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Everything posted by troyt

  1. Annual Sales

    Wow, 1.5 million, that is more than the whole population of North Dakota. I think our population is around 600,000 for the whole state. Yet not much for competition. I guess it is a good place to learn the trade. The homes in Dickinson, range from 45k to 250k.
  2. Annual Sales

    What size populations do the towns you work around have, and what would be the median home value? Just looking because my town is only 16,000 ppl. Trying to figue some numbers myself. Thanks.
  3. Gutter Cleaning Question

    Where do you order yours. I tried making one out of a plastic milk carton, but the plastic is too thin and cules. I have seen others, but worry about the same problem happening.Is the one you have strong?
  4. Gutter Cleaning Question

    My rig also has a high pressure air system that I use for dryer vent cleaning. Would blow the junk away from the house better than using water. It runs at 175psi. Or just keep doing it by hand. It is a slow process by hand. Any tools that help the hand cleaning go quickly? Some kind of mini shovel? I read in here that some are cleaning 15 homes a day. Wow, I am lucky if I get 3 done a day. Thanks for the tips. BTW what is a gutter getter and where do I find them?