged by a terroist attack more then likely so will I be so who would be around to use my equipment? They shoot horses don't they!
  9. I buy 4000 PSI rated hose, that way I don't have to worry about things with a 3000 PSI machine. This hose is new, contact the supplier you bought it from and ask for a replacement under warranty.
  10. Interesting how they are charging different rates. $5.00 $21.00 Mine is $30.00 What are others being charged ?
  11. It went up a little more then $200 a year. Now paying $1,633.00 Douglas not sure I can refuse it, it appears not to be a policy but some sort of surcharge to help pay for the loss all insurance companies had after 9-11. I will call Joe and find out for sure, I don't like paying for what I don't need and doubt others do either. A bit of research done on the Terrorism insurance. A temporary program signed by President Bush to spread the cost of losses insurance companies have incured from 9-11. Now talk about Federal Government sticking their noses into private insurance companies and telling them they can charge US for THEIR losses. Oh well like it or not if I want insurance I pay the piper.
  12. We pay that with our taxes, or do they buy lobster dinners with that money!
  13. Henry, Do they have enough pressure there to use that pole? Wonder if they figured out how to extend it yet!
  14. Beth, Good to hear he is keeping you up to date with things, I was beginning to wonder what was happening with Extend-A-Wand company. I am sure all of use will be glad when things get shipped out. Keep up the good work.
  15. You need to contact the dealer you bought it from, the manufacturer does not deal directly with customers. I know from personal experience.
  16. All I can say is to bad it is not a float so you can pull it out of the water.
  17. Whats up Grime Scene

    Nice to see you online again Morgan and glad things are going well for you too.
  18. Finally a boy

    We finally became grandparents for a second time today around 1:30 PM. A BOY, our second grandson. Came in at 7 pounds 10 oz. Big little fella with blond hair. Jon n Remy
  19. Finally a boy

    This is our second grandson, they gave us the first 4 years ago so can hire both when I am 82 or so or give them the business! Nathan is newborns name. Ethan is first born. Ah what a wonderful feeling to have a small growing family!
  20. Attention Arcade Champions!

    I used my inhaler I was in such a zone I thought that I was "one" with the game. There it is folks, Ev you better ask the pharmacist what really is in that inhaler! Seems somehow you really were IN THE ZONE! Nice game by the way.
  21. Attention Arcade Champions!

    herbie repeat 100 times. Everett does not cheat Everett does not cheat Everett does not cheat Everett does not cheat Everett does not cheat Everett does not cheat Everett does not cheat Everett does not cheat
  22. Splash Guard

    Jon Chapman no never thought of those, will stop by a painters store and check them out. As for the grasshoper, just be sure only you get sprayed and not by standers or customers. Better carry 2 extra sets of clothing!
  23. Splash Guard

    Roscoe it takes practice and expecience, just work at it and keep the wand about 3 inches from concrete and use 15° nozzle. Keep towels and change of clothes in your truck.
  24. Splash Guard

    I would guess your facing directly at the work area try working on an angle to it and the water will not come back in your face other then when you do corners. I would like to find heavy duty plastic splash guards 18,24 and 36 inches long with a handle to go up to the bottom of doors that are not sealed tightly so water will not go underneath and into the business. Anyone seen these items?
  25. Color blindness test

    PASSED with flying COLORS!!!