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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Happy Birthday Celeste!!

    Happy belated Birthday Celeste. :bday: :cake: Jon
  2. Now here's a sweet pickup truck

    One year old and very close to 50,000 miles, to many miles for such a new truck. John are you getting ready to sell trucks too now?
  3. Customers, just gotta vent.

    WRONG WRONG WRONG. I ship books everyday, I ship Media Mail, Priority and 1st Class. I get a tracking number for each and every package. I also do my own shipping USPS labels and instantly have my tracking number. They are not short for sure, here is one copied randomly from Dazzle, the Endicia mail serivce I subscribe to. Delivery Confirm: 9102805213907319820523 and this is what the search results are right from usps.com Label/Receipt Number: 9102 8052 1390 7319 8205 23 Status: Delivered Your item was delivered at 1:43 pm on October 10, 2006 in BROKEN ARROW, OK 74011. As for jerks, I have learned over the year plus of selling books which ones just want something for nothing and which ones truly did not recieve their book. Most are honest people and if I have another book of the same one I ship it out at my expense priority so they have it in 3 days. Keeps them coming back for more. Phil if you do a lot of shipping get your own label machine, the best is Zebra but they are PRICY, $550 new but worth every penny. You can buy reconditioned ones. If interested drop me an Email and I will send you the link. One thing you need to do, even with those jerks, always be very nice to them, never threaten them even if you want to. Remember word of mouth can do as much good as bad. You should know that in your pressure washing business, it applies to all businesses. Jon
  4. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Not so, we and other countries have never even been to every planet there is and I doubt in our lifetime that will happen. How do I come to believe that some planets are far advanced then ours, in my mind that is easy to answer, there has truthfully never been proof there is not life out there although you say it has been proven. By whom, the Bible or human's? I never said I do not believe in a bible in any of my post here, I did say I don't have to go to a church to believe or pay to pray. ( another tounge lashing to me on that remark is coming, I can just feel it now) Correct me if I am wrong but there are those that believe the Old Testament is the right bible and there are those that believe the New Testament is the correct one, right or wrong? If right then how do you explain why there are two correct Bibles? I will admit I am not an expect on Bibles no do I claim to say one is right and one wrong nor that I believe one religion is better or worst. I will say that I believe if there is a God then ther is only one, not one per religion. Now that said explain Budda and other religions that believe in other then a God? Or would I be correct to assume they believe their God is the same one as yours but in a different way? (I knew I should have stayed out of this post,)
  5. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Ah I am now drawn into the other part of this very interesting post. Which means I must now state my belief in order to answer the above quote. I believe in Evolution. (please don't try and convert me over this ok) Now I also believe there is life on other planets so are you that believe in Creation going to say the same God put those Beings there too? I also believe that life on some of those planets are far advanced of us here and some are way behind us, say at the caveman level, maybe even further back then that. More about what I believe and don't believe in, I believe in FACT, not THEORY, many things have been stated about every topic ever discussed, most have never been 100% proven, this subject included. That does not mean those that believe are right or wrong, we each believe what we do and we being human and intelligent do not turn and say to Bill, John, Scott and others that post something like " since you do not believe the way I do your not my friend". We understand or should that there are many others who might not even agree with either Creation or Evolution on this board that are not posting for personal reasons. I respect all here, pro or con on this issue. To John T. You started what might become one of the longest post ever, not just here but on all boards if this keeps up and more get involved. By the way fellows you're behind in your rent to me, I own Earth and rent it out to you but you need to send that rent check on time next month or ELSE!
  6. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Do I even want to get involved in this topic? Not really but since there are a few post about “hate” I will speak on that subject. All of us are born innocence, all of us. We learn HATE from our parents, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles and others while we are young. Here is proof of that for most, not all but most people, parents will say something like “don’t play with that Black kid as they lie, steal, smell bad etc.” “Don’t play with those kids that eyes look funny as they always have bad breath of ginger or garlic or other nasty words” Don’t play with those kids that speak Spanish as they are not suppose to be here, etc. In our home, both when I was growing up and as we were raising our kids we taught them everyone is the same and that friends are all welcome unless they do something bad. I grew up in a mixed middle class neighborhood, we had several different nationalities and religions and all got along with each other. Now I lied when I said I won’t talk religion, just one question and I know many have heard it over and over but answer it the way you believe it to be. If there was just one Adam and Eve explain how it comes to be not everyone is white, why are some Black, Asian, Mexican, Islanders, Eskimo’s, Indians etc.? Evolution or Creation? I know what I believe in. Answer this question too, is there truly a right or wrong answer to the subject of Evolution vs. Creation? Or are both sides right? Or wrong? I also know you do not have to go to church to believe or Pray, a home, a car, standing on the sidewalk all qualify in my mind and any other place you chose. Stepping off the stump now. Jon
  7. New House?

    Roflmao. Yup it even says so on the side of his "house"!
  8. 9/11 - who done it!

    Mike you have only FIVE neighbors, what did you do run the rest out? Heck I have that many cops as neighbors, well if you want to include the FBI guy, the detective, the sheriff and to uniform street cops. That is for starters but I won't bore you with the rest of my neighbors, oh wait one is an attorney, one is a partner in a local oil company, another ah heck out of 65 in our little gated community I am the nut case here:) Now don't think for one moment what I said in the other post is my total belief, some of it perhaps but it should get others to open up and post here, hopefully anyway. Ah life is sure good. Jon
  9. Getting Old

    Hi Ron, got your Email last week but was busy going though a few thousand books to clean some out. I will call you in a day or two for sure. Jon
  10. 9/11 - who done it!

    Who exactly was (IS) behind it, truth may never be known but I will say what I see happening. We send our troops all over the world to fight, we call up reserves, the national Guard and hold back those that should be out after they have served their time. What will happen once we call up more and sent them to fight who knows where, who and why? The enemy will simply step in here and take over without a shot being fired. Give it thought, if all our service people spread around the world who will be left here to defend the USA? Only us private citizens, thats who. And regardless if you are pro or con about guns once the gun control folks take them away it is all over with, nothing to defend the USA with, right? Now do you think that the gun control people are behind it or being paid by some unknown who wants to overtake our great country? Think long and hard about it before you simply say NO WAY. Recall history, if there we no guns then there would be no USA as we know it today and trust me all of you that were not born till the 60s & 70s, it's totally different today then in the 40s and 50s. Do you leave your doors unlocked at night, I doubt it, do you leave the keys in your vehicles, again I highly doubt it. Do you even know your neighbors? Do you even know who really runs your city and state? Well do you? Jon
  11. Getting Old

    I am not getting older, I am maturing at an even pace:) Besides age is but a number, it does not make the person! Now where did I put my um, uh, oh yeah that whatchamacallit again. Jon
  12. New House?

    Jeff the one thing I just can't figure out is with such a nice big house why no bathrooms inside? I mean if you want to live like they did in the old days fine but how about sticking it in the backyard. Sheesh man is that what they call community outhouse nowadays? Or did the contractors forget to install it inside? At least the rest of the house and yard look truly great. Jon
  13. My New Truck!!

    The truth comes out about John T. he says he no longer has the time to devote to his other toy, the black beauty yet he can find the time for one of these NEW TOYS! Go figure. John are you the enforcer for the pricent in your neighborhood? hmm, wonder what his take is and if the Mafia knows about this ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Love that Yello color, just think guys, since wive's don't see a need for any of us owning one of those beauties we can give her a choice, you, me and the toy or is it just ME and MY TOY?
  14. Priceless

    McMoo so true, I cannot say how much enjoyment we get out of watching our grandsons as they grow. I only hope I am around long enough to see them graduate high school and college and perhaps make a great granddad out of me. That is a long time since they are 6 and 2. They came to visit us for my birthday and I could not ask for a better gift. They and family are the only thing I miss about CA. Family comes first, then business.
  15. HERE is a lowballer!

    He took a gamble and lost, like the guy that always plays at the $2.00 blackjack table never betting more then the $2 bucks. If you don't raise your bet you won't win big. If you cut 50% of your competitors bid off you surely will not do good work nor last. I bid FIVE BUCKS for his truck and any equipment he has that still works. And he delivers. I will buy him a one way bus ticket back home.
  16. My Car is for sale!!

    JIM, HUSH UP. Probably was taken in a drug raid and Mr. T fiddled with those numbers to make it legal.
  17. Honest debate Iraq

    First I have not read the replies so if I repeat what others say sorry. Won't go into a long thing here but war is hell regardless of who is fighting. What got me from the start is you never warn your enemy for SIX month your going to attack them, that gives the enemy all the time they need to prepare, hide things and drum up support for help. I have always said war serves a few purposes, one is and most will not like this but to control population since so many die during fighting. What I have a hard time with is how everyone and every country says you cannot kill females, kids, non army personal etc. Face it when your in a war you're on one side or the other, there is no middle ground. --------------------- Pardon me Ma'am are you friend or foe? Hey you kid, you with the gun, whose side are you one? Shot first, ask questions later when in a war zone. Feel free to agree or disagree with me but if you want to talk in more detail we can with Email or phone calls. Jon
  18. Stolen gas

    Mike I did not read all the replies but how about laying down a box of tacks and nails where they would step on them and stop so they might end up with a few flat tires and bleeding feet? How much trouble to just take the cans off when done working and lock them in your garage? Another suggestion, put spot lights out lighting your rig up at night, people who steal do not want to be seen. Put a note on each can saying YOUR ON CANDID CAMERA and try to stay up to take his picture so you can turn it ofer to LE (Law Enforcement to those that might not know what LE meant) Oil in the gas as others mentioned works great, a little diesel will make it smoke something crazy but not to much. I doubt this person would continue stealing once you do something to his engine (S).
  19. Hello, new guy here

    Issac when the time comes for a new truck spend the extra and buy a Dodge or Ford diesel. Better milage with Dodge bu more power with Ford. Now as to the color, skp white, black, red and go with Grey or med Blue. Not dark blue or sky blue. If you have a trailer have it color matched and again skip black.
  20. My Car is for sale!!

    Nice car indeed John, to bad you can't part with one of your trucks instead. Now if I was not hot for another motorcycle I would consider your car indeed but riding has been my thing. Only now Remy thinks I am to old to ride! No such thing as OLD in my mind as long as my body and mind function ok. Jon
  21. Where do I put all this stuff?

    Looks to me I will have to fight it out with Mike Williamsons so shall it be swords? bow and arrow? whips? slingshots? Or something else? I suppose I could sneak into his home and remove all those DANGEROUS CHEMS under the kitchen sink before he wakes up. But then how would he please his better half by washing the dirty dishes? Jon
  22. Where do I put all this stuff?

    Very good idea, just don't tell them what your putting in there. What they don't know won't hurt.
  23. Where do I put all this stuff?

    Barry you know I am blunt for the most part just say it as it is. At least you have nothing to cause major physical damage to you or others. I know most do not have the big barn like garages some of the old timers in the business have and some like yourself have limited space. Best suggestion I can offer is try and cut down the amount of different chems used and find some that can do several different jobs. Sure it was easy for me since I did only flat work and had 3 chems, one powdered and two liquid. I wonder how many others store stuff in the house? Jon
  24. Where do I put all this stuff?

    First thing I would do is get all of the ones in the house and baement OUT. If ever a fire happens or anything and they find those chems there you will not have any insurance to cover the damage and might end up being fined for keeping that stuff in the house. You do have MSDS on everyone of them and the book they are in handy I hope. Buy a shed, put one of those wall air conditioners in and relax. I assume you are not married, if so and if you have kids then I cannot say what I want here. Not being mean to you, being point blank honest. Now remove all that stuff regardless of what time it is there. Ok one question, why so many chems in the first place, I only used 3 different ones.
  25. Finally VACATION

    If your not suppose to know where your in-laws are taking you then you better practic your "being surprised" look when the time comes. Oh and whomever told you needs to practic keeping secrets and one guess who it is, your wife:) Have fun, enjoy the time and don't even talk shop talk, remember vacations are to clear the mind too.