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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Who Needs Trailers.

    So Stoppie when your car runs out of gas you just take the bike and continue on, so what happens when the bike runs out of gas?
  2. what does eveyone do for fun?

    let's see now, in the past I scuba dived for years, road a Yamaha Venture Royale towing a trailer and traveled the country. Backpacked & camped in dead of winter in High Sierra's. Dragged raced hot rods, that was in my younger days. Rear ended a police car once, it was unmarked and the brakes failed in the truck I was driving! Hmm, what else, explored ruins in Guatemala, the Maya ruins, also get stuck there during one of the many revalutions with bullets flying everywhere. Could not leave hotel for 3 days and then had to be secretly escorted out at night, that was in 1955 or was it 1956. In this day and age just enjoy the family. Planning a secret birthday for wife, a steamboat trip up the Mississippi if I can pull it off.
  3. Who's got one of these?

    At least it would be with consenting adults so I would have no problem with that. What you do in your home is your business. Hey if he lives there it is his home, right!
  4. Who's got one of these?

    Ron we are totally aware of Beth and know what we can and cannot do here. Trust me if it got out of hand it would be dealt with promptly and I am sure she is reading this too but could be a post she is not interesting in replying to. Your not defending Micheal Jackson are you? You have children too and I am sure you would not want them in the same situation others have been in.
  5. Who's got one of these?

    Maybe he is the victim of a frivolous lawsuit. Seems to happen alot these days. Everyone wants to get rich quick. Oh please now, he has been paying off parents with tons of money over the years to sleep with their little boys. Like OJ, now Kobe he plays the race card and the money thing to buy what he knows he cannot win rightfully, his freedom. Think about this remark he has made more then one time: There is nothing wrong with kids sleeping with me or something close to that. IT pretty much admits he slept with them, now can you honestly say a guy like him would let a kid in his bed naked and NOT TOUCH HIM? Whatever happened to the publics right to know, Koby and Mikey get their cases sealed, why because they know they are guilty and do not want us to read what that they are. Money buys freedom if your rich and famous. Friekm, hey then he will finally learn he is not loved and crawl off to his little corner and wimper, surely at that point some burly guy will take him to his cell and let him sleep with him. A dose of his own medicine won't cure him but will let him feel what it is like.
  6. Who's got one of these?

    Firekm, watch how you talk about us Californians:mad: mikey boy is not considered one of us, he well to quote him, "I see nothing wrong with sleeping with little boys" That alone pretty much shows his guilt, why not just cut his toy off and see if he behaves, if not put him in prison with general population. Those guys could use another girl!
  7. Scott STONES Real Photo

    Gilbert, a town so small everyone knows everyone else. Been there Ron, had I known you lived there I would have stopped by. I mean population is what, around 100,000 and it is famous for or was for it's HAY. really folks that is what the town was famous for. Hay Capital of the World
  8. Scott STONES Real Photo

    Tony his ugly mug must have scared the computer to the point it banned it.
  9. Licensing

    The only reason they have laws are for people to break them so they can be fined. Hence TAXED. Now I don't want to start a long fight over murder, rapist, and all the other ills we have here but face it, a law is broken, you get fined, fine=tax= MONEY for the state, county and city. What Paul B. says about if a city has a law concerning licensing it should enfoce that law and require as Paul says to show the license in order to get business.
  10. Scott STONES Real Photo

    I give you ^5 for that dry heat, beats our smoggy slightly humid heat any day.
  11. Scott STONES Real Photo

    Seems to me Scott forgot more then how many rocks he counted. Scott did you not migrate from California to Arizona a few years back? Besides I don't play golf and what else is there to do, besides sun tanning, chasing mules and washing trucks?
  12. Licensing

    Paul B. I can understand agree if you buy wholesale with a retail number your not paying tax so you have to collect it from customers and pass it on to the state, someone has to pay that tax. Labor normally is exempt but not in all states. Running a business out of your home, some allow some don't, here I have to have a permit and they can come inspect my home to be sure I am only using for what the permit claims. My permit has limitations, NO customers are allow here, not to have work done nor to talk business over coffee. It does allow me to store equipment and supplies. I have no problem there as I don't want customers knowing where I live anyway. Don't get me wrong about pressure washers not being licenses as contractors, sure it would help weed out the low ballers and others but it would also in my opinion weed out some of the true and good guys too. Then there is the little thing about not all test and licenses are equal, both within each state and from state to state. Things should be standardized for contractors thoughout the USA. That way it not only is fair and equal but weeds out all the bad seeds, HOPEFULLY!
  13. It's me (Warning, picture)

    If only Ronnie would not eat onions before he talks to people! Mel bet you look more down to earth when working! So post one and let us guys decide:D You can even post one of the guy who does the work, you know the one you call hubby.
  14. Licensing

    If you recieve checks made out to a business name you will need a DBA and proof it is registered with the country then published for 4 weeks once a week. The banks require that before you can open an account in CA and I am sure most other states too. Taxes, some states require all service companies to collect tax, some don't and I am glad CA does not. Ryan is smart to go the exempt route, a pain to have to keep so many sets of books and pay quarterly taxes. I hope the day never comes we are forced to pay the money needed to have a license as it would really be a money tree for the state more then for us.
  15. Licensing

    D-38 Sand and Water Blasting A sand and water blasting contractor uses the force of compressed air in conjunction with abrasive materials or water to clean or prepare surfaces for any protective, decorative and/or functional treatment. Ref. the above, we clean yes, but not to prepare for any of the above reasons. We are not doing decorative work, adding a protection to it and what would functional treatment be if not protective treatment? We clean it to look clean nothing more, nothing less. Contractor Advertising Covered when I said you must advertise your CA contrators lic. D-06 Concrete-Related Services A concrete related services contractor installs reusable steel concrete form sections or interlocking pre cast pavers. Performs post-tensioning work, concrete sawing, breaking, curing, floor hardening treatment, coloring concrete, concrete restoration, coring work or operates a concrete pumping service; also includes the application of gunite, but does not include the installation of reinforcing steel. We do none of the above. I left out the first one as it really does not apply to us. NEXT PLEASE.
  16. It's me (Warning, picture)

    Simple answer Alan, she is a BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDD girl!
  17. Licensing

    Licensed and insured. Licensed: Local city business license. Insured: Business had basic insurance to cover any damage you do. Fully insured means above and your equipment plus medical. Now in CA if you have a contractors license you would say: CA state Contractors license # - - - - - . I still disagee we need one here, true water blasting starts above 6000 psi and I was told a higher number by the contractors board once. All depends on who you ask, and if you ask 10 people your going to get 10 answers as they really do not know. There is NO license for pressure washers in CA nor is there any sub lic. for it.
  18. Scott STONES Real Photo

    Just don't ask Ron M. what he does. LOL There is a reason some of those guys have to live in AZ. and I am sure Rick your learning that reason;)
  19. It's me (Warning, picture)

    Warning to all single guys, she is spoken for. Mel a nice picture of you, earings heck, more like a weapon! You look a like Lisa Manillie and that is good too. Robert you're mistaken, your wife has on a lot more then just boots, did you post the wrong picture? Speaking of pictures where is yours Robert? Put your logo as a signature and enter your photo in place of it.
  20. controversial sports topic

    Yes it has other factors, why he is begging and pretending to be clean now. That and he needs more money to gamble with. I still say NO deal. Now after he is gone, I would think his family would try to benefit from that.
  21. controversial sports topic

    Pete Rose belongs in the WHAT, oh Lairs Hall of Shame, YES he belongs there! No not in the Baseball Hall of Frame. He stated he wants to clean the slate and state again so I ask what part of the slate was cleaned by the Baseball commissioners when they said YOUR OUT FOREVER? He is addicted to gambling and lying. Sorry he has not been a player I like, I also never liked how he would intentionally plow into second baseman like he was playing football. Can we just open the lid and push him in then flush him away? Might as well ad Kobe and OJ in there too, room enough for those types.
  22. Scott STONES Real Photo

    Scott we did not know you had another brother named Rick G. This ended up more a kidding around thing with Ron, Scott and a few others. Once you really get to know them you will find they are pretty nice guys. Oh by the way Scotty, how many rocks this time??
  23. Water Reclaim and Disposal

    Alan you sound more and more like me all the time, always making changes to the rig.
  24. Scott STONES Real Photo

    Such a shame about Scott's brother but rumor has it they meant to take Scott and he pointed to his twin saying thats HIM.
  25. Water Reclaim and Disposal

    There for looks only! He has a generator hidden on that trailer someplace, have seen it before, think it is on the backside. Rick G. super idea, we need to pick a name and organize it. Scott do I recall you having white also on one of your trailers? or was the chrome just dirty?