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Posts posted by Kemp

  1. that was a lot of reading. the way I see it is that downstreaming uses my current injector setup but instead of using a soap tip i would use an 0030(just as an example) tip, which is a 0 degree tip with a much much larger orafice? and this would bring the chemical through my pump and my heating coil, is that right? the x-5 is a "tip" that goes on the end of the wand, it has a hose that you put into a bucket and from the water rushing over the tube into the bucket it creates a suction therfore injecting the chemical right at the tip.?

    You got it.

    Now my other question, if I have this figured out is: When downstreaming do I put the tube directly into the bucket with the chemical? Or do I put my chemical/mix into a 5 gal bucket(thats all I have right now) with a proportionate amount of water and suck from that? ?

    Diffferent downstreamers will pull differents ratios based on hose lengths, gpm, hose diameter, etc. Try dfferent mix ratios until you get what works for you.

    I used to help a guy out who would put clorox bleach into a 5 gallon bucket and just pull right from that. Is this a good practice? It would clean but sometimes certain windows would turn brown? He called them browners? Is this a common problem?

    Wrong! Bleach alone does not do the job. Need to use a compatible soap also. You can etch windows if they are not cleaned and rinsed properly! If you cannot leave the property in better shape than when you found it, you ned to stop and learn some more.

  2. There are a lot of customers with hard water around here. After the windows dry on some jobs you can see hard water streaks. I use to think the streaks were from not rinsing well enough until I started to triple rinse the windows. I do explain to the customer that if they have hard water then it could occur however I dont feel ok with it. On the other hand I do not plan to climb ladders to clean each window by hand. I am thinking about adding a water softener to my rig but space is at a minimum. Do others see this as a problem and what do you do about it?

    The easiest solutions I have found are:

    1. Change soaps-Get one with a rinse agent

    2. Use JET DRY or something similar a put in your water tank. A little bit goes a long way. Do not add too much.

    It won't be perfect but it will satisfy most customers.

  3. Hey Guys. I am new to the forum but been in the business for 15 years. This is a great tool for all to learn and adapt . Now Im kinda embarased to say I am still applying the chemical with hand pump sprayers ,,but have upgraded to a flojet this season . First question , has anyone tried the M-16 Thruster nozzle from envirospec ? Second Q- Has anyone figured out how to get red clay stains out of brick mortar and bedford stone . Ive tried muratic acid with no luck . Thanks

    I use the M-16 alot. It works great when it works. I have a problem with an o'ring that constantly goes bad. Then you are stuck in low pressure until you replace the o'ring.


  4. Kemp - how you doing man?

    Strip and clean is all I did.

    Thanks for the comment. Hope all is well!!

    Carlos, We are doing well. Scheduled my first deck today for this Thursday. It was an upsell from a roof clean and house wash I did Friday. I may have another one scheduled by tomorrow. Both are about 400 sq ft. I am looking forward to it. I hope you are doing well.
