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Everything posted by lrskriv

  1. I have gained the contract of a shopping center that has canvas awnings and was wondering if anyone out there can throw a few tips my way. This is the first time that I've had a job with "canvas" awnings. The others have been either metal or heavy plastic/vinyl. I understand that this thread may be better suited for the commercial section, but seeing as how canvas is used in many different settings, I chose to post it here. My intention is go with my regular house wash (2 gallons of 12.5%, 2 scoops of Simple Cherry, good squirt of AB Dawn, and 3 gallons water) and give them a really good soaking. Let the set about 20 to 30 minutes and then use my 4040 tip from a ladder. I'm running at 7gpm. My thought is that the use of the soap followed by a thorough rinsing will do the job. - The awnings range from very light to moderate mold/mildew. - The awnings are white canvas A few of the awnings have small rips/tears. These have been documented and provided to the management company. I will certainly be extra cautious around those areas, likely only using the water hose to rinse as they are not soiled near the rips. Ideas? Concerns? Hard knock stories? Thanks,
  2. what size pump can I run?

    (GPM X PSI) / 1458 The 1458 is the product of .85 engine efficiency times a number that I cannot think of right now. It's a standard of some sort. Meaning that 13 HP engine gives you just over 11 HP at the shaft, an 18 HP; just over 15 at the shaft. If using a reduction gear boxes, the actual HP will be a little lower as well.