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PA Dutchman

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Posts posted by PA Dutchman

  1. Ya thats a little more customer service than i need. I wont say anything it wouldnt be PC LOL

    No kidding on that one...I think I'll order something.

    Bob is a great guy, customer service is a MAJOR factor I consider with our business, fortunately haven't had any negative business dealings with RPC or PressureTek. Kind of puts pressure on others to step up to the plate, I ordered some WTW, everything I've heard of ESproducts....should share the page.

    blows me...we're sick

  2. Now you know how they came up with "Hugs"

    Just shows how being TOO comfortable around equipment can bite you in the ass when least expected.

    Shaved some hair off my fingers once when cutting trim...my 'comfort' level with the miter saw and a stuck blade guard almost limited my ability to count to 10

  3. Did anyone read the book "The Davinci Code" ?

    There is a great amount of controversy in it. The movie didn't do it enough justice though.

    The previous book "Angels & Demons" will rock the faith.


    Missed the movie...its on Netflix however.

    I have the book...just been to busy with other things...Maybe I need to set a goal...read a chapter a week maybe.

    I'm one who loves the 'conspiracy' theories.

  4. Just the fumes coming out of the Jets she uses is probably causing more pollution then all of us combined. You just can't have it both ways.

    Well at least they don't have to use too much energy to get to the ozone layer up there.

    How many times has someone not practiced what they preach?

  5. before i letter my new (used but new to me) van, i am considering changing my company name. maybe people are just slow in my area but i have to spell this name the majority of the time that i talk to potential clients and when people call they tend to mispronounce the name entirely. i'm maybe thinking of "douse your house", "randy's roof and house wash", and a few others. so, i need a little input. do you have a name to share or recommend? or, is douse a house a good name after all? thanks in advance for your input gang.


    You left yourself open for some digs...

    I personally like the "douse a house" name.

    BUT what about tailoring your name and service together...

    Taylor'd Pressure Cleaning...."custom cleaning to fit your needs".

    many things could be read into in that name, but it will give an identity.

    We're Gary&Tonya Exterior Cleaning Services...Gar&T....(story on website..I think)

    But we guarantee we'll do our best to deliver results to meet your expectations.

    Yeah we get GAR (gar-age...)but its Gar&T...phonetics....yeah...slow people here too, must be the chocolate slowing the brain.

    Nothing wrong with douse a house however. heck coin it as your house wash package.

  6. Is it possible to get the black stains on asphalt shingles completely clean? If yes, what is your favorite method?


    I'm in the minority here and well, the rest of the internet....my climate and marketing favors a sodium hydroxide chemical.

    One thing to remember, your not cleaning asphalt, your cleaning a surface of compressed ceramic granuals.

    BUT in your climate you may wish to favor the standard sodium hypochlorite and tsp blend. Just don't claim to go by the ARMA method if you're not doing it to the 'letter'

    best of luck and welcome to a world of never ending fun

  7. If I was going to do that, I would have used this one...

    Of course, he grew his hair out a bit before becoming famous!

    He had the most enlightening interview with "The Howard" yesterday...that's why I mentioned his name...heck, I had no clue who he was, but you know...his story was quite an awakening....surviving a plane crash

    Larry you do utilize some quirky avatars...but Don Phelps always managed to find the "borderline" ones.

    Are you excited for another year of Brett?

  8. It's a FEDERAL offense to place items in a mailbox unless it has a stamp on it. It is also a Federal offense to damage a mail box in this country. So many have pondered it but it can't be legally done here.


    FYI Scott, he's in New Zealand....outside the control of our beloved dictatorship here. SO what the queen allows is our loss.

  9. Also for all to keep in mind...you have to put in your proposal and it has to be in there hand by March 1st so time is running out fast. Keep that in mind whoever is interested.


    An excel spreadsheet would make short work of the proposal, its a matter of having met the other criteria. BUT you are right to make it a priority if you are interested in pursuing the deal.

  10. Well, as with anything else dealing with a mega-corporation like Walmart, I'm sure that's at least a slight exaggeration. I doubt if you develop pneumonia and are admitted to the hospital, or if you have a baby, or if you fall off your roof and break a leg, that Walmart will fire you for not working Christmas Eve.

    However, I CAN understand their expectation that employees work those days, which are some of their busiest days...When you go to work in retail, you know you're going to have to work weekends, holidays, busy times. I used to work in a small grocery store as a meatcutter...We were open Saturdays, and that was by far our busiest day. No one ever got off work on Saturdays, except in extremem situations or if they were on vacation that week. You just accepted that you have to work...It doesn't make Walmart evil for expecting people to work during the busy times...That's what they're there for.

    Not quite an exaggeration Mr Williamson,

    We purchased tickets for my in-laws to come visit us this past christmas. Purchased well in advance to the holidays...like August/Sept...plenty of notice. Mother in law requested the time off...8+ year employee btw...denied the time off....we hate to waste money...so they came...she returned....three days later....We have to let you go..."insubordination"....I wonder how many executives worked the holidays?

    I'm sorry but 4 months advance notice...
