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Everything posted by kcpowerclean

  1. Jim, you have a really clean website. Does it attract a lot of business for you?
  2. I like washing walkways around people's houses and brick. We mostly have stucco homes and washing them is pretty boring. I like barrel tile roofs though. We use pressure and we just got a turbo nozzle and I look forward to trying that on a roof. I hear it will really speed things up.
  3. Is that as a one man show? Because if you have a crew that isn't quite part-time. What's your definition of part-time?
  4. Bird Droppings on Stucco

    I've noticed with bird droppings as well that they need to be soaked and dwell time is huge.
  5. Is 3000psi 2.7 gpm enough?

    I think you make some good points and comparisons. I just think that style and substance are both important when delivering a message. That being said, some people could definitely improve on their delivery for the sake of others and themselves.
  6. Is 3000psi 2.7 gpm enough?

    well said, pretty heated topic. Either way, guys shouldn't be so disturbed by the fact that other people want to start a business. Everybody has to start somewhere and obviously he is at the right place to learn. And I think we can all agree that knowledge should precede everything else in business.
  7. Newbie questions

    thanks for the info greg. To be honest, I don't even own an o-ring tool or have any spare o-rings on my rig. I've had one bust on the job too. I had to change the whole coupler, what a mess. I'll get my act together and pick some up from Bob. I'm starting to believe that he he is them. nice site by the way. I saw your company name and thought, "that's rad, I should have named my window cleaning company 'Window Busters.'" Then I realized that window busters had a horrible ring to it.
  8. Newbie questions

    Great input. Will do. Do the o-rings give out often having a 3 foot lance on it or do they hold up?
  9. Newbie questions

    my machine is 2.8 gpm. Cat pump. 7 hp suzuki Yes I downstream, but I haven't tried it yet with 250' of hose. Hopefully there is not back pressure. I was able to downstream with my old 80' of hose, but that's a big change. I sure hope it draws though because out her all you need is a basic house wash and being able to keep the bucket in the house for whole wash would be ideal.
  10. So far so good for '09

    With all the bad news we're always bombarded with from the news and stuff, it's nice to hear that the world actually isn't caving in.
  11. Scheduling Software

    I use microsoft entourage. It's basically ms outlook but for the mac. I can create a project to repeat however often I want or on any day that I want it to. I can then link it to my customer database. Great for emails too. I love it.
  12. I think the factory installed my pump upside down on my portable unit. ridgid portable with cat pump, 3300/2.8 and I have had trouble with the fixed downstreamer that comes standard on the pump. However, I think that the draw hose barb should be facing up? I took it off the pump and and it has a good spring and ball, and it only draws with a 30 foot line but not an additional 50 foot line. I really think those guys who installed the pump on the machine but the unit upside down. also, the pressure regulator is located on the bottom, but it seems that many of them are on the top. Does this matter?
  13. I can't believe this!

    I guess that I could do that, but that sounds like too much work. It would appear to be the same as just buying the m-5 x-jet. Funny enough though, I will probably take off my fixed downstreamer and put some QC's on it and do this until I get a better system, such as an Adam's downstreamer? or an m-5 x-ject?!!
  14. I can't believe this!

    Thanks for the Help!
  15. Something to do in the winter months

    there's always the good old gutter cleaning addon