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Everything posted by nlantz

  1. Motor Blew Up Today

    General Pump's We have been running 2 per truck for over 8 year's with no major problems. Occasional valve replacement's but they take 20 min. We did have one a few years ago where the little oil checking window came off the back and the pump ran dry for as long as it could. It needed total replacement. But I think that was due to employee tampering. We had one cat based portable that struggled if multiple machines were connected to 50gpm water outlets in parking garages. 5 4gpm gp's ran fine 4 gp's and 1 cat the cat struggles.
  2. cleaning soffit/fascia

    ZEP TNT TnT is a brushless truck wash detergent. You can use it to clean dirt and oil off just about anything. Ive never seen it in stores but you can buy it direct from zep online in 5 gal concentrate buckets or a single gallon or you may be able to ask home depot or lowes to order you some with there next shipment. You can apply with a soft bristle brush, almost effortlessly. And always rinse and work from the bottom up. Working top down will create a mess of the siding leaving streaks that you probably cannot get out.
  3. Sprayer for AC

    I wouldn't recommend using a sprayer for deck sealing. To much to get over spray on. Check around for painting mitt's, there paint roller fabric on gloves they make spindles go much faster than brushing. just mop your hand in the sealer, grab a spindle and stroke it up and down.
  4. semi transparent. Cant seem to find it anywhere but we used oil based Olympic Natural semi transparent fir pine. It was semi user friendly as long as your worked whole boards. Cant seem to find oil based products as much anymore tho. Im unsure of any main advantage of having a solid stain. Semi's on the other hand protect great and look good. I'd say never use a non pigmented sealer because the pigment is what protects from sun damage.