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Posts posted by Jon

  1. I seem to be going though more O rings from the gun to the QC on my surface cleaner a night then I used to when I used a ball valve, any idea why?

    I don't use a Y for the wand and gun on surface cleaner, I prefer to remove it and have more hose to use when rinsing since I do a large area at one time.

    It is the O rings that keep wearing out, I am talking about 3 a night on average lately, just from the gun to QC, not from hose to gun.

    Could it be poor fitting QC's? all are new and supposedly top of line stuff, never had this problem before.


  2. Another way to look at it is say you hire an employee that has a felony, he or she will not be able to post bond.

    Would you want to put that person in a bank and trust him/her not to commit another crime? They would not hire your company if they knew about that person.

    Why take the risk?

    Like to many DUI's you won't get a license or insurance.


  3. Steven I had a ponytail once and beard was more full, not like yours though. Wife would not kiss me if it was as yours is.

    As for the dark glasses not a problem, as for going on tour with you, sure but I can't hear the beat of the music so would only pretend to be playing and no way will I sing.

    I do think my hair would need to be color changed to black too!


  4. I have a Steel Eagle 24" surface cleaner, not a floater.

    I used to have a 28" Big Guy.

    Both have there places and if I were to suggest one I would say Big Guy.

    But you need to figure out how many big vs. small jobs you do.

    What type of work, sidewalks and a few driveways or large commercial work?

    How much do you want to spend?

    What is your GPM and PSI, that needs to be considered also.

    My 24" Steel Eagle is a 3 bar, would work better with 7 plus GPM but I have 3000 PSI, 5 GPM and it does the job.

    Some swear by Landa but I would not pay the money for one.

    Also unless you do decks forget the adjustable models.

    The above is my opinion only and others will disagree with some of it.


  5. John you can drive there and back in those 7 days easy, as for getting it off a truck there are ramps for that but how would you get it on the truck?

    Best way is to rent a Pick-up from Uhaul or better yet take Chuck up on the deal, both of you come out ahead, he sees family and brings back your rig, you save driving there and back.

    Just put a governor on Chucks motor to keep him under 65 towing that rig back, it is a nice rig indeed.

    OR I can pick it up and bring it to my place and put it to work for you!


  6. Trust me ever since 9-11 they require them, to easy for backflushing of dirty water into system.

    For the few bucks it cost is it worth taking a chance?

    Besides you are about to begin a venture you will never end if your like me. Always making some change to rig, inproving, modifing or just trying to make more room knowing I can't:rolleyes:

  7. The backflow cost about $145 before my discount so you have some idea what it sells for retail, would have to look up cost but I think I paid about $120.

    One thing you need to know, the city says which brands meet their approval so don't run out and buy one if you plan to meter up for a city, get the information from them first.

    Another thing, they can and do require spot testing to be sure everything works. They will call and ask me to bring it in or where will I be at such and such a time and show up.

    Do you use Yahoo or AIM? if so add me to your list.

    Yahoo: Thatsjon

    AIM: Man of Oasis

  8. I'll be there Ron and I am planning on having dinner with you guys.

    Beth and Ron sent Email letting you both know where I will be and also I shall be arriving Saturday instead of Sunday so might make the general membership meeting, or some of it.

    Remy work load is overflowing so she won't be able to attend and says hi to all. ''The real reason is that the pressure washing shop stuff is just too techy and boring.'';) . (Remy's words, not mine)

    Jon n Remy

  9. Extreme that is not possible, each city has it's own rules and meter department to read how much water you use.

    If I take from another city and/or am asked to see my permit for THEIR city I would be in trouble since I don't have one.

    Years ago things called business licenses were issued by county and were good thoughout that county, now each city requires you to have one.

    Same with water meters.

    You pay to use, you pay to rent.

    You can buy a meter and mount it on your rig, that is easy but for what purpose, to keep track of how much water you use or to use a hydrant? If to use a hydrant your asking for trouble.


  10. Tony your silly, meet me in Vegas for a drink, on me, Water!

    Truthfully I doubt there is enough to spong up if done right.

    I have not done any, still looking into it but did take my squeeze and do a few free wipe downs after rinsing jobs. Need new squeeze or more practice, or both.

