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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Scott STONES Real Photo

    Ryan personally I like his ex-wife much better:)
  2. Roundtable Meetings- February 2004

    Feb 21. wow it is open for me so I will keep it that way.
  3. Roundtable Meetings- February 2004

    What date Alan? Also let's be flexible and say if we can get guys from Bakerfield and other areas we can pick a spot central for all of us. Sure the one in Northern CA would be closer for Carlos but we want to meet him face to face, talking on phone and by Email is just part of saying I know the guy. So people how about a So. CA. round table meeting?
  4. Water Reclaim and Disposal

    I'm jealous, Alan has chrome wheels and all I have are white ones.:goodgrief
  5. I wanted to say ...

    True Mike, and if I recall there was a really cute one in a movie a few years back too. So do you believe that is her MIKE?
  6. I wanted to say ...

    Melissa it is not good for you to stay away this long. Out of sight, out of mind but that surely would not apply to you, welcome back we miss your postings. Beth what must we do to get her to post her picture? Jon
  7. Water Reclaim and Disposal

    This is a classic example of how every city, county and state interprets the clean water act. They are all correct and wrong, if they took the time to check out what concerns them they would find all your reclaimed water should be safe for sewers UNLESS you have some extremely harsh chemicals in it. Like Alan I reclaim and reuse my water, some call it a closed system or closed loop since I put it down, pick it up, clean it and put it back down, over and over. Yes I have to add water as you have a certain percentage that evaporates and stays on the ground, say I start with 100 gallons, after an hour I might need to add 15 or 20 gallons back in. Alan and I have the same reclaim system except mine is one size larger and I use a Vacuboom system for picking it up at this time. In time I will have a Fury tool and vacuum like Alan has. No permits here and have talked with water/sanitary district, it is ok to dump in sewer. They asked what I would have in the water, told them what I do and was told dump IT. Chlorine floater Alan? to do what, clean the water to make it look cleaner then it is? Does it really work when you’re running 135 plus gallons continuously?
  8. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    I feel like saying more but it would take from the subject at hand. I will say this, what anyone does inside their home is their business, step out then behave as we the people expect. That goes for homosexuals too, no guy/guy girl/girl hand holding and kissing. No telling me I MUST ACCEPT you for what you are. No demanding things that are not legally allowed and STOP forcing us to change the laws to suit YOU. Same for illegals who come here. God did not say break the laws and force us to support you and offer you classes and things in Spanish. This is America and not what many say is the melting pot. Tell me God says we must accept all now. I don't hate anyone, I don't have to like them either. I also could care less what color you are if you're a good person. Now I get a tad carried away and personal at times on some subjects so best I stop now.
  9. Insurance Cancelled

    No claims here either and got a letter today saying some BS about under the provisions of Pennsylvania Act 86-1986 my rates might go up. I have to laugh at the MIGHT GO UP, yeah sure tell me when things go down? So I can expect Joe Walters to inform me of that 30% increase soon enough. As long as I am insured and not canceled that is a plus. Still why increase all of us across the board if only a very few have claims. Let those that cuase the damage pay for it. Jon
  10. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Dale I don't run, you have no idea how much it took for me to step in and talk about one of two things never to be discussed openly with the world. Religion and politics. Now that I have seen some answers I will add to what I said, I had this in that post but before I posted deleted it. Take the gangs, most are Mexican and Blacks and most are religious and go to church weekly yet they go out and rape, kill, rob and do all those other bad things gangs do. They were no born bad in my mind, we are all born innocene but it is how we are brought up that turns us good or bad 90% of the time. Grow up in a family that the father, brother, uncle and even the mom are in gangs, steal and do drugs that is the only life the kids know and are taught that it is ok to do those things. Exactly how they can go to church and hear otherwise then go out that same Sunday afternoon and rape some girl, rob a store and go home and get drunk is beyond me. Thoughout life from day one people have stolen to survive, stolen from other tribes, other people and even from family. Surely you would not say that was wrong, it was survival back then. Sleeping with another guy when you a guy or female when your female is suppose to be a sin, so why then is it now ok to do so? There is a sinner in each and every person, some just hide it better then others. Guess I sinned twice now, I promised myself I would not post in this thread and I just did it twice now.
  11. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    I have been reading this whole thread with interest and have tried to stay out of it for personal reaons. No I am not going to voice my personal feelings as I have pro/con on this whole subject. I do have a question for all of you and I bet it could be a whole new thread but here goes. Does believing OR not believing in a God make you a good or bad person? Said another way if you believe are you good and if you do not believe your bad? It will be interesting to see the replies here.
  12. How do you guys do it???

    I don't do residential jobs so don't really have this problem but if I did and my vehicle made the marks I would remove them. Now if the driveway was so bad that removing them would show a few nice clean spots and the rest dirty I would talk to the customer about cleaning it and offer a discount. 95% of my work I am able to park far eough away there are no marks left and if so they would blend in with all the others so I do nothing about it. Always leave the job site cleaner then when you arrived. Do that little extra and be sure the customer knows about it one way or another and you will have that customer as long as your in business. Like backpacking, take out what you pack in plus a little extra. Jon
  13. Happy Birthday, Reed!

    Reed can't read this stuff as he is out riding around on his two wheeler! However when he does come in from the figid cold and has a hot mug of Java Do enjoy your special day Reed.
  14. Scott STONES Real Photo

    I don't drive a car, I love pickemuptrucks, better viewing of the sights:cool:
  15. I would not be a bit surprised that he goes around taking pictures of others just to run them out of business. Do not let him take the claim for San Deigo County enforcing the rules, they have been doing it for a few years, fleet washers have to demo their equipment before getting a permit which they need to wash fleets and the fleet owner has to have a copy posted where it can be seen. Sounds like someone who drives a yellow truck that goes around taking pictures too! His kind the industry does not need, really and I bet he does not reclaim every single job he does but try and catch him, get pictures of him not doing it and turn those in to the city, sit back and watch the fireworks show. What is truly strange is he links that post with Sparkle a national franchise, wonder if he is one and just not listed?
  16. Scott STONES Real Photo

    Mike never knew you were a Playgirl model but please keep those photo's private, we have seen you as you are!
  17. Scott STONES Real Photo

    Ragging on you, man you must think we are all a bunch of females! Either that or the term rag (ragging) has changed over the years. How about harping on you, picking on you, knocking you silly with a baseball bat or kicking you with steel toe shoes? Now Mike what makes you feel we are out to get you? Did someone hit you on he head with the parts cataloge?
  18. Scott STONES Real Photo

    Ron that is SCOTT and you know it. Are you jealous he is showing his mean side? Hey why not sneak his picture next time you see him and send to Beth to post? Hmm I think I just asked for a hit on my head.
  19. Higher GPM PW's

    Michael crazy, you, naw. Robert you spoiled things for the newbie, gee thanks. Now who was it that asked about this to start with so I can send pictures to him? Did I already forget? see you guys are driving me nuts. Jon
  20. Higher GPM PW's

    I did not say that! IF you are going to use either before you start your engine move the valve to regular mode so the chemicals do not go back to the tanks. That is what happens with me, I keep forgetting to shut down and move it back so whatever I am running ends up in the tanks. Now to explain why I seldom use up or down stream, I use a Shur-Flo pump to apply my chemicals from a 35 gallon chemical tank. When I used to get the bug to clean our vehicles I would apply the soap forgetting to take it out of by-pass. Simply little mistake till you see all the foam in your 220 gallon tank! Hey the tank needed to be cleaned anyway. LOL
  21. Higher GPM PW's

    Alan I always run in by-pass mode, so much that when I do feel like washing my car or truck I forget and end up with a tank full of soapy water! Makes a lot of sense to run by-pass as it also keeps the pump cooler.
  22. Who Needs Trailers.

    You guys crack me up:) Sure it is not an ex wife on the right?
  23. Which direction do I go???

    Michael the question is replace it with what?
  24. A few Questions - Power Wash Equipment

    With any setup you buy one of the keys to long trouble free life (hopefully) is maintanence, if it says change oil the first 25 hours then every 50 then be sure you do. I do one better, I change my oil and filter every 25 hours regardless, also be sure to check the pump fluid and add if it gets low and change that too. Be sure to keep the engine tuned, fresh spark plugs, air filters etc. A small price to pay compared to rebuilding or replacing one. Diesels run forever but do get dirtier and are noisy so you need to also consider the type of work. What are you planning to tow it around on, open trailer, enclosed trailer or in the back of your pick up? Jon
  25. Inner Peace

    Darn I seem to have misplaced my cyanide tablets!