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Posts posted by Jon

  1. I don't hate Jews because of that (It was, afterall, God's plan that Christ be crucified).

    Oneness that above, and how I read it and we all know I tend to misread things at times. It was like an unfinished sentence, the part that says "I don't hate Jews because of that" so I assumed you stopped before saying anything more that might get edited out.

    Paul B. Those that were Jewish and became Christians have a name for them, I am not sure what it is but have seen people wearing a Cross with the Star of David in the middle of it.

    We have a church here that way so I suppose I could go ask if I wanted to know bad enough.

    I would still disagree with there being a Jewish race, do you mean those that are born in Isreal? if so there is a word for them, again not sure what it is right now but suppose I could find out.

  2. Green water?

    Wording is very important here, there is BLACK water, Grey WATER and RECLAIMED water.

    I have reclaimed water, if you have black water and your on the road without the proper permits your in muddy water.

    Grey water they also consider black so if you have a filtering system it is reclaimed and legal on the roads.

    Most places anyway, some might be more strict since they read the law differently but where you dump it when done is a concern too.

  3. Can you use a White Castle or possibly a Skyline Chili in trade?

    Neither are out here, White Castle did at one time sell their frozen bugers in markets. (not sure if they still do or not)

    Skyline Chili never heard of.

    Besides I don't like chili or any spicy (hot, or moderately spicy food)

    Hold the rain check for the sun, salty air, well wife and I miss that too since moving out here.

    Remember I was a beach bum, grew up in Pacific Ocean Park beach, yes where Arnold and others pumped iron.

  4. Smarty panties!

    Depends on the business but most consider seniors to be 55 or 60 and up.

    Most discounts are 10% across the board and no drug stores offer discounts, mostly restaurants and a few other businesses.

    CA. businesses are GREEDY.

    Now just remember I am a young 63 and I don't look or feel my age, YET:cool:

    I will tell you what I miss here, CA has NO Cracker Barrel Restaurants. When I traveled on the bike or with the RV love eating in their restaurants.

  5. Ron M. indeed has been acused of things and many in the past have said bad things about him.

    If they took the time to know him they would see he is not bad at all, loud yes, nice guy indeed, bad, nope unless you want to say bad in a way of being way to nice at times.

    I have said it before and will say it again, having met Ron on several occaisions and having spent hours talking with him there is nothing wrong with him.

    Heck you can even say NO to him and he will still be your friend!

    But really folks we are all born innocense, it is part how our parent (s) bring us up and part how we ourselves do things that make us good or bad.

    As for the rumor about another Laker using the same room never heard about that, was there mention that this girl had *** with this other Laker too?

  6. Beth hit this pole I got on the head, it is yellow and has two twist locks to extend it to the full 18 feet.

    It has never been used and I really have never uesd one, just for about 30 seconds as a test at the PWNA convention last year and not sure what brand it was, Delco was doing the demo.

    Beth had specials on extendawands and I should have bought one but like the OLD MAN Paul says I am did not buy it.

    Paul just who or what is Golden Buckeye Senior Discount cards?

    Forgive me for not knowing since living here in So. CA we don't have seniors.

    I mean Bob Hope made it to 100, right?

  7. Kissing on the cheeck is one thing, kissing lips to lips and locking lips is another thing all together.

    How many of us kiss our little sons and daughters on the lips, when we were young our dads, granddads and so forth?

    The whole point here is guilty or not he will be found not guilty.

    Was OJ guilty?

    Is Koby guilty, if not why then is he asking for all his stuff to be sealed but demanding the girls be opened? What is he hiding?

    Oh sorry I almost forgot the Lakers probably are taking care of it under the table.

  8. Big Bill mentions cars made in Japan, most Japanese cars are now assembled in the USA, and most American cars are assembled in Mexico, Ford and Dodge trucks are for sure as I have owned both.

    Even Harley Davidson is not MADE in AMERICA, it is assembled in America but a good percentage of it is imported.

    Most major companies are NOT American owned anymore, most the clothes your wearing are imported too.

    Sure Wal-Mart is American owned, private family business and one of the worst for your friendly neighborhood market, drug store and other businesses.

    What bothers me is how our own government has helped and supported most of our enemies, Castro, Sadam, that other guy with a beard over there too.

    Even worst is we are telling Taiwan it now belongs to Red China.

    Go figure that one out, we are forcing our own friendly Taiwanese to become Commies.

    Forgive me but what ever happened to America FIRST and if anything left over help someone else.

  9. Whe he has no money left, they will throw him to the sharks and will turn their back on him. (Just my opinion(s).)

    I like that opinion, how soon will this happen?

    Also very true about the parents, they knew what was going on but like you said, $$$$ talks and they got it so they did not talk.

    Remember the parents that said they signed papers that they would never talk about what he paid them.

    if that is not buying people off so he can do what he does then I am at a lost as to what it is for.

    Gee perhaps he might offer all of us some money to stop talking about him here.

  10. I must say One Call you have a lot of anger in you against one group or religion when only a few are bad.

    I suppose you would feel the same way for everyone who is not the same religion as you are.

    Don't get me wrong but I have friends from many religions and nationalities yet they are not hateful people nor are they all business owners, just normal like most of us here.

    Paul said it pretty well when he asked of all should hate Jews because of what they did and the answer is NO, we get alone with others or try to.

    Funny thing here, why are you so hating of just Muslims but not any of the others involved in what happened?

  11. Can anyone tell me why he is getting so much FREE TV and newsprint time when others arrested for the same crimes get not a nod from either?

    Now I have seen the pictures time and again with him being handcuffed and cannot see anything that shows he was manhandled or they were on to tight or for that matter where he was not treated with kid gloves. (not meaning little kids)

    He whines like a baby yet gets special treatment and is even allowed to roam free, would any other arrested for the same crime be allowed the same press and freedom till trail?

    Answer is NO WAY.

    Sorry but I personally believe he is guilty but like others with money and frame will get off free.

  12. Ron I was not making fun of your kids or you or anyone. What M. Jackson does is wrong and he will always be in denial of it as his family is.

    Let me say this to all, I used to be deeply involved with the Boy Scouts for many years back in the 60 and 70s.

    I was a Scout leader, there was another leader from who had a troop with mostly single parent households and no fathers.

    This guy was highly educated, two PHds, was a nice guy but a bit strange at times, I always figured he might be a homosexual and although the Scouts do not allow them in even back then I always believed what you do in your home is your business.

    Well it turned out he was not a homosexual at all but a child molester and I found it out in a strange way, he was over at our house for dinner one time and my son was sitting on his lap, he did one thing I know is a trade mark of molesters, bounching a boy on your lap with his legs on each side of his.

    That and one other thing I noticed at a camp out got my assist. leader to talking, we figured out what he was doing and turned him in. Plain clothes cops followed him for a couple weeks then nailed the guy.

    Get this, he had the nerve to call me when he finally got out of prison and asked if I felt it was safe to return to Santa Monica, I told him there is a price on his head and if he was smart he would move back east. I don't think he is alive now either.

    This story is true and can be verified by my best friend who was my assist. The one living in Georgia if anyone doubts it.

    Anyone ever doubt I feel molesters are allowed to do as they please just does not know me well, there are a few things that I do not agree you can do in your home or anyones for that matter.

  13. Dave is that your wallet full of GREENBACKS sticking out of the right rear pocket!!

    Guys never even think of asking Dave when he finds time to pressure wash, he drives around town on those tractors and is known as the TRACTOR MAN now.

    At one time he was known as King of Pressure washing.

    Poor Dave, went from King to Tractor man, age sure does sneak up on us!

    Dave when did you aquire the other tractor, last one I recall you buying was the one like your dad had on the farm, the one you passed a couple times then stopped and bought it.

    Are you planning on building a tractor pull machine with all those engines? let me know so I can watch you pull all that weight.

  14. Grant I agree 100% with you and he is no exception, I bet he cuts corners every chance he gets too.

    He does admit to getting caught and paying a fine, but most times the first time caught is a warning, either verbal or written so he must have been caught doing something truly bad to have been fined the first time.

    OR was it not the first time and that is why he paid a fine, that is my guess.

  15. let's see now, in the past I scuba dived for years, road a Yamaha Venture Royale towing a trailer and traveled the country.

    Backpacked & camped in dead of winter in High Sierra's.

    Dragged raced hot rods, that was in my younger days.

    Rear ended a police car once, it was unmarked and the brakes failed in the truck I was driving!

    Hmm, what else, explored ruins in Guatemala, the Maya ruins, also get stuck there during one of the many revalutions with bullets flying everywhere. Could not leave hotel for 3 days and then had to be secretly escorted out at night, that was in 1955 or was it 1956.

    In this day and age just enjoy the family. Planning a secret birthday for wife, a steamboat trip up the Mississippi if I can pull it off.

  16. Ron we are totally aware of Beth and know what we can and cannot do here.

    Trust me if it got out of hand it would be dealt with promptly and I am sure she is reading this too but could be a post she is not interesting in replying to.

    Your not defending Micheal Jackson are you?

    You have children too and I am sure you would not want them in the same situation others have been in.
