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tropical wave

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Posts posted by tropical wave

  1. If anyone has a copy of the N.Y. Vehicle Code, I'd think you (John T) might be able to dig one up..... :)

    I dont think the Illinois Vehicle code book would help you much, but after just looking thru it, there is nothing that speaks of this...hmmmmmm, other than transporters selling fuel, they must stop at railroad crossings....thats it....

  2. We do not count spindles, but many folks do. Some people also use linear feet for rails rather than square feet. We measure the height of the rails, by the length of the rails.

    Jay, measuring properly can be a PITA sometimes and it gets me sometimes too (thanks Reed)... :)

    but if your gonna measure everything remember that certain parts of a deck add up quickly to sq footage.... example, like mentioned above, the underside is more than just the decking, the joists add a lot of sq feet..... 4X4 and 6X6 posts add plenty too.... you figure for every 6" of 6X6 equals a sq ft, so if there is 10, 10 footers (example) thats 100 feet of posts total, every 6 inches is a sq ft....200 sq feet just for the posts....thats quite a bit just for posts....4x4's are less, but figure every 9" is 1 sq ft...... adds up quickly

    spindles, another area that adds a lot to your sq footage.... 32" spindle (1.5" wide) is over 1.3 sq ft each.....100 spindles is over 130 sq feet.

    now a question for Beth and Rod, if I understand this "quote", you guys basically "pretend" the railing system is a solid wall? If the railing is 3' tall X 20' long, you just figure the railing system is 60 sq feet? I will have to plug that in and see if Im coming out close to the same.....if so, I LIKE IT :)

    I think this was explained to me about 2 weeks ago, but I was in a coma or something.....

    all these pro's tips and tricks are great....keep em rolling in !!! :cool:

  3. Our area has prices for labor that range from 45.00/hr + on top of materials. We also add in a base fee to account for the time spent to pick up the materials and deliver them to the site.

    Applying a stripper to new wood and then washing it opens up the pores and helps the color to go deeper than it normally would in new lumber. As Pete mentioned, it will not completely hide the differences in the wood but it will help to keep it from standing out so much.


    as far as blending the new wood in, I always replace before doing any cleaning or stripping, so the new wood gets the same treatment as the old stuff, but if using a semi-trans, you can still see the diference, which is still better than not fixing problems.....

  4. The gangs is another story, if I had a say in it just round them all up, stick them and all the other low life behind a wall so high they could never get out, give them water, seed and the tools needed to plant, grow and produce their own food and a place to live.

    Let them kill each other off

    "Escape From New York" style......Snake Plisken-Kurt Russell

  5. I gotta wonder what most people do for money.....I question where I went wrong or even if I did.....we were just down in Florida visiting the old man, as we were cruising around the beach area we were looking at these fabulous homes on the water, in these super nice neighborhoods up and along the intercoastals......you really dont get a good "view" until we were flying in and out, as we're in the air looking down there is sooooo many little intercoastal waterways with beautiful houses, docks with gorgeous boats etc....and these are up and down the coast "everywhere"......in and around every big coastal city, not to mention the giant condo buildings on the coasts and this is everywhere all around the country !! then the rest of the rich folks everywhere else in between.....I dont get it, what the hell do all these people do for a living? is there that much money out there? are all these people inventing crap, owning large multi-million businesses? theres not that many out there where all these people can have all this money.....??? what the hell am I doing wrong.....I want a house on the beach with a boat and a view and a couple luxury cars too......but then again Im not digging thru dumpsters looking for my next meal, or in prison, so I guess Im thankful for that......

    back to the original ?.... I would just like to pick the right 6 numbers on a 250 million mega bucks and call it a day :cool:

  6. Same sentiments here. I am awaiting a pail from ES after seeing your results, Nice job, guys! Wood Tux is so far ahead of everything out there in terms of contractor profits and quality of raw materials. The spraying factor was the thing I was waiting for. I'll post more results as I get them.

    Ken, have you had a chance to play with the wtw yet? if so, can you report your findings?..... :)

  7. thats good stuff Ken....

    there are verified reports (verified by trustworthy folks I know that seen this) that several evacuees-refugees-N.O. people, were in high value stores here in Chicago buying Versache (sp) handbags and shoes with their government issued debit relief cards......and also using the cash from those same cards and gambling on the river boat casinos in the area..... ahhhh, our tax dollars hard at work !!!!!!!!!! makes you feel all warm and fuzzy for some of these people doesn't it ??

  8. Scott K,

    I was agreeing with your post about using only about 15 gallons of total mix an an average sized house.....the house I was speaking of wasnt very dirty, it was the gutters that were a mess and the house and the gutters were an upsell as I was there to do the deck.....the house mix was tuned down as far as the 12% due to the fact that the mold was very light..... I couldnt even waste the last 3 gallons, it just wasnt needed, so the whole house took about 12 gallons total... not too bad... :)

  9. Scott(s), the last house I just did was a raised ranch type, 2 story, vinyl, not too dirty and I used just about 12 gallons total, with about 3 gallons left over in a bucket.....m-5 the whole thing, so that came out to 2 1/2 gallons of citriclean and about the same in 12%, but the mold wasnt too bad so the 12% was tuned down a bit.....

  10. and he needs air in the tires !!!

    14 feet my rear end, not even from the tongue...., no floor..?? huh? I think I'd pass, matter of fact, I'd PUNT...

    John, you asking 2,500 for the unit that is mounted in your van (if I remember right)?? why do you gotta be all the way in NY? then again, why do I gotta be all the way in Chi? By the way, been meaning to ask you this, do you have any relatives that are P.O.'s out this way? we have one with the same last name at my neighboring dept...?

  11. No lift.... extension wand, x-jet, and a 10-12 step if needed for the courageous..... doesnt look all that hard, a bit time consuming but should turn out realy nice..... Im just waiting to see what the job gets estimated at, cause I have no idea from the pics on actually how large the structure is.....RPC chems and chlorine would work wonderfully but again, I cant really tell how much wall space there really is, so I cant toss out an amount of chems, sorry.... but for an easy vinyl good sized house I can get by with x-jetting a total of 10-15 gallons of wash mix which is no more than 2-3 gallons of soap and 2-3 gallons of chlorine (12%)

  12. Do you guys have a minimum for wood care that you would charge? Or the price is whatever it measures out to be? example: lets say you get a call for a really small deck or porch, say 10x10 or 100 sq ft, say its low and there are not much in the way of railings or steps, say for the purpose of this question, and easy math, you charge $2.00 a sq ft.....are you making two trips (3 counting the estimate) for $200.00 ? I dont think I could do that....not really worth the time, or is it, or do you have a $400 or $500 minimum for all wood restoration...???

  13. Cliff, that is a sweet setup.....like beth said, thats a lot of wood to cover and the elevations will be a pain....there are a lot of folks here that can give you a ton of advice, but let me just say this, "if you do this on your own, PLEASE dont put Behr on it" its too nice for that".....then again, an old nasty piece of rotting fence is too nice for that stuff... :)

  14. I would like to know what to use for this as well. I haven't cleaned any stone yet but I want to know how before I do one of these jobs. Will the standard house wash using Citracleen work for this?



    yup, it works fine......they've always come out great for me, like Shane said, its usually just mildew, crud and splashed up dirt....

  15. I've heard that as well from more customers than I could ever count.

    As for cleaning the gutters effeciently, I've said this before, but I think spraying on the chem is a wasted step, and you end up wasting much more chem.

    The best procedure that I've found, is to fill a 5g bucket with maybe 1" of gutter cleaner at the bottom (depending on how much gutter there is to be cleaned), dip the brush head into the bucket just to coat the brush, brush the chem on (scrub lightly if needed) and then rinse it off.

    Also, if you are cleaning the exterior, and then going back and cleaning the gutters, you're wasting extra time. The best way (in my opinion) apply your house wash to a managable section of the house, rinse the shrubs, windows or anything else of concern, brush your gutter cleaner on, then rinse everything from the top down. This procedure doesn't add hardly any extra time to a house wash. Of course my 15 minute estimated time was just that, an estimate, all depends on the size of the house and how much gutter there is, and how accesable the gutters are. Hope this helps.

    Lance, do you find the gutters clean just as well after you apply your housewash mix even though the gutters are now wet?
