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Posts posted by Jon

  1. One of the things no one mentioned but am sure was on everyone's mind is not if a hose broke and water and chemicals get on the carpet but that hose will whip all over the place breaking whatever it hits.

    That would be a major disaster in my mind.

    Alan I would pass on this job. One reason I shy away from homeowers other then the owners and employe's of my accounts.


  2. Scott I parted company with the old Whisper Wash Big Guy last year, sold and shipped East.

    Lately someone has been hounding me about loaning my surface cleaner out for some experiments, I wonder how the idea was put into this persons head!

    That job for Barry has yet to come though, whether or not it ever does I have no idea, if it does great, if not I won't lose any sleep over it. I will say he is one person who pays his bills promptly so that is a plus and in real life he is not a bad guy, really yet he loves messing with people online, we all have to have an outlet.

  3. Scott I parted company with the old Whisper Wash Big Guy last year, sold and shipped East.

    Lately someone has been hounding me about loaning my surface cleaner out for some experiments, I wonder how the idea was put into this persons head!

    That job for Barry has yet to come though, whether or not it ever does I have no idea, if it does great, if not I won't lose any sleep over it.


    I know all of you, have spoken to you and from a good post about x-jet and v-jet to soap to fighting is not what we will tolerate here.

    Yes some of your post have been edited, some moved or deleted.

    All of us Moderators here will not allow this board to sink as many others have, we run a pretty open board but we keep a sharp eye on it too.

    Please if you must fight another do so privately by Email and keep the board clean.

    If any of you have an issue with this take it up with me by Email or if you want to go above me go directly to Beth.

    I back up the other Mods here and that goes for Alan who caught this thread getting out of hand.


  5. Paul the color is ok, not a bright white but white yes, a very little hint of blue in it might help but remember it is not easy to get different shades of white.

    Just wear your dark glasses!!

    The first couple days the blue was BRIGHT but then you eyes adjusted to it and it is truly a nice soft color to have now.

  6. Mike could be what you see is right, they don't do it that way here so it did appear to me it was dug up and repoured.

    Yes a crappy job indeed, bet it was the homeowner who mixed and poured that driveway.

    Or it was over runs of concrete and why the mixed batch or looks.

    Ok out West they call any left over concrete in the trucks over runs, they either sell it cheap or dump it so they mix batches and sell it cheap.

    Still that is going to be one nasty job and you should charge accordingly too!


  7. I see one more thing here, not only the two slabs poured at different times but look closer, about a foot or so on each of them appear to have been removed and re-poured, so whatever it is I would say has been fixed or tried to be fixed before.

    It also could be anti-freeze but rust is my first guess. There is some type of tool that can locate leaking water, plumbers use them, rent one and check for the leak if the water company or other utility won't do it.

    My opinion only, some will not agree with me but I will still consider you friends of mine.

  8. Indeed I do know you well, still diesel should do the trick.

    Ok on a more serious side if you get the contract be sure you put how your going to be paid in writing and have all sign it.

    You too and give them one copy.

    Spell out exactly what they should expect and what you can and cannot do.

    I know it is common sense but your dealing with a corporation if it is a HOA. Most boards have five members, 3 out of five are needed to agree on things, those are the ones you want to sign the agreement.


  9. OTP,

    Careful dealing with HOA, slow pay and that goes to property management co too.

    I have dealt with a couple of them. I live in one and they suck, all are control freaks so we butt heads often.

    First and last time I will ever live in one.

    Now the asphalt if very new will come off easy, if old forget it but have heard some say diesel fuel poured on it makes it loosen up so you can pressure wash it off easy.

    Just be careful of cars around where you work if you use diesel.


  10. I wonder how Grant could tell we got the wrong color delivered to us yesterday!

    Who do you know at Best Buy that told you we ordered bisque and they delivered and installed white?

    Well I will say they did get the dishwasher correct, just the stove and microwave were wrong! Correct ones due on Friday.

    Now Grant stop looking into your spy glass! only witches are allowed to use those.


  11. Paul I don't sign up for things, most web sites have spy ware that grabs your Email address and from there spread it all over the world.

    Even the pop up builder people are getting smart, I find some that force their way though my pop up stoppers.

    Ah such is life on the Internet, at one time only government and colleges used it and now look, you can find a bride, a date, a mate, drugs, get mugged, get divorced and much more on the Net.

    I know of people who buy their cars off the Net, paying in full with a credit card sight unseen.

    Now that type of trust on the Net will never come from me. Besides I need to see what I am buying before I buy.

    I like to test drive, or open and close the appliances etcs.

    Now when it comes to a bride, well no test drive, no bride!! Uh oh my wife is watching:whoops:


  12. To answer your question I have to say NO but I use Earthlink as my DSL ISP and use their spam blocker so I would not even see any junk or spam mail.

    I have total control of what comes though to Outlook.

    It can be a bit of a pain having everything blocked till you get the addresses set up you want to allow though but from over 100 plus spams a day to ZERO, sure makes checking mail easy now.

