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PA Dutchman

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Posts posted by PA Dutchman

  1. The biggest problem for upstarts and veteran cleaners alike are those homeowners who say "well I can buy this and that for less than what your want me to pay." Which I can only say, "best of luck, you seem very determined and if you need me you have my card" Ironically I got a call from a job bid last year, they tried got frustrated and I was able to do the project for less than originally bid....why? some homework cut the learning curve a little more. AND with the other services we offer, I have a customer who will call on me in the future and someone who has spread the word of my work.

    There are many great sources of information between many of the BBSs. I try to contribute to those when I feel I have something of substance to add. The biggest or most comprimising thing is many are vendor supported.

    But when you want to find an exterior cleaning professional....where do you start...?

  2. I tried to rent a truck several months ago to tow a large trailer. Every agency I called told me that their trucks were not set up for towing because they don't allow their vehicles to be used for that purpose...

    Same issue I ran into last year. THREE week until I recieved a check from having my truck totaled by an out of state "lost" driver.

    I've seen units built in a kind of cage...perhaps to be lifted off with a hoist/crane/forklift of sorts. Great concept...then top with a truck cap to "conseal the secret weapons" I've been toying and talking with my cousin who welds...we are close for a cold water situation.

  3. Hey Guys,

    We are looking into getting our own hose crimper equipment, We have so many hoses in the shop that could be used and we hate getting ripped off by the shops around us. And yes this includes power wash guys. SO anyways,

    Who's got em and what are you using?

    Thanks in advance!

    Joe, when did you quit Def Leppard? just kidding...I know you're still on tour

    There is a place up the road from you about an hour.....I have them repair hoses and "potential replacements" for my machine, recently had them make some short whip hoses for some gun/lances I have....easier on the $30 shutoffs.

    I'd suggest pm'ing me....we could do lunch and fix hoses...but the company is called Tenneco...I'll look for my last invoice, but the are right off the highway before the river in Harrisburg.

    Hoses while you wait...is there motto.

  4. If you know your stuff and, like Barry mentioned, are genuine you will automatically spew catch phrases so to speak. Here are some things in my proposals (presented without gimmick):

    contractor grade

    landscape friendly

    pH balancing

    low pressure washing

    playing Russsian Roulette

    hundreds of references and satisfied clients

    been around long enough to know how to do a job properly

    Its all in the order of your presentation.

    • Greet and engage with small talk

    • Take control of position (get them to sit down and relax)

    • Ask questions and listen, spew back what they said so they KNOW you are listening

    • Talk about your company

    • Share your property evaluation

    • Make recommendations pertinent to their expecatations and desires

    • Plant seeds for upsell

    • Backup your claims with pictures, insurance certs and offer references

    • Close

    • Sign contract and address buyer's remorse

    Ken, that is one phrase that can bite you. Perhaps 'contractor developed' contractor grade siding and paint are two things that have certain quality issues in my experience.

  5. Glad to hear you are alive and well.

    One of those "doses of reality" you never really expect to take. I was in a daze for a week after my incident last July, things began to take a whole new perspective, my 'listening ears' opened wide since, good thing to have the BS filters engaged too.
