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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Yeah right take the wife to a Gentlemen's club, you really want me killed don't you?

    Good advice about seeing the falls from the Candaian side.

    She gets one or the other since they are so far apart and I would opt for the Falls.

    Now let me see, a casino and a gentleman's club, hmmm.

    Honey how would you like to go play for a few hours? Oh I would love that but that will you do, Oh I am sure I can find something RELAXING to keep me busy:)

    Washaway what would be the best time to go and please don't say middle of summer when it is full of people shoving and bumping into each other.

    Now I should say it all depends on when the Doctor schedules my second eye surgery too.

  2. Washaway, would it make you feel better knowing my dad was born in New York, NY?

    And to think I ain't never been back there, yet.

    Wife wants to see N Falls so might take a trip back but not even sure what part of NY there in compared to that LADY which she would also like to see.

    Man she sure has idea's on how to spend "my" $$$$$.

  3. Easy to explain from today's standpoint:

    Remember he had a business with employee's so relate to that.

    Here is what he is saying:

    Labor cost are up.

    Fuel cost are up.

    benefit cost more.

    competition is cutting prices.

    Bottom line is down.

    More cash outflow = less profit for owner

    In other words he cannot afford the high cost of joining a country club based in New York when he lives in California.

    Hope this helps.

    He just had a funny way of explaining things.

    To take his letter as it is picture him a farmer with cost going up and profits going down.

  4. Just so you can relate to what I am about to post, my father owned a big business and got invited to join the club listed as the header.

    This is a true and complete copy of his reply.


    October 6th, 1961

    Don Masse, Membership Secretary

    Blind Brooks Polp Club

    Purchase, New York

    Dear Mr. Masse,

    Thank you very so much for your kind invitation to include me in your club.

    With the business condition the way they are and the price of oats and alfalfa I have already lost my horse and am in imminent danger of losing my ass.

    I must respectfully decline.

    Regretfuly yours,

    His ( ) mark

    His signature follows but left out on purpose here.

    Came across it as we go though boxes of stuff here.

  5. Man I'm hot to get into this business so I fired off a couple questions to this person and below is a copy of those questions.


    I assume that the picture of the truck and trailer are all for sale at this price? If not just what is it your selling?


    I will post my reply when I get it unless he figures out it is ME sending it.

  6. A mother is driving a little girl to her friend's house for a play date.

    "Mommy," the little girl asks, "how old are you?"

    "Honey, you are not supposed to ask a lady her age,"

    the mother replied.

    "It's not polite."

    "OK", the little girl says, "How much do you weigh?"

    "Now really," the mother says,

    "those are personal questions and are really none of your business."

    Undaunted, the little girl asks, "Why did you and Daddy get a divorce?"

    "That is enough questions, young lady, honestly!"

    The exasperated mother walks away as the two friends begin to play.

    "My Mom won't tell me anything about her," the little girl says to her friend.

    "Well," says the friend, "all you need to do is look at her drivers'

    license It is like a report card, it has everything on it."

    Later that night the little girl says to her mother,

    "I know how old you are, you are 32."

    The mother is surprised and asks,

    "How did you find that out?

    "I also know that you weigh 140 pounds."

    The mother is past surprised and shocked now.

    "How in heaven's name did you find that out?"

    "And," the little girl says triumphantly,

    "I know why you and daddy got a divorce."

    "Oh really?" the mother asks. "Why?"

    "Because you got an F in ***."

  7. then Chuck says there was another guy there from a company somewhere south from another A-Plus Power Washing. When Chuck asked him if his name was Tony, he said he'd been asked that several times already. I got a grin.

    There is only ONE (1) Tony and HE alone is allowed to be called A-Plus Power Washing.

    All others are fakes!

  8. I am with you guys and gals, do not want her to win anything other then being the person who cleans toilets.

    That is if she knows how!

    Now the sad thing is she just might win and worst is the unknown, who would be her running mate?

    Heaven help us if she truly does win too as life will no longer be easy.

  9. So what do all of you plan to do when shirllharly wins? face it she has been pulling in millions to run already.

    I agree both should be locked up forever but that stinkin cigar got passed around and everyone says let him be free. Do they even live together anymore?

  10. RICE, Ryan tell us your kidding please and Hellary is dangerous yet I hate to say it if the demo's put her up she just might win and then we are all in deep trouble.

    Who ever allowed them to leave Arkansas to start with?

    Just remember there are others just as bad but not worst and the way Bush is doing things the Reps may not win the next election.

    Ask this of yourself, can you honestly say there is one honest politician, local, state or fed?

    I love saying "show me an honest politician and I will show you his or her grave".

  11. James I too have peace officers in the family, both the wife's brothers are police officers, one of my cousins worked for The Company, another was a Military Attaché' and I have had friends who are police officers or MPs.

    Not one believes stricter gun laws will reduce crime but it will reduce our chances to protect our families.

    I am totally sick of all the do gooders who think they know what is best for ME; I know better what is best for me.

    I do not tell others what they can or cannot own and I expect the same back to me.

    I do not hunt, do not believe in killing just for the sport of it yet I do not condemn those that do as long as they take home and eat what they kill.

    I would never point a gun at something or someone unless I intend to use it but I would make darn sure that the person knows it is loaded and that I am not afraid to use it if I must to protect my family and self.

    You are as we all know entitled to your opinion and I respect that just as we are all entitled to ours.

    California wants a law passed saying we must register and sign for shell, every bullet we buy, every pound of powder those that reload buys, in other words they want to know every damn thing we do.

    ENOUGH BIG BROTHER ALREADY, leave me along I am fine and know how to take care of myself.

    Live and let live.
