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Posts posted by unnown1

  1. Hi. My name is Nikki and for protection my bf goes by unnown1. He is ready to start his own steam cleaning business. He's been in it for a while, but we are uncertain on the proper steps to get started. I've researched quite a bit and I am still confused on how to go about getting (or if its even necessary) licensed/bonded/insured/certified/stickers etc... We live in Pa. We don't have any money to get started, he's got the contacts and his cleaning is immaculate. He's tired of dealing with bs from a company I won't mention. The owner doesnt know what the f he is doing, its not his top priority and pretty much relies on "unnown1" for everything, in only a couple weeks of him starting. The owner only had it since Jan. Its pretty stressful. We know how much its going to cost to get started with equipment and all that. If someone could please help in anyway, I would greatly appreciate it. I bet my bf could easily have a successful business.
