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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Paul I grew up in the Hippie era, sister still lives that lifestyle!

    I don't smoke, never did and seldom drink, a pina colada once in awhile but probably no more then 5 or 6 a year if that many.

    As for being street smart and knowing things, sure, and with two cops in the family and two neighors that are cops what would you expect?

    Heck I don't even take the meds doctors prescribe half the time, hate drugs but does not mean I am against them.

    Live and let live, what you do in your home is your business and no one else's. The government has not right to say what you can do inside your house, legal or not as long as you do not harm others.

    I live by that code, I had neighbors who were gay, had friends who were gay too and treated them as equal, I say HAD friends as one got a bit fresh and learned the hard way what I do to people who touch or grab wrong place, even in kidding around.

    So much for my personal self here now back to the post!

    JOEL, do you need duct tape so you don't have to listen to your Mother-out-law often?

    Oh and where do we send the welfare check to:D

    Good luck and welcome to the full time business of PWing.


  2. Morgan Ron is just teasing you and does not mean bad, he is ok, well most times but then I go off course at times too.

    I pretty much got his jokes but what is a HERO'S, never heard that word so must be a Southern thing!

    Keep doing what your doing Morgan, your holding your own a and making a buck and that is how you support your family.

    Might be in the future you can raise your prices a slight bit, something not easy to do in a highly competitive area like where I am.


    PS: Ron, Rap is CRAP

  3. Tony good idea, never thought of that, I try to have them aligned two a year, price is cheap enough and I go to a front end shop, not tire store or dealer.

    Besides the guy is into hot rods so I get to peek in his toy shop while they work on my truck.


  4. Try this as it works, I do it for bids on concrete cleaning.

    I give my presentation/bid, they go over it and ask is that the best you can do, I say no and ADD $100 to the price saying my cost just went up since you're seeking price and not quality.

    At that point they start fumbling with words then ask if they had it done would my bid price hold, I say nope but I will come DOWN $50.

    Try it next time someone pulls that stunt on you, just up the bid enough so when they do ask you to do it at the lower price you meet them half way.

    Now I don't do this for my major accounts but the strip malls and one owner stores I do.


  5. Nigel, I change oil and filter and rotate tires every 5000 so yes I sure do.

    Other then the spare that is, no point in paying for 5 tires.

    Guess it is shopping and researching time next week.

    Thanks guys for the input.


  6. Have done the bartering with Firestone, not sure I want that brand again.

    Cost is important but not as much as getting better milage, both should be fair.

    I don't spin tires, I don't jack rabbit start but I do pull a heavy trailer.


  7. It is time to replace my OEM tires, (General) I got 25,000 miles and am not sure that is good since they claim 45,000 but a disclaimer says with trucks the 45,000 is not warrented.

    What brands are you buying, are you happy with the milage you get, the ride, cost etc.

    Speak up one and all.


  8. Pig in the ground, squeeling piggy knows what is going to happen but the smell is enough to ruin your meal if you are not strong of will and STOMACH.

    Father in law used to make it all the time and bring it here, they lived in Hawaii and man is that Kalua pig super great. I think I spelled it right, brain dead from working all night.

    Hungry too but seeing how GREEDY someone is he would not share his RIBS with me.


    PS: Rock n Roll is here to stay and what makes you think you know the stuff I grew up with since all you is is a Hound Dog :)

  9. Paul Reed is right, after riding for over 40 years we decided to buy a 5th wheel, used it 6 times in 3 years then sold it, sold bike to and ever since I have wanted another.

    WIfe says to old, to dangerous to this and that. Wish I never got rid of it, oh and the trailer we towed behind it with our camping gear.

    The good days are gone once that bike goes.

    I could go buy one today and pay $20,000 for a Gold Wing but geez I could buy the wife a care and pay $20,000 so which do you think she is going to approve?

    I want my Yamaha Venture Royale's back. Owned 5 of them over time, so many miles put on a year was not worth rebuilding.

    As for night diving I only did it once on a weekend dive, if any sharks were there I did not bump into them or if I did never knew it.


  10. Truth be told I love danger, would love to be in hurrican country, on a Navy boat in the roughest seas you can find, or better yet those Coast Guard boats that are made to turn completely over and right themselves.

    Used to scuba dive with doubles to depths I would have to spend time decompressing, yes we had single 72s left at the decom depth for that, dragged raced cars, legally, done a lot of exciting things!

    Like getting married. Oh wait that was extremely exciting, spears pointing at me from a lot of directions.

    In laws lived in Hawaii but from the Philipines! Man can those people be MEAN.

  11. Not living in an area subject to such winds I will assume it has the same affect as when we get a heavy rain storm, after the storm moves on everything is like new, freshest air, clearest skies, cars look show room new etc.

    That must be how it is other then to see all the damage done, sad to say I don't understand why people would rebuild year after year in the same place knowing it could happen again, and I am sure some have been twisted more then once too.

    Then you have the insurance companies, we cannot get fair insurance in our line of work yet they continue to insure year after year in those areas. Does not make sense to me.


  12. Blues Meister you cannot offend people, that is my job!

    I doubt anyone took your questions or point of views as arguementive either but what they were, asking for an honest answer to clarify two different chemicals.

    I have used HD80 on concrete and as I said in a post a ways back it sure does do the job, have not yet tried the EFC38 but will as soon as I get another job where all you see is black on top of he concrete.

    Happens when the guys emptying the grease traps spell their loads and for whatever reasons seem to feel it is ok, it is not, cars drive over that stuff and take it all over the place.

    I feel there should be some law that says if they spell their load they must call in a pressure washer with reclaim or even HazMat.

    I am not talking about a pint but gallons and gallons of cooking grease and who knows what else.


  13. Joel did you clean that car after it was flipped? sure is clean for a car that just went though tornado.

    Inb fact everything in that picture is just pretty clean, nothing shows dirt.

    Could that be a doctored photo?

    Hey I see duct tape, at least they were ready for the chemical warfare.

    I am not making fun of what the people have been though or their loses, just that one picture.


  14. My basic closing line is once a month or twice a month and I will call you later today and let you know what evening I have open to start cleaning.

    Since I mostly miss the hey words from prospective customers as to when to close I sort of jump the gun once I know they are interested.

    Another way I do it is when they say we are working on our budget for the coming year so please check back next week, I say don't forget to include my services in your budget so I can start next week.

    You would be surprises how many laugh when you use that reply and then say can you do it sooner!

    It does work, at least for half deaf mutes !!oh wait I can't be mute or I would not be able to talk, just deaf.


  15. Well all how is the weather wherever you are?

    Nice and wet here, in fact it is pouring so hard you could almost pressure wash the sidewalks with it, IF ONLY I could convert it to HOT water.

    So I sit home resting and doing boring things like paying bills and inputting stuff into Quick Books Pro, told it boring stuff.:cool:


  16. From Steve's board. I will be doing copy/paste between this and Steve's board so all can see what is happening in helping Morgan.


    Thanks Jon

    Thanks for posting this. I have been keping long hours lately and was not aware of the full scope of things with Morgan. I have spoke with him a few times but he is not the type to brings things like this up and I did not realize the effort from Beth and the guys there and I admire them for it. This is the way we should all feel about one another.


    Steven Rowlett
