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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Sounds like an equal oppertunity retailer, others sell them for that price and if I were in the market for a new one it would not be from Especs.

    Sorry Ron but this is one time I disagree with you, your just lucky to never have problems with their stuff.

    For a few bucks more you can buy a Delco skid. No I don't own one of theirs.

    If I had to buy from one of those two it would be Delco though.

  2. That will not totally stop them, they will find ways around it.

    It also exempts certain businesses.

    I have said for years it should be OPT IN, every year we must send in notices to opt out.

    Fail once and your never going to stop the junk mail.

    Also what they do now is say if you opt out then you don't even get the local magazine that you pay for.

    So your damned if you opt out, and damnded if you opt in.

    I say OPT OUT forever.

    While on this subject did you know it is illegal to send faxes to people selling things too!

    One way they get around that law is it applies only within the USA, so they send them for overseas.

  3. Bob help do what on THIS ONE?

    I never knew there was an age when "your to old":rolleyes:

    My outlook on age is it is only a number, it does not make the person.

    Ok so I am a recycled teenager, can I help it?

    On a more serious side congrats on landing the job, just be sure you helper pays attention to the job at hand and not the BOSS who hired you!

    Bet she comes out to watch dressed to kill as she did when you showed up to estimate her, er I mean the job.

  4. There seems to be a few missing links here, for one you need to plan ahead for added equipment and weight.

    As you grow your equipment grows too so you will need room for them.

    Does not matter if it is open trailer, closed trailer or truck, buy bigger then you need.

    And be very sure of the GVW.

    Most factory rigs have no room for growth, why I always prefer to buy flat open trailers and build my own setup.

  5. Guys and gals somehow over 5 years worth of personal information about all you is gone, names, addresses, business names, phone numbers(both business and homes, cells) lost.

    In many cases I had your wife's or hubbys names, birthdates, other information and it is gone.

    No idea how, I know I did not delete the folder, was in MS Outlook and doubt if I was hacked since I have a firewall and router with built in firewall also.

    Please resend all this to me so I can start rebuilding this information.




  6. Hi Bob,

    It was not the rear end but the motor mounts were not lined up right causing the vibration, took them a couple days to replace and line it all up, now there is such a slight vibration I can live with it.

    And there is a record of it if something goes wrong due to the vibration.

    Hire snails, they work cheaper and you can always squash them instead of firing them for being so slow and lazy.

    Try college kids, they need the money more.


  7. OTP, I do think our wife's are talking to each other, I get the same excuses too.

    To far to drive, no one close to us (as if we know all our neighbors) kids would not come visit, etc.

    Heck I drive an hour plus to some accounts so what is another 30 or so driving time to get to town?

  8. When I figure that one out I will let you know.

    I only know I hate living in wall to wall concrete freeways and long for the more laid back lifestyle of country living.

    Want to move out of CA to a state with more or should I say less of what CA has, and to a city of say 35,000 or so people with a major city over an hour away.

    I remember all to well what that was like in the 50s. Never say those days are gone forever as they are not, just need to find the right state and town.

  9. Y'all bonkers, all but that city boy!

    OTP, Ron did not catch a wild wave, more like a wild child and she sorta dragged him, butt and all full across the good old USA.

    What happens when you migrate away from the rat race, smog infested, traffic clogged state of CA.

    Oh is the North/South war about to start up again?

    Old Hatefield/McCoy clan up in he hills awaiting for you guys so watch what your foot steps in out in the country.

    Speaking of hatfield we have some of that family living here, in fact they own the local Bruick Dealership, was my neighbor till he bought a house up in the hills, we call it snob hill since all the rich folks live there.

    OTP, you call yourself a city boy, ha, bet you live far away from the real CITY!

  10. Hi Bob, long time no hear from you so figured you're doing ok.

    Congrats on your half way mark!

    I have Kaiser Permanente, HMO, not sure if they have locations in your area, wife and I pay around $436. a month plus $15 and $20 per Doc visit.

    Prescription drugs $10 and $20.

    Different plans since I am considered a Senior and she is still a baby!

    To find out if it is in your area go to:


  11. I can't wait for the day Ron P. and I meet;)

    Douglas it is not a perfect fit in the way you are talking, I pull the straps tight.

    Also my beard is not big and long as you can see in my picture, it is short and trim so that helps a lot.

    Shave it off, NO WAY, I grow this way way back when my former employer said NO BEARDS. (around 1970ish)

    Has double filters straps, above and below rather then a single strap holding it on.

    That is how I am able to tighten it well and not breath in the powder.

    The face mask cost around $30 from Home Depot.

  12. Beth why not buy a 4000 watt generator for the rig?

    I use Shur-Flo pumps for all jobs requiring chemicals and find I can control where I want to spray much better then down or up steam.

    When mixing I always wear eye protection over my glasses and a face filter made to filter out powder chemicals.

    Before buying any face mask read labels, they are not all created equal.

    And if you have a beard as I do be darn sure it fits tight or it is useless.

  13. I called Joe Walters office and spoke with Sue, a short time later Joe personally called me back and we went over everything, then a few hours later Sue called with a great price.

    Their quote was $500 plus less then I was paying a local pressure washer insurance agency here is CA.

    There are a couple others here in CA. but would not use them since they are also doing pressure washing and flat work at that, I don't support competitors that moonlight as insurance agents.

    I would recommend Joe Walters to anyone that needs insurance for pressure washing.


  14. The moving industry is well known for many types of rip offs, from sending a regular trailer with no special tie hooks inside or ramp to over weighing, one trick they use is not to fill their fuel tanks till after they get the empty weight, then when they weigh it with your stuff inside the tanks are full.

    Another and this happened to me, they scavange they things. I lost stuff between our old home and new one, they did not show up to deliver on promised day and time, they broke things.

    They did pay fo motel room and meal (s) offered to pay for one, I said 3 breakfast, lunch and dinner since we are incovienced by your lack of promise to deliver.

    I used a National company too, Mayflower.

    Check whomever you are going to use out well, ask what scales they are using and what time they will be there, go in and demand a copy of the weigh papers.

    Open the fuel caps and check to be sure the tanks a full at the scales.

    Yes you have a legal right to do all that and more.

    A good company would have called you several days in advance to remind YOU that you have a booked date with them.

    Did they even send you a confirmation in writing?
