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Everything posted by jmyrick11

  1. Deck Project

    What I thought was something I had not done for about 5 years turned out to be almost 8 when I came back to this site and found pics and posts from the last time I did this. Anyway, last time I used Stainsolver, citric neutralizer and AC Semi-Trans. So last time I researched and researched and went this route. This past week rolled around and I found I had a free day so I decided I was going to clean the deck and then seal it later. This time my research consisted of going to HD & Lowes and getting Olympic Deck Cleaner. While it did clean the deck the wood looks more washed out now instead of PTW and this is probably due to the presence of bleach in the product. Any suggestions on how to get the wood in a better state before staining or do you think anything else is needed? I still have to clean most of the rails as I ran out of product. Thanks for any additional information. This forum was very helpful last time when I actually took my time!!!
  2. Deck Project

    The picture is AFTER it has been stained and it does make it look darker than actually is. It was stained within 2 weeks of cleaning due to multiple reasons, mainly rain and time!!!
  3. Deck Project

    and the final result with rain on top!! will get a dry pic too once it stops raining long enough to dry the deck out!!
  4. Deck Project

    Well I did the percarb and citric follow up and this is the end result. Much better than just using the Olympic Deck cleaner. Now I get to wait for the deck to dry out and try to stain in between!! Decided to go back to the AC Cedar Semi-trans instead of the solids. Was leaning towards the solids after the deck wasn't cleaning up very well.
  5. Since last time I stained my deck with AC semi trans and was happy with the application and such I was interested in possibly using them again but using the semi-solid. Anyone have any experience with these products? Pros/Cons and or similar products?
  6. Armstrong Clark Semi-Solid??

    Thanks for the feedback...any experience with PPG products? Haven't seen much negativity except for the ones with the acrylic added
  7. Armstrong Clark Semi-Solid??

    Also any experience with PPG?
  8. Deck Project

    I had already ordered some percarb and citrus and was going to test a spot to see. Ah, either way can use the cleaners for my sons baseball pants!!! Any suggestions on a deck stain, looking at maybe something a little more than a semitrans so that it lasts longer. Any experience with the Defy Extreme products? Last time I used AC which worked well but didn't really last as long as I thought it would. Thanks
  9. Deck Project

    Any recommendations on the deck issue above and stains? Should I just rewash with the percarb? Thanks.
  10. Deck Project

    Like I said in my post that is how I cleaned the deck last time when it wasn't a last second decisyto do so. This time I used the Olympic Deck Cleaner. Deck looks more washed out now, maybe a brightened will bring it back? As for the existing deck it is facing NW about 4.5' above ground. There is some cracking but not a lot. It was last covered with Armstrong Clark Semitrans about 7 years ago. There is no other moisture source near the deck like a pool or hot tub. It gets direct sun from about noon until maybe 5 during the summer but full shade in the morning. Any feedback would be great. Thanks
  11. Deck Project

    Also any recommendations on the best stains for PTW would be great. Last time I went with the Semi Trans but I think I'm looking for a more solid stain so it lasts longer. TIA
  12. Sprayer for AC

    I'm basically finished my small deck that I did with AC Cedar Semi-trans...my in-laws may be interested in getting their deck done but there's is probably 3-4 times larger than mine. My question is if I do end up helping/doing this for them can you rent sprayers that I could use for the railings? Just don't know if I'd have the time do to all of their railings by brush... Any help would be appreciated...
  13. Deck is PTW about 5 years old previously "sealed" with Thompson's Before:
  14. Don't think I'll be going down that road...think the wife and kids would kill me!!!!
  15. Yeah not too concerned...I have read that AC does bead though while others "spread out" the water instead of beading on top. As long as it keeps looking good I don't care what it does with the water, just keep it away from my wood!!!!!
  16. And it really does bead like I have read (evidentally not very common with other products?!?!) Maybe now that the rains have subsided for a few days I can finish the railings!!!!
  17. thanks...and believe me, my neighbors could use it. My wife said I should just do everyone's and leave a bill on their doors!!!
  18. I am still in the process of trying to finsih of the rest of teh rails/spindels...what is the min dry time for verticals before they can be sealed? I know 48 hours is required for the horizontals but figured the verticals would dry much faster
  19. Thanks for the feedback...I spent weeks researching after finding this and other sites for feedback. I wanted something better than the Thompson's I used last time which grayed very fast and didn't weather very well. If I'm going to do something I want to to at least try to do it right instead of trying to fix it after I've messed it up... The AC semi-trans applied really easy I thought. I used a Wooster 6" on a pole for the decking and a 2" for the tops rails. I'll finish the spindles with the 2" and use the 6" for the other areas big enough for it. I also did it in half dark so I was very happy with it once it did get light out. No areas that I missed or so it seems. The rain today has confirmed this as it beads right up. Up close it does look more like the traditional cedar stain look. A hint orangey I would say but not too drastic. The pics do make it a bit darker than it really is
  20. I used percarb on everything and let it dwell about 15-30 minutes and rinsed it off with a powerwasher with a very large fan spray...not high pressure at all...only encounteered some furring on the spindles really, which I hear is very common. I did have to do the decking twice with percarb though. I followed that with citric to neutralize and brighten then washed that off per Jake Clark's recommendation at Armstrong-Clark
  21. Half Finished: Top deck rail, decking and steps with AC Cedar Semi-Trans
  22. Cleaning and Brightened (Percarb & Citric):
  23. Ready to Seal

    Cleaning the deck went much better than I thought it would, it being my first time. I used Percarb & Citric. I had some slight furring, but mainly on the spindles. Now it's on to finish the deck, if it ever stops raining long enough for the deck to dry out. I've been wrestling with the idea of using a 4" brush to do the deck or get a truck brush (deck is basically 14' x 14') and don't want to go overbaord with using a truck brush. Might stick with the hand brush and just take my time. Any recommendations?
  24. Ready to Seal

    Good call on the 6"...I ordered a Wooster while I got the stain. Worked great on the decking and steps. I'd still be on my hands and knees if I had stuck with the 4"...for some reason I was thinking I had 2x4's as decking, not 2x6's!!!!
  25. User Friendly Sealer

    I was able to do the decking, steps and top rails yesterday with the Cedar Semi-trans...it turned out a different coloring than I was expecting. I haven't been able to see it myself in the day light as I finished while it was dark but my wife sent these pictures today...any thoughts on the coloring. Don't get me wrong I think I like this a little better than the orangey tint I got from the sample I used, just different than I was expecting.