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Everything posted by eric

  1. berms/ dams

    Are berms & dams the same? I am copying Alans' idea & using a pool hose to block water. What type of sand & hose should I use? Could someone kindly elabaorate on this method of blocking water. Thank you
  2. cedar siding

    A customer has their 2nd floor covered w/ cedar siding. They want the cedar lightened up. After 19 yrs, it has become pretty dark. What do you suggest thanks
  3. There is a local manf. that makes a butyl basd detergent. I am thinking of mixing this with clorox outdoor bleach ( Rod's suggestion). The manf said his soap has teh buffers and oxidezers that will not cause a bad reaction when mixed w/ bleach. What should I look for on his msds to verify this can be used in conjunction w/ bleach. What does ph stand for. I know if it measures acidity. Lastly, what other suggestions do you have for this standard house wash. Maybe a little dish detergent for suds or what? thanks
  4. water dams

    What is a pool hose. Is it a hose that is usedaround pools to prevent water spills. If so, do people fill them up with water or sand? Can I lie this across driveways /walkways to contain water? Lastly, should I use a shop vac or a small sump pump to pump water onto lawn. And can I power a sump with a battery or do I need electricity?
  5. start out

    If you were starting your business tommorrow, knowing what you know about the p.w business , what would you do to generate business?
  6. detergents

    There is a local detergent manuf. and he has a butyl based soap. According to him , I can add chlorine because of the oxidizers and buffers in it. Should I ask for his msds ? What excatly should I look for? I do not want any negative chemical reactions. Thanks again
  7. dual lances

    With dual lances , are there two hoses one for soap and one for detergent? The detergent hose pulls soap and that wand connects into the water wand. Is this how the dual wand works ??
  8. x-jet

    Where can I get a used x-jet ??
  9. pricing roofs

    How do you guys price roofs?
  10. pricing roofs

    Do not be afraid of falling. Just be concerned about that sudden stop at the end (ha, ha)
  11. bullet nozzle

    Hi, I am getting ready to buy a bullet nozzle from pressure tek.They seem very knowledgeable. This is the tip that has a 1/4 " quick connect. Please forward your experiences with this type of tip. thanks
  12. 10% bleach

    what is the best brand for this type of bleach? thanks in advance
  13. delco v-505

    Have you guys had any luck with this detergent? Can you mix bleach or do you need to? What doe sit work good on ? ANything it does not work on?
  14. Organic

    What Is The Best "organic" Cleaning Agents Available. Is Basic Dish Soap And Vinegar Effective. Some Customers Are Concerned About Chems.
  15. chemicals

    Hi, I am trying to learn the basic chemicals / detergents to use on homes, concrete, etc. Do you have any suggestions on some basic chems . one should start using. eg tsp & 10% bleach - what ratio should one use for thsi combo. Is there a difference between bleach & chlorine both hypo chlorite (correct)?
  16. x-jet help

    Thanks, Is this a closed bucket with a small opening for the hose?You must have some sort of clamp to hold the hose in the bucket. Have you had any problems using certain solvents w/ th x-jet? thanks again
  17. Need Help

    Hi, I Am Just Starting Out And Have A Few Questions. I Am Running A 3500 Psi 4 Gpm Unit W/ Warm Water. My Customers Are Homeowners. I Need Advise On The Best Cleaning Solvents To Use. What Is Oxygen Bleach? I Was Planning On Using Dawn Dish Detergent W/ A Little Bleach Depending On How Dirty The House Is. Is This The Best Cleaner ? If So, What Type Of Cut Water /bleach Should I Use? Can You Recommend Another Liquid Detergent That Is Good For Homes & Walkways.? Preferably Something Biodegradable. My Detergent Connector Is After The Pump. Also, Is There Anything Bleach Should Never Be Applied To? Please Help Thank You Very Much In Advance
  18. Hi , please advsie th epros & cons of both for high reach cleaning. Can they be used together? Does one weigh more than the other?? your opinions please
  19. Spanish Tile Roof

    use a 10% what?
  20. replacement pump

    can you recommned a company that carries rebuilt pumps and small (10-15 hp ) gas engines?? thanks