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Posts posted by TNTPW

  1. Thanks for the concern paul. I just tried to take a short cut and i got the short cut of it all. I did nto want to mix another batch of stuff so used it full strength. You can bet that will not happen again. For some reason i like to learn lessons the hard way.

  2. Ron,

    Yea it was an acid, it was a rust remover. It did not harm when i diluted it the way it was suppose to be used but when i decided to use it at full strength is when it hurt me. All i can say is LESS ON LEARNED. Sorry i had to learn it the hard way. That is why i posted it here so no one else would have to learn the hard way.

  3. Yesterday i did a entry way, patio, driveway, and some of the back patio. I used several chemicals to get the job done. There was some rust, grease, mold, algea and some other stuff we could not identify. Needless to say i did it all wrong. I went ahead and did my normal routine, I looked the surface over and moved stuff that needed to be moved, pre-wet a lot of things then sprayed my chemicals. Clean the whole place up. Looks great! I went back one last time to check to make sure i got everything and i saw a rust spot still on the drive way. So i decided i would take this chemical and just poor some on the drive way and brush it in. Huge mistake. Straight chemical no water. At first i smelt it and i did not pay attention to it. Well i got the rust off. Went home took a shower, and about and hour after the shower i noticed that it felt like my throat and lungs were burning. So i drank some ice water. Did not help. I took some throat medcine. Did not help. I call the doctor this morning and he thinks i burned my throat and my lungs with this chemical. I wanted to let everyone know that just because it is just a little bit of chemical does not mean it can not hurt you. From this point forward i do not care what chemical I use I will were a mask. Do not let it happen to you.

  4. Ok here is some results, i went out and did a test spot today with like 6 differnt chemical mixes that i have heard of on this board to see which one would work and which one i would like best to work with. The stuff on the ruff, it algea, and just caked on dirt, it is right off a major highway so it gets a lot of road dirt. I found a nice mix that i made up that did a good job on it.

  5. Rod, what type of chem would you use on this roof, as you can see from the picture, it is real real dirty. Also, the other guys, what is the name of that glue and where can i find some if i do get up there, because i rented alift, but i will get out and see if i can wal on it. thank in advance.

  6. Thanks for the replys guys. I will do the safe thing on this one and rent that lift and see what i got. Most of the tile around here looks just like this. No one in my area cleans it. I will rent a lift to get me over the peek. There is another part of this doctors office that is pretty high and i do not like the idea of pressure washing and i ladder at the same time. I will get out on this one and try to walk around real careful, so i can get a feel for it. Maybe next time i can save some money on a lift. I do have another question about the chemicals. I think it was Rick that said i could use pool chlorine, that is just the pool stuff and water right, spray that on and let dweel then rinse of right. I will take before and after pictures of it and post it on here in this thread for all to see and i will share my expierence. Thanks again all.

  7. Hey Eric, Where are you at in San antonio, I am move to the north east side in about a month or so and i am moving my business up there. We should hook up some time and talk..

    Henry, Yes you did talk to me yesterday. We talked about barell tile tho. I will try to explain this tile, then i will go take a picture. I have to go out and do a few things. Well let me not explain. I will just go take a picture. It is to late now because i have already rented a lift to do this one but if i can walk on it i am saving 175 bucks. I will go take a picture right now and get back with you guys.

  8. I have a few questions about a spanish tile roof. The first one is can i walk on it? The second one is what chemical would clean it best? It was red at one time and you can not even see one drop of red any where. It is BLACK, real black. I will try to post pictures in the next day or two. Any help would be great. At first i thought it was that barrel tile but it is not. It is spanish tile.

  9. If any one could please explain the steps to me of wood restoration. I mean like the chemical in each step that you would use. Not how to do it but the chemical you would use to do the 5 or 6 steps there are. I just would like to know the steps people are taking and what they are using. I plan to take a few wood restoration classes but i would like to know this before i jump off the edge.

  10. Beth i would say that it is cement, it looks like stucco but is much better. Now I told then that some of the paint would come off the wall for it is already coming off in layers just by touching, they said that was ok and that they want it cleaned and preped for painting again. The viens are not there. But there are little spots that are there where the viens where hanging on to the side of the house. I will have to put some root killer or something down at the base of the house because you can seem them starting to come back.

  11. I went out and did and estimate on an older couples house today. The house is worth between 1.4 million and 2 million dollars. It is in the best subdivision in the town. She called and said thay she had vines growning in her wall witch is two stories. She also said that she had algae growing and mold. So i went out there today and as soon as i got there i was looking at the whole house and it is caked with algae. The roof needs to be cleaned the drive way, the walk ways, the deck in the back and all the walking stones. Well, lets get back to the wall. I go around and there was at one time vines growing up the wall, they removed them but there is still these little marks that are there, which are the left over of where the viens were haning on to the wall. Algae is pretty thick. Not very much mold. Just this one wall is 1995 Sq ft. I quoted her a price of 549.00. The price i came up with was a little less than that but i added on for being two stories and for the difficulty of the access of part of the wall. She look at me like i was crazy when i handed her the estimate. She did not say anything but she look at me crazy. I also included in a seperate estimate to do the whole house and the rest of the work i saw around the property while walking. Am i close on this or far off. I thought i was a good estimate for the difficulty of the situation. What would you have charged? You do not have to tell me a formula of yours just a round about price. Thanks
