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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Best idea yet, just hand the bag over to me for safe keeping, in say 25 years from now if there is anything left I will return it to you as by then I will be an old man not in need of it much anymore.

    If you feel that is not fair I will send you a dividend check once a year IF you send me snail mail and remind me, keep in mind as I age my brain does to and becomes forgetful at times:)

  2. Guns are made to kill cars are made to drive.

    And what about alcohol and tobacco and drugs?

    I suppose I could think of many things but what real purpose does alcohol serve other then to get a high or drunk?

    Here is something to think about, 95% of all drunk driving accidents kill peopl in the other car but the drunk lives because he or she is so relaxed when they crash the body takes little beating compared to those in the other car who are fully alert.

    Uh oh I need to run as I see someone with a 2x4 coming after me because I said take his daily 6 pack away. He is about to kill me what that piece of wood, HELP.

  3. Hey since there really is nothing safe, I mean food can kill you too if you eat to much perhaps if we ban life then there will be no problem.

    Ok so I am extreme here but alcohol, cigs, dairy products, you name it it is bad for us.

    One side says fish is good for the body then the other side says fish has things that are bad for the body, go figure.

    No names mentioned but one of those big name ban the gun females lives here in CA, we have two of them but one has a CCP, so why is it ok for her to own and carry but not the rest of us?

  4. Would love a true deep dish pizza but not really found here in CA, sure all the places that make them claim they are real but have had enough to know they are not.

    Now a true Sicilian pizza made for us by friends who have owned an Italian restaurant for many a year is two pizzas, double stacked and loaded to the hilt.

    As for crust I like them medium, not so thin they taste like cardboard, not so thick it is like eating bread.

    And I love to smother butter on the ends. What keeps me FAT.

    Frozen, hmm, just buy the cheapest there is, never believed a frozen pizza could be good so guess I need to check out the top brands and see for myself how good they taste.

  5. Now this might not have anything directly to do with pressure washing but sure is nice to know others feel as I do.

    California CCP laws are up to each county and some make it pretty hard to qualify, first a long list of papers to fill out, full background check which you pay for, then you have to qualify with the firearm you want to carry so if you have say a 9mm, 45 auto, 38 snub nose, 32 cal. or a 44 mag you cannot have a permit for all so pick one. (I am not sure if their is a list of legal guns not allowed for CCP)

    Then before you qualify another part of the background check is the city you live in, the police chief there has to ok it, if he for whatever reason says NO forget the permit.

  6. I am not ashamed to admit I own a gun, or two but I am sick and tired of having those anti-gun haters blaming guns rather then sick minds for the killings.

    I mean not once have I ever witnessed one of my guns walking out at night to go shooting people.

    Yet I am in that class that is considered a CRIMINAL just for owning a gun.

    Besides I got mine legally, not out of a back alley in a gang neighborhood.

    And my doctor owns a gun too!

  7. Man you guys all make me look bad without even saying my name or hinting I might be a crook!

    I have found wallets, purses and other things and do turn them in but a bag of 20Grand?

    I suppose it would make no difference if it was in a brown paper bag or money bag or one of those bank deposit bags with a lock on it to you.

    Sure if it was a money or bank bag common sense says the manger dropped it, but a plain brown paper bag I think I would let me consious decide and knowing I am not a thief or crook would call the cops but what do you think they would do with it?

    Law here says if you found that pot of gold, went to the police station (not call them to you, you must take it there) and after so many days if no one claims it they it is yours. (not sure if it is 30 days or longer but there is a time frame.)

  8. Hey you left out some and the one most missing JAZZ and reggae, then Soft Rock and CD's hmm, what else?

    I sort of jump between stations, Oldies and Jazz man, JAZZ do you haer me?

    Jazz rocks man, and if you truly are in the MOOD it gotta be Jazz or Reggae.

    I even crank up my 12 inch speak AMP, man you can truly feel things viberate!

  9. Brian hold it right there on that cold water unit, you said you plan to do driveways and commercial flatwork, for flatwork you really need hot water to do the job even with all the chemicals out there.

    I know little about roofs or other residental work as that was not what I did, I did industrial/commercial only and with the right repeat monthly and weeky accounts you can do very well.

    Example, one of my weekly accounts paid $1240 a month at one location so you can see it does add up.

    Now the hard part is getting those kind of accounts!

    You ask if there is anything you missed, not really but do factor in the upkeep on equipment and breakdowns and they do happen when you least expect it too, like at 3 AM when your have 15 minutes left of a 4 hour job.

  10. There are other cost you need to consider, insurance, business licenses, if required Workers' Comp. are a few that come to mind.

    What is your target area going to be, flat work, house washing, deck and wood re-finishing, fleets, hoods or some other area of pressure washing?

    Consider buying a late model truck, consider buying someone who is selling his business but do get the equipment checked out be a local dealer where the seller lives.

    Have you done any pressure washing? if not there are some that would allow you to work with them for a few days to a week for free to gain experience on the work and equipment. None will be in your area as competitors don't want you to know who they service.

    Regardless of what line your going to be targeting I suggest a hot/cold rig. I would also recommend a 3/4 ton truck.

    Now a little bit more since your in the South, an enclosed trailer or box truck rather then open trailer.

  11. In a nutshell if i am right it means no more class action lawsuits. Big business wins this one since you cannot sue them as a group.

    Also it was taken out of state courts and put into federal courts which are harder to win in.

    Now this bit Bob said about lawyers, yes he has a very good point but here's the problem, most if not all politicians were lawyers.

    I personally don't trust lawyers much, dentist are about equal with them.

    Gad, as a landlord you have certain rights and laws to follow, as a tenant they also have certain rights and laws to follow.

    If a tenant refuses to sign a rental agreement or lease you can refuse to rent to them. If there are major problems you are required to fix them in a timely manner.

    If the tenant damages your property you can sue them in small claims court for the amount of damage plus what it cost to repair the damage as long as you hired a licensed contractor to do the work. Hire a non licensed handy man or do it yourself then your limited to cost of material only, no labor.

    The tenant must inform you in writing about repairs needed and you have 30 days for most repairs to be made. Exceptions are made if it is life threating such as gas leaks, broken and exposed electrical wires or toilet that won't stop running or won't flush due to clogged lines. Now there is one exception to that toilet being clogged too, if the tenant flushes diapers or other things down it that are not suppose to be flushed you can charge the tenant plus you can give him the 3 day notice to quit and vacant the property. He broke his agreement by damaging the toilet, grounds to evict him or her.

    At least here in California that is how the law works.

  12. Ryan your totally wrong about the government losing it, they lost it long before you were born, all you're seeing now is the leftovers!

    :lgjump: :lgbonk: :lgsideway :rant:

    PS: I do agree big business is the government.

    Do you remember when they broke up MA Bell since it was to big? well not they have a few bigger ones. Verizon/MCI just became bigger and MCI sucks big time. Today alone I have had 3 yes THREE junk calls from them but since we have distinctive ring we don't answer when the little box tells us who it is. We don't have them nor want them.

  13. A little participation, suspense, anticipation, sounds like a proposition to me.

    I have met Beth before and Rod too but never seen Celeste, hmmmm

    Is she tall?

    Is she short?

    Ah I doubt it is that type of business.

    I can take a guess but won't. For one reason I love how this thread is going, for two I am not privy to things and for 3 as I said do not know the Southern Belle, only the Northern gal.

    So ladies dare to carry on :)

  14. I used to get them every year but have started questioning my doctor if they really work and help or not.

    I probably will not get them again even though I am getting a bit older.

    Today's paper said they don't help the elderly that much so what's the real reason they push it?

    Besides how does anyone truly know what they are giving you?

    I'm healty, overweight but healthy.


  15. They didnt tell you that they have struck some deals with others in the industry that will increase the membership.

    Ron what deals? come on speak up since you must know what they are or your quote above would not have been posted.

    Like many of us have said time will tell whether they did a smart thing or not, whether it grows, stays the same or slowly sinks into Davy Jones locker.

    I still say we should allow them to do whatever it is they are doing and hope for the best. Who knows many that are none members might end up joining even those that have said NEVER will I join.

    Only time will tell and I am sure all of you have more important things to do during that telling time period.

    Don't let it keep you up at night or during the day if you work nights!

  16. Howard one question concerning that SR moment, yours or mine???

    Navy guys, hmm, CVA 34 Oriskany signle man.

    No not me but my best friend was and it was during the embargo of Cuba, he was due out and got frozen in for another year.

    Celeste by all means encourge her to continue and join, I tried to and passed all the written test and physicals except WHAT DID YOU SAY, everyone turned one way and I did not hear the order so went the other way, they got me good.

    This truly has been a clean thread and it will continue to be. Just that a few swabbies sort of got it off topic:lgbow: :lgwave: :lgjump: :lgsideway

    Ok old salts don't start swearing at me now. I almost was one too.
