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Posts posted by TNTPW

  1. I am going to try out the Wolman products. I have the stripper and i have tested it on this deck i am doing. It will remove this stain from the deck. Now i also have the Wolman deck brightener. My question is when i use the deck stripper, when i apply the deck brightner will that neutralize the deck for me to put the stain on. Any helo will be great on this one. This one if for those who use Wolman products.

  2. I was planning on using a lift but when the guy finally decided to do it there were no lifts. So i walked the whole thing. There is another building a little bigger than this one to the right. I did not get pictures. I did not break one tile. I also got the owner to check the inside for water damage, we checked for two days. Then it rained for like three days. No water under the tile or inside. So i guess i did it right.

  3. Here are the results of the tile roof. IT SUCKS! I used everything i have in the bag on this one and still can not get it clean unless i do it by the wand inch by inch. I haves used liquid chlorine, poweder chlorine. I have used, At 10%, 50%, and Full strength and still can not remove. I have a home made brew that i have washed other roofs and houses with and this stuff will not come off at all. Any other suggestions would be great.

  4. I need to know exactly what to ask the pool company locally for. I am going to buy some Pool Chlorine to put in my homemade wash to clean roofs and houses. Is tehre a specific one. A better one in your opinion. I just need to know what to ask for. I think i read some where in here it should be 10 to 12%. This job will be done tomorrow. Thanks ahead of time for the quick response.

  5. I charge what i charge. I do not care what other people in my area charge. I am probably the higher of all of them here but i think i am the best that does it. I just do not base my price on what everyone else is doing. I see what you are doing and i can respect that but i would not be able to share anything on price with you except to charge what you will and let everyone else do what they will. If you act like a proffesional and look like one, most people will hire you just for that. I know this is not what you are looking for but i bet you a lot of people feel the same way i feel.

  6. Henry, yea it was pretty funny when i went back. Thsi guy wrote his name in the wood with a few other 4 letter words and all kinds of stuff. I have tripled the price and now the guy excepted the offer.

    The othere day i was on the island here and i saw a man and a woman power washing a tile roof. So i decided to go over and see what company it was. Well it was not company. It ws jsut some side people. The crazy thing was that they had the pressure washer on the roof with them. (3 story house) They built this huge deck up there to put this power washer on. It was crazy to watch. But i watch adn stayed till they came down and went over and gave them a card of mine and said next time they want to see someone do it right give me a call. By the way, they got 250 bucks for that job. You would havenever got me on a three story house for 250 bucks. People these days. That is what keeps me going, lol.

  7. As everyone can see i have before pictures some where in this thread. I will be doing this project this friday and i will take before, after, and during pictures. I have a lot of stuff i will try and i will let you know what works FOR ME and what does not. I will try walking on the roof. If i can not i will rent a lift but i will try the easy way first. I will keep all posted.

  8. I have a couple that insist that all they want on there deck is a stain. Now when i say this, tht means they do not want me to do anything to there deck but stain it. She says once every two years she puts on a new stani, righ tover teh other ones. I told her that i would not do that. I also told her that there was some mold and mildew on the deck and i would have to clean that first before i could do anything. She was not hearing it. She has been after me for about a month now. I have brought her things that have shown what needs to be done. I have given her websites to go to see what will be done. She insist that all she wants me to do is put a stain over the other stain. Keep in mind this is the same stain go on every time. Now teh question. Can i do this if its the same stain. I do not want to do it but she really really wants it done. Price she cares nothing about. Is there some kinda wording i could put in my contract to help me from gettign called back are sued if this does not work. I would love to do the work but i want to do it right and she is nto having it. "All i want you to do it is put antoher coat of stain over the one that is there" Thats all she keeps saying. Any suggestions would be great.

  9. The very for estimate I gave when I started this about 6 or 7 months ago was for a deck. I have learned a lot since then. Well i gave my price and told them the steps I would take to perform the job. At this time they had a lot of people all over there house because they were remodeling the whole house. So i gave my estimate and went on my way. I called her back 3 times. I always call back three times to kinda keep the issue at hand. Well they never responded. I just got a call from the Husband. He said he hired oen of the guys that was working on his house to do it. Now get this, It was 1064 sqft. The guy told him that he would charge him 50 bucks labor and the owner pay for materials. I thought just like he did. GREAT DEAL. Well this guy brough a 3000 psi cold water maching out there and put it on pencil and just went to work on the deck at 3000 psi. He wrote his name in it and other stuff in the wood. Then decided that it was to much work and that he was not going to do it anymore and just walked off the job. The owner called me and I told him that it would be close to double the price that i had orginally quoted him because now i have to fix someones mistakes and start from square one. He quickly said what ever it takes just fix my deck my wife is about to kill me. Wife wanted to hire me and the husband hired someone else. So i guess what i want to say is do not worry about people with cheaper prices than you. If someone wants your service they will pay for what they get. BOTTOM LINE. I will take pictures of it when i get a chance.
