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Posts posted by staudend

  1. Does anybody have a cheaper pre-carb than EFC - 38 for the volume that is fence washing? Jeesh, trying for a decent margin after buying Citralic/Oxalic, EFC- 38 or HD -80 when competing with the Yay hoo's out there is tough.

    Also, I usually don't like bleach and have read all of the arguments, but for that volume on something that nobody walks on if you rinse well what could it hurt?

    Bidding an 8 ft privacy fence, one side for a home-owners assocation that is 1,275 linear feet soon here in Columbia, MO. Any ideas on price would be great to wash (bleach or the good stuff) and stain with SW Deckscapes.

    I usually stick to decks, so help me if you can!!


    Nick Staudenmyer.

  2. Yikes! Not what I like to hear about Waterborne, but that's what he requested. I've been spraying and back brushing for the last 8 years or so, just looking for an easy way to ease my paranoia about getting stain on people's houses. The tarp on railing method worked great, although I still plastic'd the crap out of everything. I wish there was a good source of readyseal here in MO, not being full time I don't want to stock anything or pay for shipping, do the best that's convenient in SW stains (oil from now on) I guess.

  3. I'm a part timer and can't afford a deckster, and truly try to stay away from decks because of time limitations - I have a Graco Pro X7 I got refurbished for 400$, but looking for a low cost time saver. HVLP would require a good sized portable compressor right? If somebody has a used deckster they want to let go of I'd be more than willing to look into buying.

  4. Anybody know how to get rid of these? I don't have a pic, but I'm sure other people have seen them. I have to wash a house saturday that has some black mildew streaks on the bottom of the white window trim that's kind of rubber/plastic material. I've had a problem before with them before but have never known how to get them out. Thanks, Nick

    P.S. Application of 6% bleach and Emulsifier with an Xjet won't touch it. Hmmmmm

  5. How heavy do you apply the chlorine? I put plenty on I thought, but it evaporated very quickly. how long do you leave it on? do you rinse before it evaporates or after? It started steaming literally right after applied it with the shurflo. The pitch witch would have been my last option too, but I might try it if all else fails, which it might have. I just got great value ultra bleach right off the shelf and right on the roof basically. These buildings have been around for a long time, It looks like the same stuff as in your pics Degraffreed, although I'm not sure. I sprayed bleach directly on them and it fizzed up, but most of the stains are still there, Any more help would be appreciated for this roof rookie. Thanks, Nick

  6. What is your process? I tried one the other day on a brown shingle asphalt roof, and it didn't work that well. I just experimented putting strait 6% bleach on the roof with shurflo. I just rinsed a little with a hose and it didn't get rid of the stain. I'm not going to charge until it works obviously, so any help in process would be appreciated!! I borrowed a pitchwitch for my next go around. Will this change anything? HELP !! Thanks, Nick

  7. See if the homeowner would be open to a wash to knock the paint off, sand to smooth and recoat with a nice colored solid? I did over 30 apartment decks in that fashion last summer and they turned out great. It would have cost more to strip each spindle than to replace the wood. Deckscapes from SW makes some great solids that will stick to anything and last longer than any semi or toner. Just a thought, Nick
