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Posts posted by Robo_Spray

  1. this year i have been having the same trouble as you. i am thinking it might be the ethanol garbage. a lot of marine engines have been failing and they say it is from that. I started adding the additive this week. I hope it isn't too late. something c-100 it is called ,and adding a couple cap fulls of marvel's mystery oil.

  2. downstream FTW !!

    I can't say this enough, rinse and when you are done, rinse again. Be careful too applying the chem, x-jet or downstream. the siding ( vinyl ) has drain holes and chem can get caught up in them. Washing can drive them up even further and come out an hr after you left, leaving the brown chem stain. Just be careful about washing up :P

  3. I got a big contract washing army housing units this summer. They make me have a fire extinguisher and my gas has to be in a metal can. Now i am glad they do as what could happen. A lesson for all. We never think it can happen to us.

    * goes to see if fire extinguisher is up to date :P

  4. I had a customer ask me the other day to clean a 5 story garbage chute. I guess the smell is getting bad. just wondering on what chems to use. The walls of the duct have some stains on them, but I guess it is the smell that is the problem. I was thinking about using my house mix, bleach and simple cherry. Bleach to kill the germs and simple cherry to help with the smell. Maybe sc like in my kitched ducts. Any thoughts? Oh I also thought about foaming at the top and letting it ooozzz down the sides and rince with hot water.

  5. I got the EnviroSpec April flier yesterday and was thinkig about building a new Machine for this year. I was looking at getting a 13 horse motor that they have on 2008 clearence. the honda is $455 and thew zs is $285. I currently use honda engins, Karchers, as I do mostly oven hoods but this year I am going to branch out into a lot more residental and commerical building washing. I would like to find a 6 gpm pump to go with it. I would like to take the about $200 difference and get a good quality pump. Oh and a cart comes with the price too. Thoughts?

  6. I used to be a used car salesman for 16 years before this, most would say that I took a step up.

    I think it also makes a difference if you have uniforms, or just go in jeans and a tee shirt. For what little it costs from one of those laundry companies it is well worth it. They love me, I do hoods at night and houses in the day. They go back dirty and greasy as hell.

    To be treated as a professional, you must look and act the same way. You will get more jobs because of it too.

  7. I work next to lake Ontario and by the St. Lawrence river whare the spiders are out of control. If I could answer this one question i would have 1000 houses to do, is there anything I can do to help the spiders from marking and staining the siding? I know drier sheets help, and i even thought about a product I found at envirospec, premier or plex-master, both leaves a silicone membrain to help stop dirt and mildew from sticking and makes it a lot easier to rinse off the next time. Any other ideas?
